General Strategies
Amazon Strategies
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Amazon Strategies
This strat is for DUELING only.Here are the skills for a level 82 Amazon: Guided Arrow - 20, Avoid - 20, Evade - 20, Dodge - 20, Critical strike - 5, Pierce - 10. After put your points in Critical Strike. Your stats should be for a level 82: Strength - 73, Dex - 103, Vitality - 314, Energy - 10
For your weapon, use a rune bow, preferably a Dart with a RUBY or Saphire in it. Use a +2 to Amazon skill amulet that is Prismatic. Use rings that have high Life and Mana leech that are Prismatic. Your boots should have high resists and faster running. Your belt and gloves should be Deaths for the resists. Your Helmet should be a Biggins Bonnet, for the Increased Damage.If you have that stuff, then you will own in duels! =) |
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Here is how you build a lean, mean, cow killing bowazon! (Classic mode, folks.) It's a pity to think that people neglect so often the wonders of a little skill called FREEZING ARROW. Now, With maxed freezing arrow and pierce around 5, I can accomplish 768 damage with a bow with a petty maximum damage of 100. Not bad, right? Using some nice min rings, I can get a minimum of 495. This is not bad, considering the fact that you will ias the CRAP out of your zon, which is a mistake NOT TO DO. Get a nice bow, preferably a rune bow with a nice max damage, some leeching(dual, but mana is always more important with a zon), some + skills, some ias(20 is key). Twitch is overdone, but VERY effective, with 20 ias as it's best asset. If you're poor (like me), go and get yourself either a deathsash and a pair of deathgloves to get the 30 ias and other benefits, or try a sig helm and sig belt plus a goldwrap belt to get an easy, inexpensive 40 ias. You'll want a bunch of mana leech when you use freezing arrows because they tend to suck up your mana a LOT... I recommend pairing a 7 manalds and an ammy with mana leech (mine also has min damage and zon skills on it. Nice find, right?) You'll want to set guided (which is MAXED) onto your left click and freezing onto your right click. Now, the cowing begins! You've got 80 ias, and you're ready to kick some cow ass. (HINT: Make friends with a stacker or fana pally. You'll kill cows as fast as corpse-exploding necros can.) Remember that multi is good as well- but ONLY good with a good bow! Just remember that freezing arrow tears stuff up, whether you bow sucks or rocks! So I recommend keeping multi at around 12 for when you save up and buy yourself a nock. HAPPY COWING!
Jedelia, Level 82 Bowazon... and growing (CLASSIC, not LoD... ^_~ You know where it's at!) |
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Hi everyone!! Before I continue, I'd just like to say I play single-player, but my guide is still useful. I have been reading every strategy here, so I have awesome knowledge of the Amazon from experience and these strategies (thank you all, I love them). I know you guys say that the jabazon/spearazon, whatever, really, really sucks!! I read these jabazon strategies and I decided that I should try one out for myself, I love it!! It actually keeps my attention.It's something new to try and it works well if you don't mind losing a little bit of HP, but still, these girls are killers!! So, just bare with the zon for a while, it gets much better in the higher levels!!! I have found that investing skill points in these skills are really good: Jab-7-8 points, Critical Strike-8-MAX, Dodge-12(no more, no less), Slow Missiles-4(Yes, that little of points), Avoid-1-2(while playing spearazon, not much use for it), Evade-4-12 points(need this once in a great while), Penetrate-MAX(The attack rating still goes to the spear weapon, wonderful for this class), Decoy-4-5(need it for High Normal, Nightmare and Hell difficulties, very, very useful), Valkyrie-7-10(just in case), Fend-MAX, Lightning Strike or Lightning Fury(depending on your preferences)-MAX, Plague Javelin-2(just in case), and ofcourse, the pre-reqs. Thats basically it for skills. Since I play single-player, I don't get the best of equipment, so I can't give you an accurate list of equipment. For your attributes, dump most of your points into strength and dexterity early on, with some vitality, and a tiny bit of energy in act 2. You'll need it for "jabbing" and everything else. You need vitality, so you can "take a beating" whenever it occurs. Get you strength to about 110 and deterity to about 250, then start pumping a little in energy and a good amount into vitality. That'll be pretty good! For equipment, really, all I can say is get the best you can with good mana/life leech. I hopefully will be hookin' the internet up to my other computer soon, so see you on battle.net on U.S. East.
Rage_Servant (legit) lvl. 99-Bowazon, Death_Point (legit) lvl.6(at the moment)-Spear/Jabazon, Spirit_Cease (legit) lvl. 54-Mix-Mancer, Wild_Tiger (legit) lvl.46-Mix-Assassin, Annie (bet your gettin tired of reading,lol) (legit) lvl. 35-Tri-Sorc, Saito_Point (legit) lvl. 93-Spear/Jabazon |
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A hybrid is a bowazon and a javazon in 1. U want 2 max multi, guided and lightening fury. 15 into Valk and max piercing. U want 2 use titans and breza/windforce. Wind force is pretty hard 2 get. get shako, lidless wall, thunder gods and whatever gloves, boots and armour u can find
Level 99 hybrid (East) |
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at present time i have a lvl 63 bowazon and it kicks. i can beat hell by myself and have a normal damage of 1000-1500 not including the dobling damage skills etc. i have to say don't use a javazons because they suck.
skills: guided arrow- crank it (awsoem for small groups of guys and bosses). multi shot-best choice for your normal everyday croud control and is way better the strafe. valk- put a few points in becasue a good decoy. avoid/dodge etc-put at least 5 points into each becasue they are good to escape melee attacks and such. critical strike-if u have the points try to crank it becasue it maked cows die like flys.
attribute points- 200-300 dex, 100-125 srt, 50 life (maybe) unless life leech, 25 mana (maybe) unless mana leech.
Bowazons rule!!!!!!! w/ *slayer_mack lvl 63 bowazon |
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Listen up, Bow zon is the way 2 go. Java zon's best weapon are the titans and they don't measure up to, say a Windforce. To start fight with your starting equipment until u lvl up a bit and get toghether enough gold to buy some good stuff. Dicth the javelin and buckler! Make sure you pick up belts and stuff while you are fighting at this stage u can always sell em in town or drop em if you find something better. Just keep looking for a better bow in town and when monsters drop. Eventually (and this works better if you have a generous friend or a high level character who can do cows) You'll want to get a socketed bow/crossbow (more sockets is better) and put gems (preferably perfect) in it. If you're feeling patient put some perfect emeralds in it. I had a 4 socketed repeater crossbow with 2 Tal runes and 2 Perfect emeralds in it and that gave me around 300 poison damage over 6 or so seconds. Now with this weapon I defeated Duriel (in a party), Mephisto (party again) and Diablo (I did get killed a few times though, make sure to drop a tp before fighting). The only downside is the slow effect time so HIT AND RUN!!!!! If I were to do it again I would've put a saphire in it to slow down my enemies while I make my get-away. Once you get to lvl33 get a Koko Shako. This bow is the king of low lvl bows! Stick with it til you find something better. My choice was a Buriza, but now im looking for a eagle horn, windforce or M'avina's set (If you have one whisper me). As for armour I have Grizwalds which really is overkill for a zon unless you plan to do a lot of dueling. Also Zons need resistances like any other character but the big one is COLD RESISTANCE. Not too many monsters have cold attacks, but if you don't have enough resistance you are dead when you come up against the ones that do (damn you Izual!). You do not want these (usually big) freaks negating your advantage as a bow zon, that of long range hitting power. As for skills Guided arrow MAX IT! MAX multiple arrow. Put some pts into freezing arrow this helps against big stuff. and DON'T put more than 2 pts into Valkyrie. Put lots into dodge and evade and some into penetrate if yu don't already have a piercing attack.
captain_krom lvl 63 Zon (maniac with bow) lvl 19 barb (maniac with AXE) lvl 1 pally (maniac with bag, hes my mule) |
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Listen up, Bow zon is the way 2 go. Java zon's best weapon are the titans and they don't measure up to, say a Windforce. To start fight with your starting equipment until u lvl up a bit and get toghether enough gold to buy some good stuff. Dicth the javelin and buckler! Make sure you pick up belts and stuff while you are fighting at this stage u can always sell em in town or drop em if you find something better. Just keep looking for a better bow in town and when monsters drop. Eventually (and this works better if you have a generous friend or a high level character who can do cows) You'll want to get a socketed bow/crossbow (more sockets is better) and put gems (preferably perfect) in it. If you're feeling patient put some perfect emeralds in it. I had a 4 socketed repeater crossbow with 2 Tal runes and 2 Perfect emeralds in it and that gave me around 300 poison damage over 6 or so seconds. Now with this weapon I defeated Duriel (in a party), Mephisto (party again) and Diablo (I did get killed a few times though, make sure to drop a tp before fighting). The only downside is the slow effect time so HIT AND RUN!!!!! If I were to do it again I would've put a saphire in it to slow down my enemies while I make my get-away. Once you get to lvl33 get a Koko Shako. This bow is the king of low lvl bows! Stick with it til you find something better. My choice was a Buriza, but now im looking for a eagle horn, windforce or M'avina's set (If you have one whisper me). As for armour I have Grizwalds which really is overkill for a zon unless you plan to do a lot of dueling. Also Zons need resistances like any other character but the big one is COLD RESISTANCE. Not too many monsters have cold attacks, but if you don't have enough resistance you are dead when you come up against the ones that do (damn you Izual!). You do not want these (usually big) freaks negating your advantage as a bow zon, that of long range hitting power. As for skills Guided arrow MAX IT! MAX multiple arrow. Put some pts into freezing arrow this helps against big stuff. and DON'T put more than 2 pts into Valkyrie. Put lots into dodge and evade and some into penetrate if yu don't already have a piercing attack.
captain_krom lvl 63 Zon (maniac with bow) lvl 19 barb (maniac with AXE) lvl 1 pally (maniac with bag, hes my mule) |
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Ok if you want to make a good bowzon for dueling//rushing///cowing this is what you do. Stats 135 strength or however much you need for windforce at least 200 dexterity maybe 225 spend only 10 points in energy to get some mana for leech spend the rest or your stat points in vitality for good life SKILLS max guided max multiple thats all for bow put 10-15 points in valkryie bout 10 in critical strke and max avoid dodge and as much of evade as you can spend leftovers in pierce Stuff to use: windforce 8% with 40///15 in it p gaze with 40//15 in it or a 45///120 helm use 160////60 armor razortail p maras 2 bk rings or c-grips for gloves use crafted 20ias kb 3 ml gloves and now your zon will be hell of alot better then many other zons |
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my bowazon strategy is the following...
+Weapon use a Buriza, socket it, add a 35-40% ed jewel.
+Armor use Shaft Stop, socket it, add a 35-40% ed jewel.
+Helm use Vamp Gaze, socket it, add 15-20% ias jewel.
+Boots use Water Walk.
+Gloves use Venom Grip or Lava Gouts.
+Belt use String of Ears.
+Rings use Raven Frost and a High Life Leech ring.
+Ammy use Maras.
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this is advice on beating the hardest boss in the game, duriel. what u do is get into his chamber then tp out. go buy a merc, then go back. u always got to cast a tp right when u get in there for an escape. anyway, hit him with ice arrow while ur merc dies then hit him with guided arrow a couple of times then head back to town. repeat this for as long as nesecary. it takes a while but its worth it. :)
Vakrie, level 26 bowazon |
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Ok for a kick ass pvp bowzon heres wat to do. u should max out guided arrow,and critical strike.have 10 points into multishot,dodge,avoid,and evade.Put 1 or 2 points into freezing arrow. and for the rest of ur points put into slow missles.instead of gettin up peirce get a ballista or a razortails because they have peircing attack. if you decide to get a ballista get 4 soc armor and put 15% ias jewels into it.get the cats eye ammy and 20 ias gloves. and if u can get a mavs helm or a valkri wing and put a 15 ias jewl into it.for ur ballista either put a shael rune or 40 enhanced damage jewel to it. for ur stats have 250-300 dex.about 110 strenth no mana and about have the rest into life.
Mysical_ToadII lvl 84 amazon |
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Ok for a zon u should make a hybrid ofjava and bow. the only java skill u need is lightning fury for cows. for bow skills get multishot to lvl 10 or so. max critical strike and guided arrow put a skil into freezing arrow. te rest of ur skils put into dodge and avoid. get buriza valkrie wing and alot of ias and u cant loose.
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Ok. I have to say something. I found out one thing from reading all the strategies of building a amazon, THEY ARE ALL NOOBS. If you play on battle net you certainly know what a noob is. All the strategies I have seen are from little level 40 and little 30 amazons. I am gonna tell you how to build a real dueling zon.
Lets start off with the stats points. NO ENERGY. NO ENERGY. There are two types of zons(DEXazon or VITALizon). Dexazon are zons who put most of skills in dexterity cause they want tons of damage. Vitalizon are zons who put most of their skills in life. If you choose to be a dexazon put points in strength so that you can wear all your gear. Put 4 in dex and 1 in vital every time you level and you should be fine. If you choose to be a vitalizon put 3 in vital and 2 in dex every time you level.
Time for skills. Listen very closely please. GUIDED ARROWS IS THE BEST SKILL A ZON SHOULD LEARN. Look at this list and see what skills you should learn and how many points your should put in them. Oh yeah, and do all the quest that give skills as a reward. The quest are: Akara and the Den of evil, Radement and The Sewers, and kill Izual in the Plains of Despair. You can get 12 extra points from these quest.( 4 in normal mode, 4 in nightmare mode, 4 in hell mode). (1) GUIDED ARROW- 20 (2) CRITICAL STRIKE- 20 (3) EVADE- 15 (4) AVOID- 15 (5) PEIRCE- 10 ONLY (6) VALKERIE AND SLOW MISSILE-1 (7) MULTI (NOT STRAFE!!!)- 7-8.
Now to the most important thing about a zon, the gear. 1st get Death's gloves and Death's sash. Reason: 20% increase attack speed, +15 to all resistance, 8% leech life 2nd get yourself a Twitch. Twitch is like the thing every zon MUST HAVE. You will suck without it! Twitch is accompanied by 20% increase attack speed, 20% increased chance of blocking, +15 dex (more dmg for your), 15 strength, and +15 to defense which in my opinion is useless. Ok, we got your plate, gloves and belt down. Now to the helm. Make some trades and get yourself either of these three: Viper Casque, Storm Circlet, or Biggin's Bonnet. The Circlet and Viper have great resist and a good amount of dexterity. Biggins give your overall guided arrow damage a big boost and increases your health. Amulet and rings is up next. Get a rare ammy with at least +1 skills. You also can get Eye of Etlich which has leech life and cold damage along with +1 all skills. Now for the most important thing a zon should have, a bow.( DUH) Get a bow over 120 dmg with some elemental damage, leech, and increase attack speed. Use the socked trick to sock the bow and put either a perfect ruby or perfect skull. If you don't know the socked trick its only a few clicks away. This useful site has the trick step by step. Just click Horodric Cube at the top.^
Follow my strategy and your will destroy every race, barb, sorc, necro, and pally. If you want to duel me whisper me at "LSD_Clanleader" level 84 (NOT LEVEL 40 OR 30!!!!) |
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I am Gonna Teach u how to be a pk zon or a mf zon. First things first, if ur gonna mf, DUN PK! the equipment u should have for mf zon is a buriza with a backup of a langer(40%or above is good,mine is 60), mf ammy(around35%),Shako3socket(around 120% estimate topazed), griz armor or black hade with 3p topaz(or any 3socket or above armor around 72%)goldwrap(30%)chanceguard(30-40%), 2 perfect nagels is easy enough(40%) and some mf boots(mines are 39% beleive it or not)that should get u a good 436% mf.If u stil want more, try to stalk up as much 7% mf sc as u can(not hard to get from trading for 2sojs each)
NOW FOR THE PK ZON!!!! Pking is all abt damage and avoiding so u should max out on guided,avoid,dodge,evade and multiple. FOR stats around 180str(I have 194 with items)240 dex(I have 255)around 1000 life(I have 1487) and forget abt mana! for equipment I have 6socket etheral wf(equiped with 2shaels,1jah and 3ohm), cat's eye ammy, shako, shaftstop or alkaine valor,lavamouth, wartraveler and Tgod.I also hav a bul kathro and raven frost, Stalk up on 100pdsc to 280pdlc charms. The key to dueling is not jus kill but make them die in vain..so I am gonna teach u some stratagy for dueling differ char.BARB- Especially sword barbs u like to take them down from a distance. If they have a lot of life and Def, use the hit and run strat. it would be good to have slow target or cold damge to slow them down. SORCS-they are the hardest of all. They are krazy abt orb,ts and teleport, so its good to have raven. they tend to ts u out so have alot of life and decoys to even out the chance of being hit.PALLY- They are suck ass fuckers so jus shoot the shit out of them. NECROS- If they raise a lot of ppl use use multiple and shoot the shit out
of them too while they are figuring out wats goin on. ZONS- Raise Decoys to avoid being hit, and jus get into the range where u
can hit them jus good. ASNS- if they are a trapper stay away and shoot. if they go melee jus SHOOT LYKE SHIT!! DRUIDS- Run away and make them follow u, then shoot them 1-2 arrow at a time jus to make sure they dun get to u.
I hope u enjoy this info.. my 2 zons ar jus lyke that and They ar kicking ass..my mf zon found 6wf,3valors and around 50sojs. My PK zon does around 7k damage(believe it or not because I have a shitload of poison charms)
account-HK_HONGERS mf zon-HK_ZONGER(lvl86), PK zon-HK_ZONGERS(lvl97) |
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This is a new stratagy for a dueling bowzon. i havent tried it yet but i think it will work.for skillz max guided arrow and critical strike. put about 15 into evade dodge and avoid.for the rest of your skillz work up slow missles. for stats have just enough strenth u need . plenty of dex. about 900 life and no mana. and have plenty of enhanced damage or ias.this is a list of items u should use.
Bow:Ballista /w ias jewel, Armor: shaftstop or mavinas, Belt: string of ears, Boots anything with faster walk/run, Gloves:lavagout or hellmouth, Helm:Valk wing, vampire gaze,or mavs., Ring: get a 7% manald ring and a ravenfrost, Amy :cats eye. , |
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Simple n' easy. Max out Guided-Arrow, its the best by FAR. Your gonna want 300+ dex and no more than 35 mana(Thats what the Vamp Gaze, Tals Mask and Manald Ring is for!) Your gonna want ur strength around 100-110 so ya can wear that kickass armor of your choice. heh. Now for life. Your gonna want your life at around 800+ If not, your gonna get taken down in 1 hit by another zon...not good. These stats are just ones I advise. Totally up to you for what you choose! Right now this is what I use:Tals Mask, EagleHorn(Crusader Bow), IK Boots, Cats Eye Ammy, Manald/Raven Frost Ring, And Lava Gout Gloves.
I play in the USWest Realm. I'm currently a lvl 86 zon, i'm gonna start a new dueling one soon! Account name: mkluh357 |
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Reading some of the other post u all dont know anything. To the guy who said he has the best zon, duel some real people. OK anyway i ahev a lvl 95 bowazon. I use Windforce, Silecne hydra, nad Cruel Matrichial. NEVER GET A BURIZA. its so slow. If u cna afford it get my equip. Bow= WF, Cruels, Silence for dueling Sorcs Helm=.08 gaze with Ber Rune Armor=160/60 with life Boots=Waterwalks Gloves=+2 passive Knockback and 20ias, belt razortail, rings corruption grip and raven frost. MAX GUIDED ARROW, AVOID, 15 in Multi Shot, 10 in peirce, 10 in critical strike, get 1000 life 300dex, enuf str to use ur items, make a valk and have points in penetrate dodge and evade too. |
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i have a kick ass dueling zon, what i use is, wf, vampgaze, maras, shaftstop, waterwalk, i forgot the gloves, viper whorl ring, and ravenfrost ring. i have everything but 8 spaces in my inventory filled with speed charms, i am friggin fast. i maxed ga, multi, valk, and put a few in all of the block skills, i suck with sorces though. that is the one down fall to bowazons. but if u can get all this stuff, U WILL BE GOOD!!!!!
lvl 79 *lordage |
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hey i got a lvl 91 jav zon. Its a good idea when having a jav zon to max out valk(for cow games) it keeps the cows attacking the valk while you use lightning fury on them. im not the best person in the world at d2, but this seems to work for me so you can take my advie or just blow it off. |
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This is a MF bowazon strategy. First thing is stats. You need 100 in str(war traves will make up the difference).265 in dex.The rest in Vit.None in energy.Gear- Helm - Shako or P-Steal Skull Ammy - 40 or better(Viper Torc is my favorite) Armor - P-topazed Skullders Gloves- ChanceGaurds Rings - Beast Whorl or Circle Belt - Gold Wrap(u can use Tals but GW is more mf) Weapon - High % Buriza Boots - War Traves.Skills-Max Guided Arrow and Critical Strike. 15 in all Dodge Skills. 1 in Decoy. Rest in Multishot. This should work for you just as well as it has for me. I've found many things with her and she only dies occationaly like from lag.
BigDhunter-lvl 87 |
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Javazon: Max out fiend and lightningfury. 5pts in critical strike, dodge, avoid and only 2pts into evade. valkyre 12pts, pierce is up to you (I thinks its better to have pierceing stuff like razortail). The stats then 150-200 str, 200-300 dex, 100 vit, 35-50 energy.
But if you want to do this you must do some quests to, like den of evil and lam esen's tome.
Bowazon: Max out guided arrow and Freezing arrow. put 5pts in critical strike, dodge, avoid and 1pt in evade. valkyre 12pts, insted of wasting pts into pierce use balista, 5pts in multipli arrow becurs its not so good that many says, 5pts in strafe and 18pts in immolation arrow (if you meet imune to cold or damage enemys). Stats 100-170 str, 250-300 dex, 100 vit, 35-50 energy.
If you want to do this one you must do all skillawarded quests and lam esen's tome.
Ice_shooter(lvl 69 bowazon), Frost_fighter(lvl 30 barb), Ice_mind(lvl 45 sorc), Ice_storm(lvl 23 druid), Shadow_warrior(lvl 29 asn), Sword_doomer(lvl 26 pally), Terrormage(lvl 31 necro) |
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If you have a mf zon, it is highly recommended to get the bowazon. What you want is Ptopazed Skullders and Ptopazed Shako. that will give MUCH mf to your zon. For your weapon, get the most sockets you can in buriza over 185% ed, eaglehorn, or/and windforce pretty much any %. What you put in those are Ist rune for mf, 40 ed/15 ias jewel for damage, and Ohm Rune for damage. Anything else that you could possibly put in is Ist rune(s) for mf, and 40 ed/15 ias jewel or Ohm rune for damage. Already, that should be enough mf, but if you want MORE mf, then follow more. As a very big shopping spree, get 46% war travs (boots), blood worl (ring), 31% goldwrap (belt), viper torc (amulet), 32% ring (forgot name) (ring), either 35% chance guards (gloves) or gloves with kb (knockback) and 15% ias for 4 sojs unless it has skill additions therefore add 1 soj. If you want about 170% more mf, fill your inventory with 1 100 psn dmg small charm, 2 175 psn dmg large charms, 28 6% smfcs, 1 tome of town portal (most likely filled) just incase, and a horadric cube to pick up the items you find. if you want to have more space, and lose 36% mf, take out 8 smfcs that are all next to eachother going vertical so u have more space, but make sure to keep the tps in there. now when you have all that equipment set up, go do meph and pindy runs on your high levels. With that guide you are exactly equal to MY mf zon's inventory, although this sounds crazy, I found about 5 wf's and 2 arreats with this amazon, probably just luck. I hope you enjoy this guide and hopefully find all the uniques I find with mine. Good luck and happy mfing!
-Josef acct name: Pimpjuice1230 |
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Heres a good bowazon stratagy. For the skills, dont put any into strafe or any fire arrows, max out multi, guided, 10 into freezing, for passive about 15 into valk they save u sometimes and are a distraction to strong bad guys , try to max out the attack rating skill and put the rest into piercing and critical. for stats put about 130 strength, 250 into dex and 175 into vitality NO ENERGY!!!! for items rght now i wear buriza , mavinas armor gloves and belt, i wear tals helm good leach and war travs, 2 sojs and a maras.
Dittle lvl71 bowazon |
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Sup guys. Lets just get right to the point. To build a great pvp bowazon you need to have 300+ dex (I have 315). Don't push it higher that 400. Thats just crazy. Strenght should be like around 100-110 ( mine is 110). You need to have at least 850-900 life because u gota take those Thuderstorm and Orb combos by those blasted Sorc ( Im currently boosting up my life. lol). And last, pretend energy doesn't even exist. DO NOT PUT POINTS IN ENERGY!!( mine is 18) Manald ring will do the job. Now to the skills. My Bowazon has Guided Arrow Maxed (If u don't ur crazy), 6 in multi (u dont need that much really), 15 in each Avoid, Evade, and Dodge ( with this no one can touch you), 1 in Valk (lol. I don't know why i have one), 1 in freezng arrow (for cows), 12 pierce, 10 critical strike, and 10 penatrate. You dont have to copy my exact munbers, but with these you can take out almost any race. Now for the Gear. My Bowazon has: Helm: Socketed Emerald Helm (3), Rings: 7% Manald and 7% Cathan's for dueling. I also have a 15+ dex ring incase I need more damage to finish off my victums. Belt: Death's Sash (set) With this I can't be frozen. Hahah Orbs are useless against me!! Gloves: Rare with +dex and other mods. And I use clegs if a pker nakeds me. Boots: Vidalas. 30% increased speed. Good for outrunning thoses lancer barbs. Plate: Twitch. Increase Speed Action. Bow: Wrath Stinger- 117 dmg with 21 poison dmg for 5 sec. Pretty good bow. My guided arrow does 700+ dmg. My gear gets the job done. I don't die a lot in dueling games. Maybe like 2 a game. Now Im going to tell you how to kill any race you face. BARB: Lancer Barbs are the ones to worry about. Especially thoses fast ones with 10 points in the increase speed skill. The best way to kill them is to shoot and run, shoot and run, shoot and run. Its more like Bi*ch slap and run but if you do this thoses Lancer will go down sooner or later. Oh yeah.Make sure ur bow does some cold damage to slow the barbs down. That way you can get ahead of them, and while they catch up, u'll be shooting ur guided arrows at them. Haha. PALLYS: These guys suck. Just keep shooting them till they die. Their too busy doing their pu*sy auras to do real damage. Sorcs: 1st thing is- U need high life to survive thoses thuderstorms and orbs. Also kill them from a distance by useing the "hold down shift while shooting" strategy. If they reach you with those teleport, and I know that they will (have an 80 sorc), fire ur multi arrows. Sorc are probly the toughest race to duel. AMAZONS: Summon your valks and decoy. These will be like ur walls. Hide behind them and shoot. When you see arrows coming at you quickly hide behing them. Another way is to go shot 4 shot. Find her on ur map and quickly kill her/him b4 her/him kills you. Simple as that. NECROS: LOL. I don't think necros duel but, just find them and shoot the living crap out of them. It will only take like 5 arrows if they don't have high life. LOL.
LSD_Clanleader |
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If you're thinking of making a magic find character, I'd suggest the Bow-Zon. By the time your're magic finding I'd assume, you have some things for trade (Most of this post has to do with B.net), so you could get the basics, like a buriza. But also, you should get a teleport amulet. It makes it so easy to go on Mephisto runs, where you can skip all of the enemies on the sides, including the council members and unique council members which could swarm you, by just teleporting right to the circle in front of meph. You can even stand here and switch ammys, like I switch to my MF ammy, and meph doesnt even attack you! Then move up a little, and blast him with guided arrows. You can stand far enought back where he doesnt approach you, even tho you are shooting arrow after arrow at him! Make sure you have plent of Magic Find on you. The ideal thing to do if you dont have much to trade for good things is this: Griswalds Armor, w/ perfect topaz (72% MF) Some 3 socketed helm easily found in hell cows w/ 3 topaz (72% MF) Chance guards gloves (Around 30-35 MF) some MF boots, easily traded for (20-25% MF) and some MF rings and MFammy. This should provide around 200% MF w/o really trading for much. If you want the ultimate MF char, then get nothing but the best. Skullders Ire armor (100% MF) Unique Shako, Perf nagels rings, perf MF ammy, War Travs boots, and perf chance guard gloves. Then stock up on 7% MF small charms (usually bought for 2 sojs each). I also equip. my self with a perfect MF langer (Xbow) which I switch to when I see that meph is running low on life in my MF runs. It provides an extra 60% MF, which is very useful.
-/w *Primalkill[dow] lvl 81 MF BowaZon |
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Well first I think that u should both be a bowazon and a javazon. Well first put 10 to multiple max out pierce(if needed) max out guided arrow and put 14 to valkyrie. 2 to dodge 3 to avoid then 2 to evade and then after ur done max out lightning fury( dont need too) and then after that u should be like what around a really hight level but i didnt work much on javalen skills i just use it just in case i cant find arrows and crap. And if u need help or questions my account is:
Account: *Safrioth |
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i have a lvl 86 amazon in U.S. east, and she is 1 of, if not the best zon in us east. i use buriza with 245% ed and 15% ias, i wear grizwalds ornate plate with 3 ist runes in it, tal rashs helm witha 10% ias jewel in it, razortail belt because it gives a 30% chance of piercing attack so u dont need to dump alot into pierce and it also does alot of ed mods, i wear an soj on 1 hand and bull cathos on the other for the 2 + to skills, and i wear waterwalk boots for the speed and resistances, and the deciple gloves and ammy, for the 1 + to skills{ammy} and the 20% ias {boots}, when i started i saved all my points and used a javilin or a spear because they do more dmg, and u can use a shield with them. at about lvl 25 i found a good bo3w that i used, by then i had about 5 in guided and some other skills, when u get to leverl 30 start to max out guided and freezing arrow, all i use in hell cows is freezing arrow and they cant move. after they r maxed out, dump the rest in passive skills. kill alot of kows to lvl and dump all the stat points u get into dex and strength and health, here is the rule i followed till i was lvl 70. 1 in strength, 3 in dex, and 1 in health. but u can follow ur own pattern.
LIL_asskicker lvl 89 zon in us east |
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Ive been reading some of the stratagies involved in using the bowzon, and i agree with most of it, but there is one thing that most people have over looked, which is multishot, now there nothing better than a good spread of arrows to get the low level creatures out of the way so you can get to the summoning monsters, i only have only just got past durial in nightmare, and belive me when i say the valkryie saved my behind. he got very distracted when she turned up, i got a little jelous due to the lack of attention he was paying me so i shot him with guided arrow, now if you have penetrate up to a good level, then the arrows go back and forth quite happly hitting him several times with the same arrow. in hell i know how hard it can be due to the immunitys the monsters have so i have decided to concentate on the elemental side of things. immune to physical is a real pain(ask me barbarian) . ice and fire compined with skystrike bow whick i picked up early on (how lucky am i) means i have all 3 covered. so as lond as there no immune to every thing i should be ok. happy hunting out there, soz all you javzons but i leave that to my bitch i pick up in level 2, lol.
lv 32 Vella-Torak Amazon |
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javazons- not very good at anything, (maybe cow games) but have alot of extra skill points for things. alls u max out is lightning fury and if u want valkyrie and there is nothing else u need. i would recomment the passiva dodge skills, are very effective when maxed out (85% chance to dodge) Javazons cant be very strong because the best weapon for them is titans which arent very strong compared to a bowzons weapon |
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Bowzons are probably the best pkers there are. max out guided and freezing arrow, as well as pierce. and do about 12-15 multi shot. put about 10 in valkyrie and like 5 to slow missiles (excellent for pking!!!) bowzons are my recommendation for a character type. |
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During low levels 1-24 a good weapon for a bowazon is a 3 socketed Bow with 2 Emeralds and 1 Saphire (any quality, obviously the better the better). This is a nice combo as it poisons the enemy and slows them down to take the poison damage and you never get close. |
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Amazons are good pkers. I wont go into much detail.
MAX dogde, MAX Avoid, MAX Evade, 1-3 in pierce and critical strike (items should do the rest), 1 in valk (items should give the rest)
15 in multiple, MAX guided
Magical_tom |
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I'm a 31th level jabazon and i admit bowazons own my ass but bowazons are cheap... most my freinds are bowazons who can take out diablo in hell with the first bow they got in the game.
my startegy is get a nice 6 socketed spear class thingy put in 3 perfect emeralds 1 perfect amythest and 2 perfect topazs. put your skills in fiend and lightning bolt. with this and a bunmch of potions i can level the cows. you gotta love the 80th level barbs who can kill a cow in 1 hit but miss half the time and are too cocky to carry potioins. i get inbetween the cows and let them have it with a mixture of fiend and lighting bolt it's great watching cows go down, JABAZONS ROCK!!!!
janaque 31st lvl jabazon |
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I have a lvl 93 zon. My guided arrow with a lvl 93 act2 nm offensive merc (might aura) is roughly 1000-5000 not taking into account critical strike. And this is only a 234% buriza, not an eaglehorn or windforce. Since a buriza has pierce, each guided arrow hit is usually 3 hits (pierces, comes back, pierces again, etc). This therefore does 3000-15000 per guided arrow. Add critical strike (just under 70% chance to double the dmg), which means on average 2 out of 3 hits, and it becomes roughly 5000-25000 dmg per guided arrow (assuming 2 of the 3 hits from one guided arrow are doubled (66% critical strike)).
Again, this is with an act 2 nightmare offensive merc (might aura). Without the aura, it drops down to about 3500 max dmg per guided arrow instead of 5000. Oh, and my merc does about 1400-3000 dmg per hit with a cruel giant thresher). However, this is with 234% buriza, a windforce is much faster, etc.
I use multi for crowd control. It's less powerful (but can take out about 20 hell cows in about 4-5 shots). I use freezing arrow for lag control. When bnet is laggy, freezing arrow helps keep the cows and others still. I don't like getting hit by a cow that is half a screen away. My dex is at 400. My gear is gaze, mav armor, mav gloves, mav belt, cow king boots, ravenfrost, +20 dex ring, +26 dex ammy and 234% buriza. Before gaze I had tal's mask. All equipment is high dex and easy to get (except mav's armor and gaze but tal's mask is fine as well and that is easy to get). 234% buriza isn't the easiest but I used to have a 186% and it was ok as well and that's fairly easy to get.
Therefore, get an act2 nm offensive merc if you want more dmg. Get high dex items. Get +dex and +life charms (on the same charm). Use guided, multi and freezing (that's all I use).
Now for valks. Some say they're useless, others say either put 0 points or max it out, etc. Personally, I use a valk and I only put about 6 points in it. It's great for taking the majority of the hits and it can easily be re-cast. I prefer hitting a hotkey and recasting (takes less than 2 seconds), than wasting 14 points by maxing it out. One last thing, since I had points to spare, I put them in pierce. Although a buriza has piercing which saves piercing points, I intend to switch to an eaglehorn or windforce at some point which don't. So I'm just thinking ahead. The only problem I've run into is physically immune crap. Some elemental dmg charms with guided help kill them but they're still very annoying. And no, the cold dmg from freezing arrow dmg isn't high enough, doesn't come back after it pierces and uses up way more mana than guided.
Axel |
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For a good sorc max out frozen orb, thunderstorm,Fire wall and 10 warmth. This is a good combination in nigtmare and hell becurse fire wall does much damage, frozen orb slows down and thunderstorm does damage to all nearby enemys. This is also good when you meet enemys that are imune to cold, fire or lightning.
And then the stats, str 100+(depending on armor and wepon),dex 100+(depending on wepon), vit 150(It will be about 300 HP, you don't need more) and energy 200(It will be about 400 MP). The last pts is up to you. |
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Hi i am a bowazon and i recomend bowmenship. Valkries are a waste just to tell you. Get a burzia balista bow they are the best if u get up there. Try not to do any javalins moves. i have a Arbalst (unique) 20% fast attack rate gloves. 16% faster attack rate armor(507 defence). a soj. a 1 to zon skill ammy. and i got lots of magic find. If ur a dueler get homing maxed Also get freeze and imoltion maxed for things immune to cold or fire.
Talk to me for some free stuff (im on Lord OF destruction)
RUNNOWORDIE (level39) *purestr* /B> |
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Ok first of all, all you people out there who think it is impossible to make a bowazon and a javezon are so rong. All you have to do is save your points as you go along in the game till you get to lvl 30 then pump freezing arrow and strafe for the bowazon and pump lightning fury as a javezon, and if you want put a few into immultion arrow. Its not that hard cuz I have done it in about 5 night of only a few hours of playing and she rocks. Get to act five as fast as you can and bloody run all night long and like me lvl up 12 times in a few hours or like 10 bloody run games, my ZON rocks. You can do it just believe.
(Bow and Javezon) ROGUE-VOID LVL 39
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hey this is a good way to make a mf javazon. for stats get 100 str 330 dex 125 vit and 25 energy. for skills max lightning fury 10 pierce and 10 plague javelin rest up to u. wat i wear belt thundergods vigor for 3 to Lf!. shield get a rhyme shield good mods and 25 mf. armor get a high def. wealth armor 100 mf. boots and ammy get tancreds for 78 mf. helm tarn helm when mfing 30-50 mf and 1 to all skills or 3 socketed p topazed helm or shako. gloves mf or mana steal.. rings 1 nagel and 1 manald. charms get +life and poison damage and mf
this way ull have about 300 mf and if u get ist socket titans add that, ur Lf (lightning fury) would be 23-28, this way ud still rule in cow games, thx for reading hope u try this its my opinion
justin lvl 75 javazon, /w *cow_slayerX |
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you need to make a javazon. they rule. they own cows and are ok duelers. to be a java zon you need titans, and a ok bow. the bow is to kill bosses ro any extra cows, or to duel if u run low on titans. you should max lightning fury and guided arrow. put none on valkyrie. it messes you up when u herd up cows. you need to herd up the the cows so thier in one big group then kill them all in a sec. i use a circley with 2 to zon skills and a ammulet with 7 mana leech and all res. twitchertoe because everuyone says its good.sigons shield because it blcks really well. titans and ik boots with 40% faster run. with ik boots and titans i have 70% faster run and i have 2 small charms with 5% so i have 80% faster run total. to duel u have to make them chase you, then turn around and throw a titan or 2 and make them chase u more. my throw min dmg is close to 1k. very nice. resistances have really been importanti think, and have more dexterity than +all to skills. you need a few in the doges and evades and stuff but not up to 50%, thats about 7 or 10, way to many skills wasted, i think 3 or 4 in each is fine. do nt maxcrtical strike. at the last about 9 lvls it is all 1% more chance. total waste. peirce is pretty good, so your titans can go throw with lightning fury and explode 3 times with i throw. that is cool. javazons are the best chars in the game, nuff' said.
*Frank_Grimes2 uswest
all my chars are johnnybravoman, or something close to that. |
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Ok. I would like to start saying that bowazon is a million times better than a javazon. If you want to go javazon go with the barbarian or paladin. These guys kick a javazon. So bowazon all the way. With the skill tree this can be tricky. There are two paths you have to choose, either immolation and freezing arrow. Or multishot and guided arrow. If you try and do all four skills they will be poorly balanced. Multishot and guided arrow is the way to go as immunities will make freezing and immolation arrow innefective later in hell. I cant believe that people think that strafe is better than multi shot. When multi shot is maxed it fires 21 arrows. 21. Think about that. Who cares about 10 hits. 21 arrows will kill a lot of enemies very quickly. And people who say put skills in magic arrow are crazy. When you have level 20 guided arrow you will never touch magic arrow again in your life. Your aim will be to get a windforce (best bow in the game), or a bariza ( best crossbow i the game). Both these bows have 100% chance to pierce. So all those people who say put points in pierce, whats the point if you end up getting a bow with a pierce attack. Both these bows can do nere to a 1000 damage. Now think about this. You have a windforce that does 1000 damage. 10 points in critcal strike that is chance to do double damage ( 10 points is a good chance, anymore points in critical strike and they are points used in effectively). Maxed guided arrow with pierce attack. so your bow does 1000 damage with guided arrow (guided arrow adds just under 100% damage), so now it does 2,000 damage plus critcal strike (chance to do double damage) is 4,000 damage. Then, the arrow will pierce through the enemy (because your bow has piercing attack) and spin around and pierce the enemy again and do another 4,000 damage ( because you fired a guided arrow). So your arrows can go through enemies upto 4 times depending on how close you are to your target when you fired the arrow. That totals at 16,000 damage in one shot. Now all you people who think javazon is better beat that. 16, 000 damage. Plus you have a ranged weapon and these bows ( windforce) have a fast attack speed. Not much will get nere you. To help get you up to this stage you will put points into dodge and avoid. Chance to move out of the way of melee and ranged attacks. That is your equivalent shield or armour. People who say evade is a good skill are wrong. When you do 16,000 damage you wont be running at all, so dont put anything in evade. Max valkyrie as well. While everything is attacking your valkyrie you are picking them all off. What more can an amazon dream of. You dont need decoy because you valkyrie is your decoy. Then your final skill is penetrate. Very effective, i recomend 10 points as this will boost your attack rating a lot, so all of your multiple shots will hit almost every target.
All up your skills include: 20 in multiple shot, 20 in guided arrow, 20 in valkyrie, 10 critical strike, 10 in penetrate, 10 and 10 in dodge and avoid.
10 points in dodge and avoid can vary depending on what you want. I recomend getting around 300 dexterity. Thats right 300 points into dexterity of about the 500 you get all in the game. This high penetrate you will hit everything and have very good defense. Get just enough strenght to use a windforce and a bariza, around 110 ( These requirments can be found on this web site). Then just put the rest into vitality. NOTHING IN MANA . You dont need much vitality as you wont be getting hit much at all. Wear the best armour you can find, gloves, and boots, helms etc. Gloves that give knock-back are extremely effective. Make sure that your amulents give you very good resistances and good manor. An amazon needs good resistances.
As you go through game put points into multiple shot until you can get guided arrow then max this. After you have maxed guided arrow then max multi then get a valkyrie up as soon as possible. In act 1 use a triple socketed hunters bow, act 2 a triple socketed composite bow which will take you to act five. If you are not doing enough damage go back to act 2 blacksmith and get a triple socketed composite bow and put better gems in it. In act 5 when you do one of the quests the mercinary gives you 3 ruines called ral ort tal. Put these into a triple socketed composite bow and this will easily get you to baaal and defeat him with it. Composite bows are the best because they have very fast attack speed. Now you might be thinking how can i do nightmare. To answer this do baal runs where you just keep killing baal in normal. This will give you lots of experience and he will drop rare and majical items. Eventually he will drop an awsome bow such as the "Storm strike". Keep persisting. Your object is to get to the cow levels, preferably hell cows. You will get so much experience and you will get a level 99 amazon in no time. My friend got a level 30 amazon and got rushed to hell cows on the internet. He spent all his time in hell cows and he said he got to level 80 faster than he got to level 30. To get a windforce you can do baal runs in hell or trade one on battle-net.
The amazon is my fav character. Poeple who say she cant do enough damage dont know what they are talking about. If your friends say that amazons such well when you have a level 99 bowazon doing 16,000 damage you will be the one laughing.
Elite_Rouge |
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Aight to make a kick butt dueling bowazon first you have to well probably get rushed through the entire game, leach in hell cows until like level 60 than go like try to level up in earlier difficulties. oh and remeber to save your skills points!!!!! K while I'm on the skill subject here's what to invest into...........WHAT TO MAX IS: critical strike, and guided arrow. Do 14-15 skill points into multi arrow. Penetrate deserves 5 skill points and for avoid, dodge, and evade, you'll wanna get 6 in each of them. Well the rest of your points are up to you.........For stat points My advice is to put 2 into strength 2 into dexterity and 1 into vitality, get a mana leach amy of ring so you won't have to put any points into energy, it's a waste!!!!!! ummm my bowaon's level 5 right now and I'm in nightmere act1, probably tonight I'll get rushed to like hell cows. i had a higher level zon that was pretty crappy so i know what to do, i learned from my mistakes. =\ oh and as far as equipment goes i suggest M'avinas set bow maybe even da hole set or a buriza. string of ears doesnt hurt either. well anyway thats all i can say right now, ill probably go post somethign in the barb section now since i got a level 70 barbariana and he can own some people!
Well this thread of info was brought to yuo by Tony, ACCOUNT NAME: *Sk8a , BOWAZON'S NAME: RapGod, BARBARIAN'S NAME: LigerX |
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I have made a preety good spearzon/javazon.she rocks in nm and can kill cows like nuts. The reson I made her was to prove that spearzons don't suck and i'm right. As not many ppl have spearzons, the stuff for her is pretty cheap. What u need is Lycander's flank,titans(also cheap cos' there are so many of them), good boots(with faster run and possiblily steal like gorefoot). The armour is the hard part as u need a high def and yet increased attack speed on it. i would recomend skin of the flayed one for its life steal and then at lv 85 u can change to and IAS gladiator's bane(i only managed to get 1 with a jo in so i'm still hunting for 1). For gloves u need a rare 20% IAS with + to spear/jav(+2 would be the best Mine is only +1) your should also try to gte mana steal on it but ofcourse, the chances of these spawning on gloves is pretty rare and ppl who have it would most likely be soj crazy and want more than 10 sojs for it. For a helm, u will need valk wing, tals helm or vamp gaze. However, if u get valk wing, u will need to get one of those 7% life steal rings. For the other ring u can use perfect manald heal.(don't use sojs, they will get u killed whn u can't steal enough. for her skills she will need max fend and max lightning fury. Set them on your weapon switch so that it can be easily used. For belts, string of ears or more preferbly, Nosferatu's Coil for its ias. thats all said and have a good time with her.
Fatfool 60 spear/javzon,77 bowzon,78 assasin,59 necro,38 sorc,72 mf sorc,38 barb,69 druid |
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If you wish to create an amazon. You have to decided early if you want to be a bowazon or a javazon. Personally I prefer bowazon's along with the majority of people. So here is the strategy for the bowazon: You start off at lvl 1 and you build yourself putting skills into the bow and crossbow skill tree (don't concentrate on one skill two much right now!) and skill points into passive skill tree. Save up and buy a cheap bow as quickly as possible. As you lvl more and more you will be able to get better items. Go through the game doing the quests, killing the boss's, etc. When you get to about lvl When you get to lvl 30 you should have your entire skill tree filled out with a few points saved up. Now start pumping your skills into the bow tree. Put them in either guided, multi-shot, strafe, or freezing arrow. I probably use guidd and freezing arrow the most. When you get to hell whichever skill you have chosen should be maxed out. Also I believe a very vital skill to have is valkerie. Although most people frown on this I believe it is very important and the reason that I got to my zon's to be such high levels. The valkerie acts as a guard or protection that more or less takes the hits for me while I stand back out of harms way and shoot freezing arrows in there. Freezing arrow freezes most of the guys unless they are immune to cold. When you max out valkerie it has about 4500 life which allows it to take a lot of punishment. Than simply when it gets low resummon it and keep on attacking. When you have valkerie and the bow skills you have chosen maxed out. Either put your skills into critical hit or into either of the evade skills. critical strike will allow you to get a more powerful hit more constantly and evade will prevent you from getting hit a lot. Now just get some good items and go out and kill some cows on hell! and lvl up to lvl99! Good Luck... s:o) |
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JavaZons and BowaZons are both good. Why not mix them together? I have a lv 88 HybridZon, and she kicks arse. she can kill 3/4 of the cow lv while the other 7 people are still runnin' around tryin to get their corpses back. In cow runs I use my titans because, well, they kill faster than and bowazon I've ever seen. please. Please. when you use javelins have your pierce skill at about 70% and --GET THE RAZORTAIL--. I'm sick of seeing sucky javaZons with NO pierce. they suck. and don't tell me bowazons are better than javazons just because they can win in a duel. duh. bowazons have guided shot, the cheapest dueling spell in the game. the only person I've seen escape it is a sorc with teleport. for a hybrid Max out lightning fury, and guided shot, and put some points into multi shot or strafe and the elemental arrows. and of coarse use ur bow or x-bow for bosses. |
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as i found out with my new zon that u shouldent max pirce if u have good weps like the ballista. on my zon i use the balista,natalyas boots, an ammy that does 1 to zon akills, a cap that does 24%mf and 1 to all skills, gloves that do manna steal , rings with life steal and strenth and manna and dex added. i think that like steal and manna steal is very important for a bowazon and java zon. I found it usfull to max guided. dex is very important for azon cause it puts up youre damage on my zon her dex is around 200 and my atake dose about 468-1354 damage with guided arow. put about 10-15 in to multipul shot. at the max for manna u should only put 70 in to it and about 65 for life but put as manny points into dex as u can, only put as mutch strenth as you need to use youre armor and wepons. wisper me if youre on and u wanna know some more and maybe i could hook you up with an bow or crossbow.
lvl 62 bowazon (us west) acount name:DaReaper12(amazonrule) |
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The top bowazon dueler:
MAX:Dodge-good for dueling barbs,incase u dont have enough life do take it
MAX:Avoid-Incase any zons wanna mess with u, piss them off byavoiding ech GA
MAX:Guided Arrow-do i even have too say
MAX-Multi-shot-incase a sorc teleports alot and u cant land a hit with GA on them, use multi-shot to block the whole screen,so no matter what, you'll get her
STATS: Strength:110, for buriza
Vitality:try to get over 200
AMAZON-AGES Level 90 amazon |
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There is no point in adding energy to an amazon, because you get 2 points every level up... Vitality should be maxed out after adding at least 110 stength, and about 250 dexterity. Adding energy justs wastes good points. You will have something around 213 mana by level 99.
Valkyries r usually useless because they die easily and they don't have ranged attacks. You can't choose their equipment. You should max out avoid and ten to the rest of the dodging skills. If u r a bowazon, u should max out guided arrow, becuase you can shoot about 100 guided arrows at level 99. Immolaiton, freezing, or multi should be maxed out as well. The rest of your skills are your choice! |
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I believe that Bowazons and Javazons are both powerful character variants from an Amazon.And supporters from both variant have argued about which being the best.However of all,i think is the hybrid of both variants,the Jawazon.Put together a Bowazon's ignoring target Guided Arrow and a Javazon's mass destruction Lighting Fury you'll get a Amazon who can make quick job out of everything.
For Jawazons,you'll only have to spend 40 skill points on maxing Lightning Fury and Guided Arrow.The rest and be put in skills of your choice.Critical Strike,Valkyrie,Penetrate and Pierce all have to be learnt but not compulsory to be maxed.Just get Valkyrie lvl 15 and above and the 3 passive skills with bonus above 50%.
Jawazons are easy to make not only because of the having to max 2 skills,but also because the equipment used is flexible and still effective.A Jawazon's equipment can vary from cheap to expensive.You have to hold a javelin in one side of the weapon inventory and a bow on the other.TITAN'S REVENGE is the MUST use javelin since it's only good unique javelin.For a cheap bow,MAVINA,LYCANDERS,MBOW or BURIZA make cheap and destructive weapons.If u can afford,preferably a WINDFORCE or EAGLEHORN.I prefer using BURIZA since it is cheap and as powerful as a WINDFORCE.It's only setback,speed,it's not affecting the Jawazon as the bow nature of a Jawazon is to take on single enemies or unique monsters.For leeching wise,you could choose using a helm or glove to fufil all your leeching needs,leaving you more options for better and useful items.HANDS OF BROCS,TAL RASHA'S MASK,STEALSKULL,VAMPIRE GAZE are excellant choices.The rest of equipment,try to use items that can add to your skill lvl.Belts and Boots don't give +skill benefits so,for those,find items that increase walk/run speed or give increase attack speed.My lvl 82 Jawazon,CowHuNtResS,in bnet asia3 is very good in both pk and cowing.I used to use SIGON GUARDS as it had good chance to block and it added to skill.I recently upgraded it to LIDLESS GRIM SHIELD since it both added to skill,had a high defence and other benefits.
CowHuNtResS Asia3@bnet /w *cowforce |
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Okay the most rewarding zon i have ever created is my lvl 15 dueling zon...equiptment you should get: -Arctic mitts, -Arctic Horn, -Arctic Binding, -Nokozan Relic, -Angelic Halo, -Cathan's seal
Okay first start out by compleating the den of evil quest its easy if u just stick 2 being with a javlin and the throw skill. Start investing your skillz into critical strike you should put about (8) skill points in it or about 50%.Put (4) skill points into Doge and Avoid invests your your strength untill it gets = (40) raise your dex so it will = (65) you will only need (30) vit and (15) energy
- equipt the nessary eqiptment i listed earlyer.... you can use any help your want along as it has nice dex bonus's or hit revovery.....ilike the hitrecover better
I find this layout very nice because they arctic set will pretty mush take care of your cold restance and the Nokozan will protect you from fire. The angelic will replinish life make your total hp around 200. You won't need mana because your regular attack will do about 50-100 dmg & it will be fast. Also if u get tired of killing people you can do some magic find runs, because the Arctic set will provide you with 40% mf....pretty nice for a low lvl.
If u want 2 get really fancy or mean you can stock your bow with the Eth rune that will lower your targets defence. But remember don't excide lvl 16 because your will have 2 get new equiptment 2 keep up with the duelers life!
*artamuss |
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all i have to say about this is get to hell cows as soon as possible i started a bowazon and in 48 hows i was in hell cows.......how u ask LEACHING i know it isnt the best way to way but it is the fastest i was in hell cows at lvl 33 and in another 5hrs and i am what i am now a lvl 73 zon who would kick a$$ if i had some decent stuff anymore
whisp Rebel_0102 |
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To start of with i have a level 89 bowzon, my gear im wearing is Valkyrie Wing Winged Helm +2 zon skills, ammy with +2 zon skill, soj, ravens spiral, Buriza-Do Kyanin Ballista ( my opnion best in game), waterwalk sharkskin boots 20% faster run/walk, 15 dex, M'avina's Embrace Kraken Shell +2 passive magic skills, M'avina's Icy Clutch Battle Gauntlets 15 dex and 10 strength, cant remember belt.
Passive and Magic Skills, ive got 10 in critical strike, penetrate and pierce, no need to go above that really because bonuses start to decrease, also put about 2 points in dodge, avoid and evade, skill items will increase it up a few more and there is no real point in going above 5 points cause bonuses start to drop dramatically. I am currently working on maxing out my valkyrie (u dont have to max out if u dont want to but have at least 10 points in here)
Bow and CrossBow Skills, My skills i have maxed are multi and guided, use cold arrow until u reach level 18 then u can use guided when u find mana leech items start to use mutli especially when theres heaps of monsters, use guided on bosses. u may also want to invest about 5 or so points in 1 of the elemental arrows as well for those monsters immune to physical.
Also put as much dex into the character as u can cause this is what puts up a zons damage more (my dexterity is 370), only put enough strength into her so u can use all your items, dont bother with putting any points in vitality cause u can get life and stamina though items, in early stages put some points into energy but stop at about 50 cause by then u should have mana regeneration and mana leech items.
Level 89 amazon - crowzon (uswest) |
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First of all I want to say that each character should be different and you should experiment a lot with several characters before you can get that perfect one. In my opinion a bowazon can kick a javazons ass any day and they are much more fun to play. What a lot of people have said about bowazons is wrong. DO NOT put too many points into multiple shot. Why? Because strafe really kicks its ass. I have about 5 into multiple shot just because I needed it when I was a LOW LEVEL. With strafe you don’t even have to aim or click on a monster. Just hold down shift and left click and that bow goes off like a machine gun. Seriously it does about 10 shots per second and monsters around you just start falling. With multiple you need to keep turning to hit the monsters behind you and a lot of the arrows just hit air. Also when you’re just fighting one monster multiple is such a waste however strafe will shoot 2-4 arrows at once at that one monster. Another great skill to have is Valkyrie. The Valkyrie doesn’t do that much damage even at a decent level but it does have a lot of life. This is important because it is the nature of a bowazon to stand back and shoot from a distance. All the monsters immediately attack the Valkyrie and don’t even look at you. Meanwhile you should be dealing serious damage with strafe. You also need freezing arrow. If you have pierce also then the freezing arrow will go through a group of monster freezing all of them! This seriously helps out other members of your party and helps you when you are ambushed. It also does quite a bit of cold damage. These are the skills you should put mucho points into: Strafe, Freezing arrow, Valkyrie. These are the skills you should put medium points into: All the evasive passive skills, all the evasive attack skills. You need 1 point in some other skills too just so you can get strafe and freezing arrow. Do not put more than 1 point into them!! I wish I could go back and get the points that I put into multiple shot. Also a word on items. I won’t talk about specific items because it is not like you will ever have the exact same inventory as me even if you try. But you NEED cold damage and you NEED lightning damage. The cold will slow them down and the lightning will stun them. Something that adds nova to your hits would be good too.
Luna-Cherokee, a kick butt Bowazon |
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im just going to say it right now i dont give a damn what you say about whos better, javazons or bowazons, i really dont care. Ive never made a javazon and i never plan to cause honestly i dont find them fun. As for my bowazon (thebownam) shes amazing. getting past the first 20 or so levels is a bitch and restraining yourself from putting useless points onto useless skills in hard. As for skills, magic arrow i never found much use for. However multi shot, guided and strafe are wonders of the diablo world. Multi shot is a cows worst nightmare, and with pierce at about 16 or 17 my arrows more or less always keep going through (at that point its about 82 %) guided arrow is amazing too. it takes to much mana at the beggining, but its the one skill in diablo that goes down in mana cost!!!! and at the same time it goes up in damage. i mean i have it as my basic attack its so cheap. Plus it goes throu about 3 times for each arrow, delivering massive damage. then theres strafe. i havent put to many pints into strafe yet, although i find it to be quite fun. its at 10 now including 4 to all skills. just watching her fire that fast is amazing. also it has the damage increase like guided, which makes it even better. as for valkries, there good, put enough points into them so they last for a decent time letting you fire from the back with no worry of getting hit. penetrate put points on as you need for attack rating, you want to keep the chance to hit up in the 90 percent range. then theres slow missles (put 3-4 points on). People may look astounded at me for this but its great for those guys that have lightning enchant, cause it slows all the lghtning bolts down to like nothing, and the bolts go half as far. it also works on sorc's. for instance their ice orb goes half its speed and covers half the area. then theres the benefits agaisnt other zons, cause eventually when you get to level 99 and whatnot your not going to be playing the actual game much, your going to be dueling. slowing down other amazons arrows is a verry good thing. fianlly, theres the one that does double damage, get it up to about 50 percent and your fine. oh and theres the evades and dodges, its really up to you, i put like 2 or three on each. as for stats, i have bout 110 for streangth, so i can wear mostly whatever i want, i dont recall the exact number for mana. this is strictly based on if you run out of mana or not. now i have mavinas belt and mandald heal ring so i got shitloads of mana steal so im fine. vitality is not to important, cause you have the whole disntace thing between you and your enemys, plus i soceted my kuko shakaku with a nef rune for knockback (insanley smart idea) so people never even get close to me. As for dexterity, i put as much as i can into it cause it does your attack rating which is essential
Thebownam currently level 68 |
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All right then, the very first thing you have to do is pick whether you wanna go bow or spear. I hear some people saying you can do both and I'm just not seeing it. My area of expertise is bowazons and so this is going to concern them. I will say less about what items to use as to what skills to build (which should tide you over even if you have sucky items, because let's face it, not everyone can get sweet bows and stuff). However if I would recommend one piece of equipment it is the unique boots Treads of Cthon. That said, reading over these previous comments I feel that they leave out the importance of immolation and freezing arrow. Yes I know that in NM and Hell there are resistances but I will say right now that I completely breezed through the NM maggot cave using Immolation Arrow and I was in the low 30's in level. So yes have guided arrow for duels and all but immolation and freezing are very useful. I find freezing to be ideal in dispatching enemies that can be raised by shamans, etc. Finally a Valkyrie is very useful, to draw enemies away from you if nothing else. Also, no one seems to be mentioning how handy it is to have a very high max life. Mine is 434 right now and believe me those few extra points are worth it. Don't listen to those people that tell you vitality isn't important...remember it boosts your stamina too. BTW my amazon is level 45 (name KatalinaofNorth) and I'm in act 1 on Hell. P.S. Amazons rock in COWZ!!!
AliKat |
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i currently have a a level 81 bowzon i think bowzons are way better i played in a game where it was bowzon vr. jabzons and the bowzons killed them what i use and why i use 3 ed jewels in my deathmask why because it has 100 ed i use cats eye why because it has 30% r/w speed and 25 to dex and 20 ias i use perfect ballista why becuase its the best weapon other than windy and eaglehorn i use 4 15% ias jewels in my armor why 60% ias i use thundergod belt because good for zon and has 1-50 lighting dammage i use 2 sojs becasue 1 to all skills i use gore rider boots because 15%crital strike and 15%deadly strike my golves add to ias and have 2 to passave skill i thinkk all bowzons schold have guided arrow maxxed and 10 in multishot thats all you need in bow skills in passive i would have the chance to dodge above 40% i would max critial strike and pierce and put 10 in penetrade and do wahtever you want in with the others if you ever want to battle /w *darkness_50 i would be happy to
amazon_hellhero lvl 81 |
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I think anyone who is everyone should read this. I found out from an expert that it is actually possible to control the width of multi shot. For a wide and very spaced out shot, place the cursor right next to your amazon and fire. For a medium spaced shot, place the cursor between your amazon and the end of the screen and fire. For a very tight and narrow shot, place the cursor all the way at the end of the screen and fire. People with low levels of multi shot should try to fire narrow shots since there is too much space between the arrows in wide shots. People with high level multi arrow can afford to take up the entire screen, obliterating an army of monsters if they want. Remember, only one arrow can hit a monster, but if two arrows go to a monster, than there is double the chance one will hit, thus greatly improving your attack rating. Dont feel scared about getting your multi past level 15 because some of these people say the area doesnt improve that much. Now that you know this, you can utilize those extra arrows to your best advantage. One last thing, for any newbis reading, dont dump all your points into multi at once. You'll never have the mana to survive. Be patient and wait till you get some better items and experience to start putting more points in it. For those who were unaware of all of this, enjoy the new knowledge, and for those who already knew, sorry for waisting your time. Have fun, experiment, and see what new strategies you can find:) You're only a shadow of an amzon if you rely on what everyone else says. Yes, I know, I'm a hypocrite. |
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Having built a Matriarch Amazon (named Galadriel) I am confident that the following is true for Hell Difficulty:
- raise dexterity and strength. ignore the other stats
- use life and mana stealing equipment. remember that the stealing percentage is the percentage of the damage done; this means that a high damege weapon with 2% mana steal , steals more mana than a low damage weapon with 10% mana steal. In HELL , 3-4% mana stealing is enough.
- learn jab. Place 1 point in jab. At times you will want to use a resist all shield and a javelin class weapon
- Ignore Valkyries. It does no difference in HELL to have a low level Valkyrie as powerfull foes will kill her in a single blow. On the other hand , investing 20 points in Valkyrie is just too costly
- REMEMBER guided arrow. Strafe will be good throughout the game for groups of monsters but guided arrow is oddly powerfull against bosses in later HELL levels. You don't have to place many points in Guided Arrow.... just a few will do th ejob
- Prefer Ice vs fire , don't research fire skills
- Place 5-6 points in avoid , evade , dodge
Gemmed fast bows are weapons of choice for the average unlucky D2exp players..... Lucky amazons will eventually find BURIZA-DO KYANON ballista (crossbow) which FAST ENOUGH , *THE* most powerfull bow- crossbow class weapon in the game , and adds FREEZING & PIERCING attack. As soon as you find your BURIZA , drill a hole in it ( add a socket) using either quest reward or HC formula (3 skulls + a SOJ) .... BUT don't ruch to fill the hole..... a perf AMETH might end up adding 500 points to your ATTACK RATING , but in HELL this will make little difference. You could add a perf SKULL but mana staeling items are not that rare anyway. I think that searching for a good rune or a rare jewel would be best.
Finding a BURIZA will immediately render NIGHTMARE difficulty EASY. HELL will still be difficult , mainly because many monsters have multiple immunities , including immunity to physical attacks. Now here comes GUIDED ARROW. A GUIDED - PIERCING arrow will actually bounce off walls and literally devastate an enemy trapped in a corridor.
Strafe , Freezing Arrow & Guided are all you need for attacking. Critical strike , Penetrate and Pierce should be rasied untl each skill points raises the skill for 2% or less.
USE crafted items. Remember that in D2exp , killing an ACT BOSS should almost always give you quality items. Find a Tower Shield or a Pavise with 3 sockets and create an ANCIENTS SHIELD using 3 runes (ral-ort-tal). Hyperion Javelins are common and quite powerfull. Craft a magical hyperion javelin to add extra bonuses to it!
Use hirelings. At first you should rely on an ACT2 hireling. In HELL hirelings die very easily. ACT3 hirelings , being the only ones designed to carry a shield , become the best choice in HELL difficulty. Most people dislike ACT3 hirelings and then again most people would choose a cold or lighning specialist. Having mastered the freezing arrow , I found that a fire specialist is a good choice. In general , D2exp greatly increased the hireling's power but still hirelings become less effective in NIGHTMARE and are handy only in special occasions in HELL levels. REMEMBER you can always use a hireling as an extra inventory. |
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As i started my new zon i found out that you dont have to max guided, note only max guided if u make a java/bowazon for uniques. Max multi valk penetrate 11 guided u must have knockback for those uniques. u dont need much vitality or energy, strenth enough for ur bow and rest into vitality. so if u living in the real world u will get a buriza not windforce so 110 strenth 75 vit if u get hit you arent a zon person, and rest into dex so maybe about 300 dex. this is a good way to make a zon if you are a expert. this is a hard strategy to play with but u will rock but you wont survive. if you are that damb good try and live live up to the challenge and try. |
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I currently have a lvl 67 bowazon and she rocks. Not the best dueler but really good in cows. At lvl 55 I do hell cow runs without dieing. Though if u like to be a dueler dont read farther.
I am currently using the following weapons: Bow Lycanders Aim ''amn''- enough dmg to let u survive has 7% mana/life leach 20 energy/dex. 2 hits i regian all my life and mana. Plus keep ur hotkey for guided next to multi if u end up not leaching enough.
Helm Hwanin's splender- great defence for a helm, 20 regain life and good cold resist keeps me living but i could get better. Magic dmg reduced by 10 is also good to have.
BootsTreads of cthon- great boots for a zon since she needs to run. 30% faster r/w also the slow stamina drain keep me running forever.
Gloves Blood hand(rare)- 2 to bow and crossbow skills very nice. Also 10 lightning resist and 21 fire resist.
Armor Spirit Shroud with p skull- I got it for free with the skull. 1 to all skills very nice, I cant be frozen, 15 regain life and 19 regian mana. Magic dmg reduced by 7 also very good.
Ring of the lamprey- I traded my soj and this is the best ring i found so far...
Shadow Grip Ring- Decent ring 37 to mana, 13 fire resist and this saves me in cow alot 10% faster cast rate(my valk is the best distraction). It also has magic dmg reduced by 1.
Belt Razorskin- Might be the best bowazon belt of all time. Peircing attack, 15 dex/defence, adds 10 dmg and attacker takes dmg of ur lvl. I found this under a loose boulder in hell cow.
Blood wing amulet-2 to all zon skills. 20 dex, 9 min dmg, 28 fire resist, and 14 to life.
Altogether i have 9 to all bow/crossbow skills very good if u messed up. I put to many into strafe and magic arrow, and not enough into penetrate. Altogether i wasted about 12 skills, but there is 1 good point magic arrow is my main attack so I dont waste arrows but I wasted points.
This is my zon and i will show the mistakes. 2 wasted in strafe are b/c of my cpu, I was about to put into guided i lag my mouse moves to much wasted 1.
4 magic arrow MISTAKE, 14 multi- A tip all players should know. High lvl multi+peircing attack=Cow gutz., 1 cold, 20 guided, 9 strafe MISTAKE, 1 inner sight, 1 slow missles, 1 decoy, 6 valk, 1 dodge, 1 avoid, 1 evade, 7 critical strike, 1 penetrate, 3 pierce- if i use a differnt belt
To fix put 3 from magic to critical strike, and 4 from strafe into pentrate, and the other 5 into valk. I am in luck though b/c I didnt do most quests which give me skills i still have 9 skills, so i dont have to worry about the strafe points but 7+5 into critical is good...
If u are ready to hear the best zon strategy u may read on. HIT AND RUN.
Thearrowofdemon lvl 67 zon |
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I find that being a mix of javezon & bowazon works really well. Also, I find it really annoying when level 99 sorcs challenge my poor little zon. Also, my brother taught me that u cant stop exploring until uv found the waypoint (if it exsists) ! Otherwise, it takes u forever to get where ur going. |
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OKay, I'm still quite a low level Jabazon (30) but if you want to have fun playing the game in Normal, jabazons are FAR better then Bowazons. I also have a Bowazon, and maybe I've just been unlucky with weapons and armor, but she's got some okay stuff and she is constantly dying. I can't get anywhere. Wheras with my Jabazon who has a great pike, I found all the monsters amazingly easy. Everyone says how hard the Act 2 boss is but I killed it easily. In fact, I found all the bosses easy, the way to beat them is to save all the rejuvation and full rejuvation potions you can, then take all of them when you are going to fight the boss. This way you don;t have to keep running away and can kill them quickly. I've have also been told you shouldn't go into NM until you're Lvl 40, that is completely wrong, at least for my Jabazon- I'm lvl 30 at the moment and I've done about half of Act 1 in Nightmare. |
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For Amazons it is good to get Strafe, Guided arrow, and for people who like freezeing get:Freezing arrow. Member the more the Energy, Stregth, Dexternity the more powerful a Amazon becomes. U can also get viality once in a while for good life and stinama. Otherwise to me bow zons are pretty good in damage and for dueliing if ya know what i mean. Take this advise. When u make a zon. make it a Javilian or spear for all i care, but i preifer Bow zons! |
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Hi! the only thing i'd like to add to what other players said is that i find "causes monster to flee' most useful for bowazons. except champions and uniques, monsters will flee. witch makes u stay alive. I highly recommend Rakescar (unique armor) - its 39% in fleeing monsters away is optimal - it leaves some monsters close so u do kill them, and makes monsters attack you in small numbers, not in packs. so, as far as i can say about rakescar - keep it, buy it, kill for it. nice hunting!
anna, lvl. 72 bowazon |
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Lvl 81 Bowazon
Helm:Crown Of Thieves.Why?Adds about 300-400 to my dmg!!!!!
Armor:Courpsemourn Plate.Why?1217 def one of the best defs on an armor!!!Fairly good add ons 170 str require is the only bummer about it.
Weapon:Buriza/Ballista one of the best weapons in the game nearly p. ed extra attack speed add with rune!!!Windforce may have some glamour but it really isnt that great!!!!
Gloves:IK Gauntlets.Why?20 to strength and 20 to dext!I need it.
Jewlery:Mara Kaleidiscope +2 to all skills and +5 to str,dext,etc.Stone Of Jordan:+1 to skills 1-20 lightning dmg VERY good ring.Manald Heal.Why?I need the leech...oo;; No mana on this guy!!!
Boots-Infernostride.Why?Good def casts all sorts of whacky spells very fun.Adds some fire dmg.
Belt:Tal Rashas.Why?MF dext and mana adds!
My Tips Are:Max guided arrow as soon as you get the skill!!!Mines about lvl 27 from all the junk I wear!Get plenty of points in strafe.Fairly handy for big groups of enemys.Some people say multi is better.I find it a waste of time it does half the dmg and usually costs more mana anyways!I stay firm at strafe.Freezing is also another major thing you should use.PERFECT for cow games.Just keep shooting them.It takes me about 1 or 2 bolts to kill a cow with freezing in hell.If theres a big group I can whipe them out in seconds with it.Keeps them from getting near ya!Dodge and Avoid are quite handy...Slow is good if your dueling for fighting enemys with strong missle power.My bowazon does about 3500 with guided arrow max dmg.And my regular attack does probaly 3000 max. |
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Listen up! No 1 should ever put more than 1 point in magic arrow since some enemies are magic resistant and when u add it adds 1 pt in dam. wow! even tho ur mana goes down when u do it u still need the arrows in order to use the other skills. my advice put 1 in that so u can use it when u run out of arrows! it sure saves a town portal especially when u dont have 1! like a low lvl char.and and by puttin that 1 pt in that magic arrow when u are lvl 6 u can get multi shot. my advice is to max multi shot, freezing arrow , guided arrow, because it always hits the target, 5 in immolation arrow, 7 in pierce , 7in valkerie, use should kick butt. u should get cleglaws pinchers for gloves, ballista,shakaku, windforce , for bows. i no ur thinkin shakaku? but u can use it when u are lvl 33 and it adds 3 to bow and crossbow skill lvls and 3 to immolation arrow so thats 6 in immolation arrow! and ballista is like required lvl 42 or 44 cant remember. armor crow caw, belt mavinas tenet, boots sanders because it adds 40% faster run/walk which u will be burnin other characters with cleglaws and sanders since cleglaws slows target 25%! helm, immortal kings or shako, or vampiregaze. get 110 str,250 dex, rest in vitality no energy,
justin lvl 33 and had lvl 99 char but someone stole my account hackers! |
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This a strategy for the amazon (especially the bowazon). When coming up against the summoner, don't go directly to where he is. Stay out of his(and his minions') range and fire guided arrows/bolts in his direction. Wait for when the Quest Log icon shows up on your screen and then go in and finish off his minions |
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This is the items my Bowazon lvl. 86 is wearing:
Helm: Tal Rashas Horadric Crest Why: 10 mana/Life steal, 60 to life, 15 all res. Nice helm!
Armor: The Crow Caw socketed with IAS jewel Why: cause it has 30 IAS with the jewel, and it gives dex bonus, and deadly
Rings: 2 Ravenfrost Why: it gives about 200 to attack rating EACH, and 20 to dex EACH, cannot be frozen, and 20 cold absorb EACH. cool choice
Gloves: Cleglaws Pinchers/laying of hands Why: cleglaws for slow target in duels, and laying for its 20 IAS and 350% damage to demons...VERY useful!
Belt: Mavinas Tenet Why: 5% mana leech, and 20% faster Run/walk (useful)
Boots: Sanders Riprap Why: Very nice Bowazon boots that gives 40% R/W, 100 to attack rating, and 10 to dex. there are no better choices except for Res. boots.
Amulet: The cats eye Why: super amulet, that gives 30% R/W, 20 IAS, and 25 to dex. VERY nice amulet.
Weapon: I use the super X-bow, Buriza-do kyanon. it has 100% piercing attack, and it is VERY much damaging.
Max out Guided arrow as soon as possible, and put about 8 points in critical strike. Valkyrie is youre own choice, but mine is LVL 20. Dont bother strafe, but spend the points in Multishots instead: useful in cow-runs.U decide with Dodge, avoid, and the last avoidont spell (cant remember name), and NO points in Pierce if u use Buriza. Penetrate is only if u need attack rating.
For the att. ponts. spend 110 in strenght (For Buriza), and about 200 dex. and the rest in vitality (i have 250). NO points in energy.
And finally: U steal 15% mana, and then u really never run aout of mana, and 10 lifesteal is much useful..u almost never have to use potions. I personally got about 1100 life, and 200 mana. My guided damages 2400 MAX damage.Im REALLY fast, cause my charms give run/Walk speed. I have about 150% run/Walk speed in total, and that is AWESOME fast. I can run from a guided!!!! Barbarians is easy stuff too, beacuse of the run/walk, and the cleglaw´s 25% slow target bonus. sorcers is easy too. Pull ´em off at range, and their finished. Druid... no comment at all-Piece of cake...lol. Assasins.... also just keep away with your turbo, and give em a guided or two. Necros is also Piece of cake. 2 Multishots, and his golem, skeletons, AND him, is sucking the dirt...! Just keep away from paladins, cause their fist of heavens can hurt. Just keep firing guided at em from distance, and then their also as dead as a doornail. And finally: Amazons. Spearazons is nothing to talk about. Just as easy as cutting trough butter.... If dueling a javazon, keep away from their lightning strike, and soon they are dead too. Then... the worst of anything....BOWAZONS! One hit, means death... in most cases. if their using, Mavinas bow, or Lycanders aim, youre a winner. But if they use buriza, eaglehorn, or worst of all....WINDFORCE, then youre left off. Then its just about who is the best dueler....
BUT.... remember this..... there is also Damage Rudement stuff such as: Armor: shaftstop 30%, Belt: String of ears 10-15%, Helm: Vampiregaze 15-20%, Sheild: stormsheild: 35%
Mostr barbarins use this stuff, also other chars. this a very annoying feature for opponents. example, with all these stuff on
30%, 25%, 20%, 35%, --, 100% immune.....(but max is 95%). And if youre guided arrow damage is about 2000, then you pull of 95% thats... 100 damage. then it can take very long time to finish off Barbarins, and almost impossible to take of powerful Bowazons. But Remeber.. you can also use these items yourself....Good Luck!!!
Bowazon lvl. 86 (BowHunter_X) |
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I dont understand why anyone would ever want to have more than 1 into magic arrow trust me later on guided takes over that fast freezing arrow also looks good at first but.. in hell cold imunes and the spread dmg doesent do much and an extra 100-200 dmg doesent really mean that much. Im kinda stuck on what to do but im lvl 80 and i have only 12 in multi but i dont think it really matters the spread doesent even increase that much all it does is drain more mana which doesent really matter if u have a mana steal bow, gloves, ring, ammy or armor or boots. My lvl 12 multi is fine later on also if u have items with plus skills or charms it upz anyway my multi is lvl 18 with armor on. Also everyone i think should max guided i have 26 in it and it works pretty good i think i dont do that much dmg like some zons but i need a new bow soon 2 i use lycanders it works pretty good i do 1300 dmg and its a good idea to get some poison charms. Even though zons are talked as the best duelers some times a good dueling sorc with a high lvl ts can wipe out a zon pretty fast so its a good idea to have resistances.
I dont know perfectly but i like my stats: strength around 100-140 i think is enouph
dex i put around 200 and up it doesent really matter later on a item will up it from 200 dex and 1000 some attack raiting my stuff boosts it up to 220 and 2000 attack raiting so its a good idea not to get to carried away becouse later on guided does most of the work.
vitality i cant tell u for sure but i have around 165 and all im going to do from now on is put into vitality and it only i have about 860 life and i live fine.
energy i think a zon should have no more than she starts with at first i used charms and items to boost it until i got mana leach items then u dont need any at all so put 0 into it ( also it atomaticly builds with each lvl up)
thats about all i would tell someonee who wants to make a bow zon
Pin-Point lvl80 bow zon |
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welcome to the amazon master gide amazon levs are easy zoom up on gided arrow and split arrow get max on penetrate and good old valcary other skills are good but go up on the ones a have told you to trust the master. the tip that beats them all for skills the key to skill is to go up max on powerfull passive skills when you get to the ace things at the bottem read them and think which on would be best to go up on REMEMBER TO GO UP AT LEAST ONE LEV ON ALL PASIVE THINGS BECAUSE YOU GET A BOOST OF SKILL ON LEV 1 |
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whoa..whoa..whoa... GUESS WHAT PIPS...for what im hearing i think that putting alot of points into guidarrow is usefull (not really). well i suggest that u use strafe its really kewl i dont have to xplain it i were u try to save doz skill point until u reach lvl 24 and then start putting into strafe arrow but since u were waiting put doz skill points into passiveskill.. well thats for now:)...
lvl 29 bowjob_gurl (USeast) |
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What's going on? I do 1000-3600 dmg with a perfect Buriza, 40% enhanced dmg jewels, Shaels, M'avina's gear, Cat's Eye, War Traveler, Tal Rasha's and Twitch. Buriza is the best bow... Don't msg saying Eaglehorn or Windforce is better, if you got those, you shouldn't be reading these boards anyway. Max guided, obviously, but the thing that you have to do... MAX STRAFE! People say you die more in Hell... NOT TRUE! Every target you hit will hopefully knock them back (use Nef) and will also leech back. The thing that makes it better than multishot is the enhanced dmg... This makes each Strafe arrow (bolt) almost as damaging as a guided. Plus, mobs will die if you have Critical Strike and Pierce. Penetrate is good because Strafe needs high AR. Valkarie is a must if you don't want to die as a Zon. Finally, you need one point into Fire Arrow. You will already have one in Cold Arrow. The reason for this is physical immunes. The damage will somehow "convert" to fire, damaging the physical immune. Don't worry, the bow will do enough dmg... Don't waste points. Use one. Fire arrow will hit with a high AR, and it's the only good way to kill physical immunes. |
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I have a level 65 zon,And i have read everything you guys have posted....And all i have to say is that you guys dont know what your talking about...If your looking to start a zon,figure it out yourself after all this is what this game is about having fun and making a charater that you like not what someone else told you what to do.So in closing i say that zons rule duels and for all you other people that struggle in duels your weak :) |
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If you are into hardcore, get your mind out of the gutter, then here are a few tips for your Bowazon Strategy. First of all, get that" I can die and comeback easily mentality out of your head". If you lose your head in hardcore, then you are stuck slugging through act 1 and so on and so on. So don't go running through doors or pushing your way through normal into nmare. Take your time, build your stats and leave normal when you are ready. Remember, if your head comes away from your shoulders, you're through!
I have a level 54 Amazon that has currently 100 str, 135 dex and 100+ life. Energy is useless and should not even be considered. I like to pump all five of my points into one category each time. I have found bowazons can get most of the armor they need with 100 str. If you want to put more in, that is fine, but after 100 str it seems a waste. I find that putting a point into Penetrate instead of 5 points into dex, after 125, can give you the targeting results you are looking for. Penetrate and some magic items have brought my AR over 2000! With a combat shrine it goes to over 20,000K. Try to keep your to hit above 85% for normal monsters. Plus I feel that I can always increase my damage with the right bow, jewels, gems and magic items.
For my skills in hardcore; I obviously stay away from javelin skills but you will hear people say to put one point in jab, whatever.
I am maxing strafe and guided arrow, I have 5 points in Critical Strike, 10 plus points in penetrate and 5 in pierce. With maxed guided arrow, pierce, and a good bow, you can handle most bosses easily, even Diablo. Multi I don't use but some people can make an argument for that vs. strafe. I don't mind the strafe lock cause most monsters now die quicker than they can hit me. Cold and Fire are matters of opinion, myself they too many skill points just to be effective, nothing guided or strafe doesn't give with the right bow.
I use a lvl 5 Valk, any more is too much mana and any less you will be summoning her every minute. I like to use a Hireling from act 3 with a cold attack. Makes for easier targets. Also, spend some quality time getting your hireling equipped and experienced to your same level. A good place to start is Tal Rashas tombs, good exp for everyone. Sewers and Bloody Hills also give the right amount of experience, especially on Multiplayer.
Now the one and only reason you can get so far in hardcore as a bowazon is your ability to take a missile or magic hit. The one and only piece of advice I can give you if you don't listen to anything else on this is max your resists!!! That is the key to success in hardcore. The less beating you take..... you know. No matter how much life you get and how high your lev, always keep the resists maxed. Do not sacrifice resists for a temping +58 to life item. An oblivion knight in Act 4 normal will take care of that and then some. Get Lightning and Fire up at the very least. Poison you can deal pretty easily with.
Also if you are not using a mouse with a center rolling button, get one. You have the ability to scroll through skills with a quickness. Plus ones with lots of buttons let you program in hotkeys too or the escape button
Last but not least, if you don't have it, trade for it or go looking for it. Find someone who will trade you a better bow, I traded for wormskull for skystrike, you are bound to eventually find someone with a need or with a good heart. Especially if you run into me!
JolboeIV |
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Alright, this is for all your newbs. I have a lvl 74 Bowazon and a lvl 71 Javazon. (Javelins). What I have to say is, Bowazons are good duelers, but Javazons kick all monsters asses. I can easily kill a horde of cows in Hell Cow Level easy. My bowazon can do it, with the help of her Buzria Do Kanyon or w/e bow, with Freezing arrow. I only put 1 skill point into it. But I like my Javazon better, but I must say, Bowazons ARE the ultimate duelers. I've met some VERY good javazons tho, they kicked all barbs and zons asses easy. I'm trying to get there. But anyway, I don't want to mess around with skillz, there are a lot of other pros on this site that have posted that, like Barb-Snipa, and I agree, 75 into energy is a WASTE!!! Alright, bye now!
Javamot - Level 71 Motlot - Level 74 |
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Now my Bowazon seems to be the perfect one. With level 15 Immo Arrow, and level 8 Multi, I easily kill every monster in ACT V even Baal is not a really big deal for me. It is because I focus heavily on my skill rather than focus only charms. With 330 fire damage from my immo arrow, plus 17 - 34 from my rare stag bow's damage and dex around 130 at level 47, I finish my normal diff with my hardcore Bowazon. I boost my level by simulate 8 players in single player by typing "players 8". With high level and good skill management, I finally kill Baal with no prob, and my Bowazon never died. But in nightmare, my ama killed by lighting enchanted monster because my Valkyrie keep attacking that monster ignoring my condition. Sigh.... i guess I need to create another Ama again.
When I created new Amazon, I began realize everbody play only Spearazon (Jabazon) or Bowazon. But nobody play Javazon. So now I am trying to build javelin skills and play as javazon. And there are many diff playing a javazon.
First, it is true that javelins are easily running out. Second, their melee damage is very low. Third, Javelins are so damn expensive. In the beginning, with low gold, and poor equipment, Javelins cost too much (around 600 gold) for me and force me to collect junkies from ground and use them until i can afford to buy a set of javelin. I play my javazon like a bowazon, and I don't even realize that i throw my last javelin. So you can't play javazon with bowazon style. If bowazon shoot the last arrow, bowazon still have bow with her. But if you throw your last javelin, for example rare javelins, you can not recover them any more.
Since I can't fire javelins as freely as bows, I change my playing style. I hate to swap weapon too often between spear and javelin, so I just throw my javelin into tough enemy or fallen shaman. Or I weaken them with my poison javelin, and I hit them repidly with lighting skill. Jab, Impale and Fend are not recommended. Why ? Jab only needed to learn higher skills, and using jab with javelins is pretty useless. Javelins melee attack speed are very fast already, with jab that decrease melee damage and doesn't really change your attack speed much, jab skill only absorbs your mana and doesn't give any benefit to me. Impale has a great change of losing durability which mean decreases javelin quantities. Fend also not really powerful with low damage javelin, pike can do higher damage and can kill enemy fast. So Javazons depend heavily on their skill damage rather than their original damage in melee combat, and they also must learn when they need to throw their weapon or not. Playing Javazon can be fun, if you enjoy both melee combat and long ranged combat. Javazon seem OK in normal single player, and I think Javazon can be used to duel although Javazon not powerfull like Jabazon and Bowazon.
lina |
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The Magic Find Perfect Javazon All i can say is that most bowazons are fine in nightmare and normal but when they get in to hell they are very vulnerable and drop like flys. A good javazon can finish normal and nightmare and kick ass in hell. If you use Titans Revenge like my lvl 62 Javazon or 78 Javazon in US-East you know right at lvl 26 you can do over 800 base damage and 1000 max. Also unlike a bowazons, javazons can use shields makin them good melee chars. If you use Titans you can max out Lightning Fury and do 350 damage max just off that. If you are planing to make a javazon you should max out Lightning Fury as soon as possible. For armor and weapons of course Titans would be the best choice of course - Im a big MF zon so i would use a hellforge plate with the rune word Wealth in it and Shako with p topaz in it.My shield is Ryhme 26% MF with nice resist. Of course any good MF char uses the War Travelers. Most MF chars would use GoldWarp next but i use Razortail cause of the pierce atribute. Any thing else your zon could wear is really up to you. This is just my outline of a real nice MF Javazon. |
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First off id like to say bow amazons are the best. If you want to be a good dueler and experience addict then I reccomend to you the following skills. 20 plus as a base to guided arrow, muli-shot, and critical hit. If you like you can spare any others for your leisure. I prefer to spend my extra skill points on valkyries. Another thing, level up your valkyrie if you feel like it dies to much. A good thing to have is not a slow attack speed, but always at least fast or very fast. Very fast reccommended. Amazons are good but if you want to go dueling watch out for one character, the sorceress. If they get close to you with one of those darn thunder storms your in for it. So kill them from afar. Also if you hold down shift and fire your guided arrows you can hit sorceresses from very far distances. Watch out though for those teleports. Oh and another thing, the stats should be at least 110 strength, the rest all dexterity and vitality. Mana should be at least be enough for you to use guided arrow. If you are a multi arrow person, I suggest you get a lot of mana cause it takes up 10 mana points. Well thats about all oh and, GET SOME +2 TO AMAZONS ITEMS, AND GET A GOOD PIKE!!!!!!! |
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OMG! What is wrong with you people? Im hearing max out magic arrow this and immolation that...... Those suck!! Right now im using a godly bow Carrion Horn ******DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO GET THIS BOW****** My 2 main skills are mutli shot lvl 10 and Guided lvl 22 and i am awesome!! Your str should be at 95 but leave your equiptment to give alot of it or if your going to go str get it up asap.... After you have the right amount of str then go 3 to dex 2 to vit. YOU NEED VITALITY BECAUSE YOU DO GET HIT!!! Whoever saids they dont they never been to hell and everyone likes to duel :) Strafe sucks because u get locked into it yes it deals more damage but u tend to die more. Multi shot is awesome skill especially combo with clegaws pincers (heh cheap but deadly). Mutli is also awesome combined with a lvl 5 peirce i am so awesome in cow lvl!! This is my equiptment on my zon
Carrion Horn Gothic Bow (156 dmg +1 ama skills other mods...)
Treads of Cthon
3 p ruby grand crown
+1 prismatic and other mods (eye of elich for dueling)
Clegaw Pincers
6% rare life leech with good mods
Manald Heal ring
I am bad ass DONT PUT ANY POINTS INTO ENERGY IT IS A WASTE! One guy said to have 75 in energy OMG you arent the brights crayon in the box buddy.... my guided arrow does about 910 max dmg and my dex right now is 287 isnt that bad but my life is 506.... Well i hope i helped and if you wanna test out my zon build msg Barb-Snipa il pk ur sorry a$$ :)
Barb-Snipa- lvl 76 Amazon |
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ok there have been many startegies about dueling and how good zons are. But my strategy for the perfect duelazon is this:
1.Max guided arrow ( do i have to even say?)
2. Max evade
3. Max avoid
4. Max dodge
5. like 8-10 into critical strike
I know by this time that you will be like lvl 95 but it is perfect for dueling. Just think, cannot be hit at all by melee or by missle attacks. There is always a chance that enemies attacks would miss in a duel. Maxing out the evade, dodge, and avoid would make it pretty impossible for any character to do extreme damage. Barbs ww cant even scratch you even if u stand still! Necros are tricky but very beatable if they use bone spirit! Sorcs are tricky two if u get in their attack range, cauz zons have much better range and just stay away from sorcs close up! Pallys no problem at all! Assassins, very very easy. Druids, suck against zons even without the three defense skills. Get a good bow or x-bow and u r set.
lederuvdapac2k1 |
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My first advice for you guys is not to listen to pay much atention to anyone whose character is the 30s or 40s. these guys don't have experience enough to speak about the hole game. there is a great chance that they haven't even been in nightmare (NM) yet. Why i say that? Simple becuase NM difficulty is 10 times harder than normal one, not to mention hell difficulty wich is 3-4 times harder than NM difficulty. Meaning, if you go in hell you will experience a game 30-40 times harder than a Normal difficulty game and the exp penalty is very high for low lvls. My other advice is don't go to NM before 40s and don't go to hell befor late 60s or 70s.
Now for a bowazon the best advice is get your strngth 110 get your dexturity 270+ and the rest to vitality, don't put anything into energy. just find a mana leech ring or use p sculls. Remember act 5 qust 1. don't forget that you are also able to leech with any magical arrows in 109b version. this is a nnice change that Blizzard did.
the rest is up to you. if you want a zon able to freeze things max freezing arrow. if you want a firezon Max immotalin arrow. be sure to have at least a point into strafe. it is a good skill if you want to leech mana when you are running low on it.
You can max strafe if you want to as well, althou i see no poin in doing it. Also be sure to have a Valkyrie and some points into pirce and critical strike. the rest is up to you. enjoy you game
Antiopeide lvl 72 |
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i read all messages, and i am starting to think US Relms are full of bullshitters and newbies...No spearzon or jabbazon plz..get one of the 4 good bows. none of those rare bows are good. don't even sell em, throw them away plz..get the one of the 4 bows, if you ever can get it..burizado kanyon should be the easiest you can get.get it, socket it with shael.end if you disagree with me? come find me and duel me in asia 2 relm. i will send back to where you came from |
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I don't know what all these people are talking about with their lvl 20 multi-shot bowmazons. Maybe for single player that works but for duels u need something with a bit more punch. I don't bother much with penetrate because most of the skills i use for the bow automaticly hit anyway so i don't need a high attack rating. Instead, i boost guided arrow, pierce, critical strike and the missle dodge skill. If u're a bow amazon u'll mostly be taking missle attacks so u don't need a melee dodge skill. Critical strike lets u deal 2x dmg sometimes but guided arrow+pierce is amazing. Guided arrow seeks targets and pierce lets the arrow continue through targets. If u have high lvl pierce, the guided arrow will go through the target, turn around and come back to hit them again! It also has the chance to pierce them on the return trip. I've had up to 10 hits from just one arrow because the arrow keps bouncing back and fourth through the target and i got life/mana steal on each with 200-300 dmg per hit. In duels, this sort of thing just wipes out targets in record time.
CaptainCurt lv. 40 Amazon (Act 1 Hell) |
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I have a 79 zon (kiddyzon)currently and ready to be lvl 80. I suck...I suck because i dont have a good bow. and good equipped items...but you see I can tell you how to be a real good bowazon with sucky bow...like 100 dmg rare bow.... at the beggining put as much as you need on strength to wear good armors...you need it up to RIGHT 100 ... between that, you need to keep puting on dex. DEX ONLY! even though you keep lacking on mana and life, DEX only. My current 79 zon has 412 dex and 120 strength. And the more interesting is that..i never touched vital and energy. Life 300 and Mana 160, pretty awesome? . OK now the skills. You must have your own way of using stradegy but try prefering this. in the 60s and 70s you must have Guided maxed, multiple shot maxed. and few on freezing arrows (max 3). On passives, you must have penetrate maxed, 6 on critical, 4 on pierce. you must have only 1 on valkriye and few on dodge , evade, and others. Now when you get all these things done, you must be ready for cow level to go by your self! not with others(in hell mode). if you have this set up, and with a 120+ dmg bow, twtich(unique studded amour), 3 socketed grand crown with 3 p emerald, good rare zon ammy, 13+ to dex gloves or cleglaw(set item), boot 30% fast walk and running with some dex, and good 10+ dex belt and manald heal(unique ring that is a mana leecher) and the last, good 12+ dex ring. If you have all these items, you can go for 800-900 dmg:). and one thing about cleglaw pincer(set item glove) it is the most cheapest glove in d2. because it slows down the other or the enemy and especially dueling. |
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for my bowazon, for my primary attack i have magic arrow set. they do a little more damage than a regular arrow and with all of the mana steal items, you won't even know that you're using mana. now i know many people might have thought of that already, but it's good to just say it anyway! you'll only need regular arrows for your skills like strafe or multishot. |
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I don't get some of you people. Everyone talks about there high level amazons, and how you should decide which kinda zon you wanna be... Well i don't give a rats azz...I have an amazon level 21 and I have both maiden spear and an awsome bow. I don't stop there. i collect sweet items. Ive got a good heavy crossbow and a sweet gemmed and runed longbow.so all that talk about on or the other. Bull Shiznit. It doesn't matter, its your charicter, do as you please with it. All you need for an awsome amazon is a good bow and spear. Javelins are not recommended though. I think they run out to quikly. I'm no expert on this but i think if you increase both skills for bow and spear you've got an ass kickin amazon.
Dyin_Breath |
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This is what a good amazon should have.
Armor: Boneflesh/Silks of Victor Why? Mostly because of the life leech, plus boneflesh has attack rate bonuses and silks has +1 skills.
Rings: SOJ/Manald heal/ rare ring that has both mana and life leech Why? Manald and a rare ring with etc. are the popular choice but some people don't care about leech and just go for the +1 skills.
Boots: Tearhaunch, Treads of Cthon Why? Both of them have things to help your speed and stamina, tearhaunch has +5 to dex, +5 to str which might be needed to help aim for some 100 req str armors.
Helm: 3 socketed winged helm with 3 perfect skulls Why? High level charactars no longer need those +1 skills helms or some rare helms they found out of a fallen or sand leaper, people need helms that have regenerate life and regenerate mana to help duel or kill armies.
Amulet: Mahim-Oak Curio/Eye of Etlich Why? The curio has lots of bonuses that help the charactar, and etlich has 7% life leech, +1 to skills, 1-4 cold damage, and +40 percent defense against missles, who would reject that?
Weapon: Gothic Bow with 6 Perfect emeralds/+2 skills rare bow Why? Some people want to go with quick death and see their enemies just get poisoned to death, and I'm not trying to diss those poison psychopaths out there, and some people just wanna see their skills go up, which is pretty good, because it levels up the passive skills you're to lazy to level.
Gloves: Hand of Broc/Frostburn/Ceglaw's Pincers Why? Hand of Broc is the most popular leech gloves ever and it's a handy item for starters, not recommended for level 40 or over. Frostburn, heheh, the mana gloves, everyone knows amazons barely upgrade anything in ENERGY, so you have to get these, and it has a cold damage bonus, one guided arrow with this baby causes a really jacked up ww, whirlwind. Ceglaw's pincers cause a very slow target, you might as well call it some kind of freeze attack, it's a must get.
Belt: Bladebuckle Why? It has +5 to str, +10 to dex, I'm pretty sure, who could reject? It's either that it's really good, or I have some obcession with unique items.
Level 56 Amazon |
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ok. first things first, LEARN YOUR STYLE FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started 2 amazons and i prefer bow a LOT. then give all your stuff to the one you want to keep ad keep the second as a mule to hold the stuff you want but don't want. put points into dodge guided arrow, valk AND decoy (i use both) and and all the other passive skills but one, DO NOT use pierce!!! you'll see why in a sec. after these put alll of your points into the 2 skills that may cost you a lot in mana, but causes and insane level of damge, immolation and exploding arrow. use immo to set up walls, and thanks the the new versions that have a casting time on immol arrow, fire about 5 exploding arrows then repeat.by doing so i cause about 575-775 in explosion with my gemmed crossbow and about 450 a second, with the exploderers doing about 485-575 each, combine that with a repeating 4 sock crossbow, i have an insane att rating(the perf ameth and the level 15 penetrate) i have cold damge to hold from the 3 perf saphirres and don't waste explosions because i did not get pierce, that means i cause roughly in 3 secs. 575+485x5(2425) plus my 450x3 secs. damage for a total of4350 min and 775+575x5+(450x3) which is5000 in 3 secs. so by the time you reach the point of hell where most guys are immune to phsyical attacks you can still cause 4350-5000 damage in 3 seconds plus the valk and the decoy between the 2 of you so it distracts what your bow doesn't freeze.
Allyian_dearkis |
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It depends on what kind of ama you are making... If u want a dueling amazon multi, guided arrow, and avoid are very very good skills. I have 2 amazons that are both duelers. one is lvl 72 and the other is lvl 85. My guide for a dueling amazon...
Cat's eye ammy
2 Dual leech rings
40% r/w boots
goldwrap if u want
crow caw armor socketed with a 15% ias jewel
20% +2 passive gloves
Valk wing helm
a nice dmg WARD bow with some ias
lvl 13 or so multi
lvl 15 avoid
lvl 10 evade
lvl 20 ga
lvl 15 critical strike
and whatever else u want
all of those w/o +skills
very high dex 100 str and a litte vit id say 50+
with all of that u can kill barbs, chargers, a lot of sorcs, druids, pikezons before they can get to u. then with the avoid and evade u can get away from other zons that u fight and fire multi at them. Ive always had a problem with asns and sorcs that teleport and nova or ts which most do now newayz
for lvling in hell i use a high poison dmg bow and a lot of poison charms that works pretty well if not then just leech off the sorcs exp ;) |
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......What are you kids smokin???? Putting more than 1 point in magic arrow...how would that help you? You still need arrows for all other moves.. And whats this about putting 20 points in multishot? You dont even get a wider spread after like the 10th point (well maybe a tiny bit wider..) The only skill a bowazon should max is guided arrow if they duel.. And any way bowazons shouldnt be meleeing (is that a word) so you dont need more than like 2 dodge or evade...Why hasnt anyone metioned freezing arrow?? This move ownz everything. Now say it with me kids...leech, thats l e e c h, you dont need any vitality or nrg if you have any leech...Im out later newbs.
Jordan (the only none newb) |
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ok what i do with my bowazon i have 2 lvl 60 and a lvl 33 is that i put 5 into frezzing arrow then i put 20 into immolation the freezing arrows freezes them and the immolation aroow does tons of dmg and when stupid monsters walk through they get dmged too this is great for killing baal in hell mode |
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I dont know what every body else likes and i dont care, my advice: max out critical strike, dodge, avoid, and the other doging skill, 2/3 times you dont get hit and 2/3 times you do double damage. also jab-azons use jab as your normal attack and fend as a secondary attack, get mana steal weapon pikes are a must in act 3 |
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ok for all u people that have the expansion... i found out my lvl 72 bowazon sucks in hell!! so i decided to make a spearzon and she is rockin so far. me and my friend started new chars the same day "he made a sorc and i made a spearzon" and by the 5th day we were in act5. i do 650+ dmg allready {with my 249 lance} and im lvl 33, with lvl 8 fend i do 1000+ dmg i killed most of the bosses without no problem. i beed putting 2 skill points into str 2skill ponts into dex and 1 skill point into vitality {to keep my life up} im gona max out fend, penetrate, and im gona put 5 skills in each of the 3 middle passive skills. i might get jab up a lil but at lvl 1 its still good so i would recommend using spearzons if u are to play expansion but thats my style of playin and every1 has a diffrent style
lvl 33 spearzon "honkey-zon" lvl 72 bowazon "mspeekinseek" |
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The Bowazon
To be a good archer you need the basic skills. Critical Strike and Penetrate are crucial. put at least 2 points in each of the dodge skills. My Bowazon has 5 Points magic Arrow 1 in fire, cold, ice and guided arrow. 1 in Inner Sight, Slow Missles and Decoy. 3 in Valkerie 4 in Crit Strike, 2 Penetrate 3 Exploding and 3 Immolation. I have like 2-3 on Strafe and 2 on Freezing Arrow. If ur gonna be a Bowazon, DO NOT INVEST IN ANY SPEAR AND JAVELIN SKILLS!!! I have a Magic Socketed Stag Bow with a 'Ral' Rune that does like +30 fire dmg. It gives me +1 to Bow and Crossbow skills. I do 70 - 160 dmg that also does poison. Right now i have Light Plate of 156 Armor. Most of my items are rare. To get Lots of rare items gamble as early as possible. Clear out All areas for experience and treasure and even go thru some more than once.
When u read this Diablo will be Slain and Baal at my mercy.
Smoky- Lv. 35 Bowazon (Act V) |
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If u wanna easy character to start w/ be an Amazon. As soon as you can get a bow or X-bow because of the range. Most of the enemies will die in Act I and beginning of Act II. Put skills into Critical Strike and Pierce. Put about 4 or 5 points into Magic Arrow so you can use it all the time for your main attack w/o wasting arrows. Put Several ponts into Multi-Shot and Strafe cause it will become your main attack at later stages of the game. put only 1 skill point into fire, exploding, cold, ice and guided arrow. Then put only 1 skill point into Inner Sight, Slow Missile and a few in decoy. I have found this a good strategy for a Bowazon. Do Not Put ANY Points in Javelin and Spear! Pick up all magic and rare items you find and clear all areas before moving to the next. Go thru areas more than once for experience!
Smoky Lv. 35 Bowazon (Act V) |
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Re: Kill Diablo with Jabazon Many a time I always find myself being fried by his red lightning so finally i found a way to escape it.First lure him towards the part of the wall which has a protruding arch such that yhe arch separates the both of you.Next cast slow missile , this would make the lightning very short.Then step out from behind the arch and hit him for a short while and hide again before he hits you.
However I also found another method later. First cast slow mssile then spiral in vtowards him and hit .Use a weapond with cold damage .When he raises his hands run behind him and hit him and he will put his hands down.
Fhantegiro L51Amazon |
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Ok. I think by now i have pretty much mastered the bowazon. First off, they really messed up multi-shot in the expansion so i suggest strafe for your main attack. Also put some points into immolation arrow because when you get to hell you find these nasty guys that are immune to physical attacks. Immolation arrow will kill them with the fire damage. Most people say "Oh, valk is the best! Max it out!" but the truth is that the valkyrie dies in 1-2 hits from diablo on hell and she doesnt do barely any damage in hell difficulty either. She would mostly be used as a damage shield. If you want a damage shield (which you do, trust me) use decoy. Decoy has unlimited health and with just 5 points it will last 30 seconds. I know it doesnt seem like a lot but its plenty of time to kill everything in the area with strafe. I chose to max out my decoy. Its great to put a lvl 20 decoy on diablo and shoot strafe at him till he drops. Plus i suggest 15 or so in critical strike. More if you want. Put points in to all the passive skills like dodge and pierce.
To sum it all up-----Strafe as your main attack
--Immolation arrow for guys immune to physical attack in hell
--Decoy to keep monsters off you
--Get a good gothic bow or a new elite bow if you have the expansion (I havent been able to find a good elite bow yet)
--Put your remaining points into passive skills
---Eric Dead-Eye lvl 71 Bowazon on Open B-net (Yes i am legit but i play open b-net because i dont like the idea of my character getting deleted if i dont play for 3 months on closed b-net) |
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For those of you who have invested all of your skills in multiple shot arrow, you've wasted precious skills when you could have trained yourself with strafe. just a few strafe skills can bring your damage up by 50%, while multiple shot doesn't have any additional damage. May i also suggest having a fairly strong valykerie. a good valykerie makes up for weak defense any day. a valk is like a better decoy. just keep your valk skill on your right mouse button and recast her each time she starts to die. this will keep the monsters occupied while you kill them with a well trained ice arrow. freezing arrow is also a good skill to have, but unless you have excellent mana steal, forget it. it can quickly drain your mana. just remember to keep a valk by your side, and forget about multiple shot. the fire skills have proven of little use to me as wel.
-ann |
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I have a 21st level amazon who is equiped with heavy armor, one handed sword, shield, and all. she is more powerful than 20th level Barbarian, or Paladin. no bow, no spears, all skill. i level up in Passive and Magic Skills. it seems to work great. i'm not saying bows are bad or spears are bad. just saying their are other ways to play the game.
Andrew |
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Why do you take a crossbow or something like "oooooh! MYYY ama does 600 damage/secoooond!!"!! my ama is level 36 and has got 10 skill on Lightning! that does a preeetty good job on most monsters. Just get a LOT of dexterity and strength. my ama took out a level 39 necromancer. wasnt too tough... i threw one stack of javelins on him. i think all was Lightning. THEN i took my crossbow and fired multiple shots at the necromancers creations... i think they died after the like 7th salvo.(2 mana potions was required for Lightning and Multiple Arrows) and used Cold Arrow about 5 times. by that time his Fire Golem was near me. i took up my spear, used a 3rd grade Impale and oops, the little golem diiiiiied! i charged into the necromancer before he had summoned a new Fire Golem and killed him with ummmmm i think 2 strikes of impale.....
Lejonet |
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well.... it's really hard to choose the way you'll train your character... Spear and Bow are great weapons and they have their own power. I prefer a spear rather than a bow , cuz I think we play game because it's very funny. If you run away and shoot those punks with your bow, probably it's very good and strong, and you don't need to get damage. BUT! if you really like to kick those punk's asses.... I'm telling ya.. choose the spear.. Javellin class weapons suck... Since there's no unique or magic items of Javellin, throw it in the garbage box... First, use the spear. Everyone thinks spear class is heck of slow and they can beat those jabazon... I wanna say get real..
For Jabazon, the best items are blah blah blah + quickness. If the weapon has quickness in their name, the weapon's spear is greatly increased like 2 or 3 level higher. If you get the weapon that says enchanted damage and greatly increased speed, that's a
perfect weapon for you. You don't need that sucky ice, fire, lightning or poison damage. All you need is damage, speed, and some of effects that can steal mana from the enemy.
Since you guys know what skills you should learn, I won't talk about that a lot. I'll say JAB JAB JAB JAB JAB JABBY JAB JAB.... Jab is one of the best skill ever in Diablo II. Paladin's Zeal is also good but Jab is faster... You can kill a socerrer with your lance and jab by running and jabbing..
Also, you need to learn penetrate and critical attack. Learn dodge and some kinds of avoid skills if you aren't good at defense. Impale is a wonderful attack. Learn impale only one or couple of times of you have a great attack rating. Impale is a powerful attack.. sometimes, if you are a high level amazon, you can kick some babarian's ass with Impale, Penetrate, and critical attack (require 50 % or more) if you have a lance. Critical attack makes your attack double and impale makes it triple. Think about it... your damage became 6 times more than usual. Especially if you have a lance with enchanted damage like over 200 maximum damgage, you can do like over 2000 (depends on your level... sometimes, I see some freaking amazon who can kill diablo in hell with one or couple of impale.... they must be level... over 95.. You see, Even though level 99 babarian has some freaking life and freaking defense by their crying.... you can beat their ass.... try it!
and finally.... rarely, you can see a lance that has this kinda special things... If you attack with your lance, the opponent's defence is ignored.. it means you are the king (or queen..).... -_-; ignore the defense and kick their ass with your six-times-stronger-than-usual-attack Impale.. or you can use Jab if you like... jab jab jab! Amazon rules... I guess..
_Rarf family... ^^'' ( I always use _Ralf at the end of my character.. like a family name..) |
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Re, the great Amazon debate. I find it a bit comical, the 60th level monster poke and jab.
Lets see. My Baby is an archer. 32 level now. She has 9 in immolation arror. And a Valkyrie. 9 immolation arrow. About 55 points initial damage when it hits, and about 50 points of damage per second for 12 seconds. I always use a very fast bow. This computes out at 55 + 600 = 655 damage. If the target stays put. Now go toe to toe to keep the target in place and fire 2/3 of my Mana, about 12 shots. That computes for the first second at: 660 + 600 = 1260 and an additional 600 damage per second. Add cold to my bow to keep monster put and after 12 seconds she has delivered 7860 points of damage.
She can fire those 12 shots in about 1 1/2 second. If she drinks a mana potion, double the above.
Diablo facing my Valkyrie stood there until the fire died down. It took the game a while to catch up with the damage he was taking. All totaled, about 15,000.
The immolation arrow is also useful in surrounding your Ama with a fire wall/shield. Then with a blanket around you that is doing way over 500 points of damage per second, tossing out cold enhanced arrows to keep the monsters enjoying the inferno is quite nasty.
Even better, hang back and let the Valkyrie melee and surround her in the flames.
I think the ultimate devestator will come about around 40th level with a Valkyrie of +100%, and about 12th level immolation arrow.
The two together should be able without difficulty in delivering 2000 to 3000 points instantly, another 5000 in 2 seconds, and a grand total in a major melee of 20,000 to 30,000 in some 15 to 18 seconds. And it should be kept in mind, unlike the other attacks, after the initial firing the damage will continue while Baby is free to do other things. Also, strafing an area from a distance, drinking a mana potion and strafing again, and repeat. You discover nothing left alive when you go in to melee. Doing this to just off screen monsters can deliver tens of thousands of points of damage. By strafing I mean just randomly firing immolation arrows into the scenery. Shooting into the windows of the high council in Travincal left nothing alive to fight with. Opening the door and blasting away where the smith is in the barracks, Smith was toes up when I went in. It takes a little finesse.
And one of the best moves: Find a piece of scenery that you can shoot. Get big bad boss to come after you then shoot that scenery and stand in the flames when he comes up to bop you. He will take thousands of points of damage while your Amazon is free to toss all sorts of other things, drink potions, and play tiddly winks.
Poison damage: About 1/10th that of immolation. Don't bother. Jab and poke: Amazon does not get a shield with most weapons. She should not close with opponents.
Valkyrie: A dangerous decoy. But no where near as dangerous as immolation arrows. Get her up to just high enough level where she stays alive for a while. Shield her with immolation arrows.
Best bet: Very fast bows that have some cold power. I keep one that damages undead, one that does a double dose of lightning. And one that is all cold.
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YA, I say go with the croosbow. Get a repeating crossbow because they shoot faster and crossbows are more powerful, upgrade you multi shot, Guided arrow, Magic arrow in case you run out of ammo, and immolation arrow. Also get up your mana so you never have to use the normal attack. Another good idea is javelins because you can use them at far or close range. If you have a javelin, get up at the least your lighting bolt to kick some ass.
Gavin Kakarot, Amazon |
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Alright, this is for all your people debating between Jabazons or Bowazons. Everyone says Jabazons are the best, because pikes do loads of damage. Well, I have a bow that does only 19-71 damage, and I do around 50-200 damage. This proves with a pike you do over 100 damage, but I do double that. Alright, onto skill attributes/points. (I'm gonna talk about Bowazons, so all you Jabazons leave). For skill attributes, I recommend putting around 95 into STR (For those Gothic Bows), and about 200 into Dex. Yes, it sounds like loads, but this will give you loads of Attack Rating. Put low into Vitality, as you won't be going up close and personal with these monsters. Put about 75 into Energy, as you will need loads of mana for the skills and in Nightmare/Hell games, there is MANA BURN everywhere. So, now onto the skill points. Put about 8-10 into Critical Strike. This will give you a big advantage knowing your are doubling your damage. Put 1 into Inner Sight, and 2-3 into Slow Missiles. This will make the ranged enemies go slow, but be sure to run from the Slow Missiles, because they will come so fast. Get 9-11 into Multi Shot. This is great. Use it often. Put 5 into Guided (For fun duelz). Then put 4-10 into Strafe, unless you wanna use Multi Shot. Put 5 into each Dodge/Avoid/Evade Skill. Put 5 into Penetrate, and Max(20!) into Valk. I use her as a shield, not as a weapon. Its great for her to just get swarmed and you let your arrows do all the talking. Alright, I'll leave your guys! Bowazons rule! Also, congrats on this great site.
*Tyfin{DS} , Tyfin-DS Lvl. 40 Bowazon |
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i dont understand u people. i have a now level 69 zon on uswest...she has good equipment mind u, but check it. i am/was a multishot zon, but ill tell u now dont waste ur points on any arrow that isnt multishot, and/or strafe...in fact dont bother putting points into strafe untill u've maxed out multi-shot. Right now im working on maxing out penetrate...but ill letcha in on a secret...magic arrows suck ass. people will tell u freezing arrows are the best, just get eye of etlitch or a good bow with cold dammage. in hell magic dammage does absolutley dick. i have a 107 vf ias goth bow with 118 ar added, along with my other equipment, i have 324 dex and have a ar of about 7400. thats when im using tarnhelm, and not my 206 def 12 dex crown. stick with one type of arrow, max it out, and stay with it...its just like a barb, u dont go halfway putting points into sword mastery then change ur mind halfway down the road and go into a lance barb, u tough it out till u have max sword mastery and max ww mastery...anyway i ONLY use strafe against a long line of enemies, like at the entrace to the chaos santuary, or if i run back a little and get em in line, or vs a single opponent. If im fighting au unique and killed all of his little buddies, some use guided arrow which adds dammage, but with a high enuff ar, strafe fires like anywhere from 2-4 arrows at one enemy and at least two or three hit when i do it...that means that my max dammage of 481 can doubble at least once, incurring alot more dammage. dont dillude yourself and max out valk, no matter what health/life she has she'll die just as easily when confronted with a gang bang. just get good stuff by playing alot. seesh.
KySpar |
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I'm currently a follower of the Jabazon theory. But that may be because I've never started from scratch and worked the Bowazon line of self-improvement. But be you Bow or Jab, the key to a kick-ass character is in the weapon. The key is in the weapon. Yes, I repeated myself
I'm currently a level 44 Amazon. I held off on imbuing until I found what I wanted in Level lll Nightmare - a strong weapon (lance) with no magic features or sockets. When I sailed back to Charsi she imbued me with a nice weapon. You don't want find yourself at the business end of this one: +201 to my attack rating, knockback, +1-8 lightning damage (like it's needed) 9% mana steal (yes: never worry about blue bottles) and with a little strength augmentation (ammy, ring and some nice booties I found) my Jab (203min-840max) and Impale (407min to 1678(!)max) are awesome. I rarely hit anything more than once.
Can't wait to see what this weapon will do by the time I get to level 60 or 70....
(Dame) RedSonia, Level 44 Amazon |
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Well, first of all there are no such thing as a bowazon or a jabazon in early stages, all you need to do is keep a nice pike and a bow along with you. this is the best way to stay alive. Believe it or not, I didn't die at all throughout the game.
Try to keep using the javelin as long as possible and change it when you find a better one....use it as your primary weopan in the opening stages, but DO remember to keep a bow in your stash!!! This saved my ass plenty of time when facing lighting enchanted uniques.........stay from a distance and kill'em off!!! Avoid their lighting bolt, it WILL kill you (exp in nightmare and hell moods.......)
When you reach act three, you will find a pike, use it, and you'll be invinceable until nightmare arrives.
Then there are the bosses. Well.......all of them are quite easy if you use common sense to kill them. Like durial, he has a powerful melee attack but also a slow hit recovery, so an amazon can hire a merc with jab attack and use any type of spear or javelin to jab him to death!!!! Almost eveybody says durial is hard, to me it's too easy.........even lighting encarted bosses are harder...but do remember, sometimes durial may get the first hit if your unlucky, so keep some rejus just in case.
Mefisto? Don't bother, jab or keep him stuck on the stairs and you and blast him wth frozen arrows, this trick could still kill you if he fires his lighting ball, so be careful. Other than that, jab him with a pike and move on to act4.
AHhh.....finally Diablo....he's the easiest to kill, just run around and shoot him with guide arrows that will be easier to hit him. Or with a pike if you want to, the only thing you need is jab=1 and a plated belt full of rejus. You'll kill him without needing to go back to town.......
well, that's all, most of the strats here are quit useful, and i say read'em all.
my amazon? level 99,Queen sMOOth ASss
guide arrows=20
frezing arrows=10
citical hit=10
peneteate=22(because i have a plus two skill point pike and bow)
jab=3 (heheheheh my primary skill)
fend=22 (Diablo's wost nightmare)
lighting bolt (the last one)=22 is the ultimat crowd controler
and the rest is in the requrement skills to get my current skills.........
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As a level 67 Amazon, I will say that I have played Amazons to around level 50 or so with both Bow and Spear-class, and I still have to opt for spear over arrows or javelins. Right now (due in part to the generosity of a certain paladin on Battle-net) I am badder than ever, with a rare lance doing over a thousand damage.
I have Fend striking all adjacent enemies with every hit in a melee, Jab to take out the big guys with multiple hits per strike, Lightning Strike to send blasts of chain lighting through a crowded room once I've softened them up with Inner Sight to cut defenses in half, Critical Strike maxed out doing double damage two out of three hits!
My Valkyrie and I just plow 'em down and keep right on going. And to be exact, a spear (Especially the big ones like a Trident, Fuschina, Brandistock or WarFork) is a ranged attack! The passive Penetrate skill applies to spear attacks as well as arrows, and when maxed, adds 225% to your attack rating! I have taken out monsters from several feet away nd they've never gotten close enough to land a hit. Even through grates, on platforms, etc. Combined with the passive Evade and Avoid skills, it's easy to stay out of harm's way.
Say whjat you will, but I really find it hard to see the advantages of a bow over all that! Good playing, and good Karma.
Silksteel/Ashtareth/Hippolyte |
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Hi...I'm a level 31 "Polearm Barb" and i realy love him!!!!!
If you want to be like the best barb in the world.....yea in the world......you should (MAX) out Polearm mastery because with wirlwind, it has the longest range... the range is longer than using a lance. And even doe lances do more damager than polearms... i found out something extremely strange like i said,,, im only level 31.. i use a 150 damage rare bec-de-corbin with 11% manasteel... I DO OVER 650 DAMAGE ON MY CHAR. SCREEN!!!!!! just imaging how much damage ill do when im level 50!!! over 1200!! i love my barb because he does massive damage and massive range with wirlwind. so if you havent started a polearm barb..,, u should start making one. :) good luck! oh i killed mephsito in 2 hits! :)
Dr. Buzz---Barbarian lev. 31 Jiggelo Buzz--Amazon lev. 60 |
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Lets just say this...........BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW
USE THE BOW!!!!!!!!!! you can go over 800 damage!!!!! with just a 120/+ damage bow! im a level 60 amazon :). And i use a 101 damage bow with 14-28 poison damage....vf attak speed and i do 600 damage!!!!!!!!.........WITH A DAMN STICK AND TWIG!!!!! amazons should use frostburns and goldwrap.... goldwrap for magic find and vf.......frosties for the cold damage to slow down enemies! they wont even get close to u!!!!! amazons r the best in dueling....just stay back aand shoot run shoot run shoot run shoot run. amazons r realy designed to kill necros and sorcereses because of slow missle!!! SLOW MISSLE IS THE BEST!.........i think |
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They key to having a good amazon is to focus in one skill area instead of being in two places at the same time. If you are a Jabazon, DO NOT USE the Bow and Crossbow Skills Tree and if you are a Bowazon do not use the Javalin and Spear skills. I strongly recomend that you not be the Jabazon, people think they are all that because of their high damage, maybe yes, but they have a Slow Attack speed (Unless they use Jab, which kills mana) and they get up close and personal with their enemies, nad since the Amazon can't ever get as much life as the barb, I strongly recomend staying at a distance and shooting arrows from a long way away. I will rank my favourite skills from 1-10 most USEFULL to less USEFULL
1) Valkyrie (She takes ALL the hits for you)
2) Multiple Shot (Rocks with mana/ Life steal)
3) Immolation Arrow (Rocks with Pierce)
3) Pierce (rocks with Immolations Arrow)
4) Penetrate (Helps out Attack Rating)
5) Inner Sight (good for strong monsters)
6) Slow Missiles (great in duels and Act4)
6) Critical Strike (Every other hit I 2x dmg)
7) Guided Arrow (duels and against Diablo
8) Decoy (Gives u a sec to catch breath)
9) Evade (Good for hit and runs)
10) Avoid (Saves your butt while youre shooting arrows and one comes back to you)
*Cybershark7 lvl 35 Bowazon (Lady) Celestial_Arrow on USEast |
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The following is compulsory on a Bowazon (a bowazon must do)
#1 Max out Critical Strike And Penetrate
#2 Max out Magic Arrow , Guided arrow & Immolation Arrow (put 13 points into magic arrow 5 into multiple than upgrade fire arrow & exploding arrow until you can get immolation)
#3 Always use bows; because they have a much faster attack speed
You want to know why, how and where?
Rule #1 is obvious if you want an amazing attack damage and attack rating without putting points in strength and dexterity
Magic Arrow becomes free after level 13 which is a huge asset because it adds a certain amount of damage your bow can make. Multiple arrow is only good until you can get guided arrow. Immolation and Exploding arrow should be useful because they do mass damage and can take out Diablo if used correctly.
The only way to have a goooooooooooooood bowazon I s if you can kill Diablo in 10-20 hits at maximum if u cant you need allot of training to kill those damn barbarians.
Personal Jabazons can do no damage because the can put there points in the 3 of the javelin and spear and the passive & magic which wont help. For all you spear lovers go with javelins that you will be able to use a shield & amazing attacks( its for your own good).
Abdul |
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Ok You all are misguided fools using the Jabazon! Think about it melee don't go with mana cause it just doesn't work out. Amazon specializes in range. First of all I have a level 110 javezon which is kick ass javelin based Amazon I can kill Diablo in hell mode with one hit with my maxed out valkrye and lightning strike but I have to admit it is mana consuming. But it is very useful think about I killing Diablo with 1 mere hit. But the only problem is Bowazons are better!
Bowazons: (noun) Ultimate fighting machines
They can kick ass especially with maxed out multiple shot, magic arrow and guided arrow. Trust me guided arrow when maxed out is inexpensive, powerful and cheap. Especially when we r playing and eight people battle I have killed em all with ease. When your starting you have to max out multiple shot and magic arrow. Put one skill point into cold arrow just to meet the perquisites of guided arrow. As soon as guided arrow is accessible max it out. In this way you will have magic arrow for free ( at level 13) multiple shot kicking ass and guided arrow kicking even more ass. Its also very useful to put some points into strafe in this way you will be able to kick A$$$$$$. Killing Diablo is even easier especially when valkries are by your side Diablo will try to first kill the valkrye. Oh yeah put some points into decoy than he will attack it while you eat him away (you will find Diablo dumbfounded that you are idle and not taking damage).
Conclusion: Bowazon is the best; Guided arrow, magic arrow, strafe and multiple shot will win the game!
=- Zenith-= |
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Frankly, I don't understand this Jabazon vs. Bowazon debate. My amazon is balanced to use both weapon types effectively, and I will use the most appropriate one as the situation dictates. While she isn't Battlenet-tested, I've managed to get my 39th level little lady to Act 3 of Nightmare mode in just a few weeks with intermittant play, so hopefully some of my advice may prove useful to the newbie.
Spear class weapons are terrific against those single, powerful beasties. And to this end, Jab is a must-have skill: 3 rapid-fire attacks (regardless of the weapon's inherent attack speed, and relatively effective even if you're hit by a cold blast) with minimal mana drain. If you get it up 4-5 points, you eliminate the damage penalty. Combined with a 6-9% mana drain device, and this attack method makes you an unstoppable lethal force one-on-one, and the best way for defeating Andariel and Duriel. Because the Jab skill isn't slowed by more cumbersome weapons, go for the damage-dishing sticks. I have a monster of a pike, and am praying for a decent lance before I complete Nightmare mode. Frankly, I don't use any other spear skill other than Jab; it isn't my special attack, but rather my default spear attack. Others will tell you that Fend is the cat's meow, but I honestly don't see the value. It's fine if you're swarmed by smaller beasties, but if you're focused on taking out a boss or unique who is surrounded by minions, you want to zip right in and take out the boss fast; Fend will direct your shots to every adjacent beastie, possibly hitting the main monster once. In this situation, I would rather rush in, Jab the heck out of the boss, and then bug out and find more advantageous ground to fight the minions one-on-one (like a doorway). So pump up on Jab (4-5), and bugger off on the rest.
Bows (not crossbows; speed counts) are not as great against the juggernauts, but great at mowing down crowds of monsters (my form of riot control). For this, Multi-shot rocks, especially when you get it up to 4-5 arrows or more per shot. A 4+ arrow multi-shot with mana drain devices uses minimal to no mana, and when combined with pierce can devastate deep formations of monsters. I tried Strafe and didn't find it to my liking. Like Fend, you have less control over where you're shooting. While Multi-shot doesn't have Strafe's 360 degree capability, 4+ arrows will fan out nicely, giving you upwards of 60 to 70 degrees of coverage in the direction you're aiming. The Multi-shot Bowazon works great against small, fast monsters where it is far easier to spray a bunch of arrows in a general direction than to lock on a single scurrying target, namely the bugs, flayers, and vlie childs. My preferred strategy is to use a point-person (Valkyrie or Decoy, or both) to block off monsters from advancing towards me (and attract them into a tight pack), and then blanketing the melee with Multi-shots; terrific in close quarters. Normally, I will hit town to switch back and forth between the pike and bow, depending on the combat situation I'm about to enter (for example, I may use a bow throughout the Canyon of the Mage and through about half of the Tomb of Tal Rasha, and then switch to my pike to hit the uniques and Duriel. And why not? Portal scrolls are cheap!
Other than that, load up on the passive and magic spells. Critial Strike should be one of the first you load up, since double damage capability scales up as you upgrade to more powerful weapons, and works regardless of the weapon. I find ~50% chance (around 7-9 points) works well, with diminishing marginal benefit beyond that. The 3 evasion skills are not bad, and merit at least 1-2 points each, as do Penetrate and Pierce. I absolutely love Valkyrie, and aside from having a tank as a companion, the Valkyrie as an amazing tactical weapon. The ability to control the exact location of the summons is critical in reaching monsters you cannot see or reach. In tackling the Summoner of the Arcane Sanctuary, simply summon the Valyrie onto the same platform as the Summoner, and spray the area with Multi-shots, even if you can't see the foes. The swirls from any life leech or mana drain device will tell you if you hit and are shooting in the right direction. This strategy powered me past Mephisto and Diablo as well, and is also good for hitting monsters on the other side of canals (like the flayers in Act 3). Putting at least 5-7 points into Valkyrie will get you a friend who can atleast withstand a hit or 3 from even heavy hitters like Duriel.
For attributes, put some points on Vitality and Energy occasionally, but load up big-time on strength and dexterity. Attack capability is essential, and defense is always a major plus (especially when using the spear weapons in close quarters). Get life and mana up to a respectable level, but rely on life leech and mana drain devices and a strong attack capability to keep life & mana up and minimize the need for potions. I find a good life regeneration a good device to have which, combined with the life leech device further reduces the need for potions. But load up on the rejuvenation potions. I rip through the grape juice like crazy against the big bosses (went through all 16 rejuvenation potions in my belt when up against Nightmare Duriel, and barely made it out).
Cattie-brie, 39th level Jababowazon |
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I've been playing Diablo for a while now, and having made three Barbarians (Spear, Double-Sword, And Mace) I was tired of making Barbarians. I went into a Dueling Room called PK PK PK and saw that most of the ears belonged to Barbarians, Paladins, Necromancers, and Sorceresses. Only one ear out there belonged to a Amazon! So i started an Amazon. I went with the bow, while some people prefer the pike or lance. But think of it this way: If you can get your hands on a nice Gothic Bow, you can do well over 300 damage with maxed out Guided Arrow, which is as much as a nice pike or lance could do. In Dueling Rooms, you can dominate by standing still and shooting Multiple Shots or Guided Arrows. If anyone runs out, they will be caught in the crossfire and get killed instantly. Now for those pesky Necromancers, Sorceresses, and other Bowazons, use Slow Missiles on them! I've run into seven Frozen Orbs casted by a Sorceress and never gotten hit just because i had remembered to use Slow Missiles. Don't be stingy with your potions, use them plentifully, there are a LOT you can find or buy in the game, I have died so many times because I didn't want to use that Full Rejuvenation Potion or the Super Mana Potion. So go out there and make everyone gang up on you in dueling rooms!!!!
Dame SiLeNt_ChaOs USWest Realm |
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ok first off i just wanted to say that jabazons are a waste of time! i cannot see how u people can say a bow can never meassure to a pike, first about that subject a bow can do soooo much more damage and u have the range. if u want a melee character use a barb becuz no matter what u say a jabazon can never match the speed, the thousands of life and ww of a barb. now about the bowazon i made mine a dueler which lvls up good too. the only arrow skills i got were the ones needed to get to guided. i would pick multiple over strafe anyday becuz when u get strafe 6 lvls after u get pierce and multi and peirce are the best to kill monsters and multi is great for dueling. i put enuf points into multiple to where i shoot 15 arrows, and if u have a high enuf bow the dmg that strafe adds doesnt really matter. next max guided, thats the best thing the zon has, mine does over 800 dmg, now what can u jabazons say about that? next is the passive skills. i got my critical up to 60% or so which helps pretty good. penetrate is a very good skill, especially for dueling barbs with that high def, if u want max that too. peirce is worth putting a few points into. with ur defensive skills like dodge avoid and evade, put some points into that according to what u wanna duel against, if u wanna have a better chance with zons go for avoid, against melee go for dodge, and always get some evade. my skills are dodge 5 avoid 14 evade 12. i put 1 point into inner sight and slow missles and a few in valk. now about gear... u either need a bad ass crown or tarn. myself i have a 176 grand crown with fastest HR 60 life 40mana and 17 dex. i wear twitchthroe for the sias and 10 dex, perfext for a zon. gloves find some good rare sias with dex, +19 like mine, and maybe some magic find. for an ammy, i have a prismatic +2 skills +19 dex and MF. boots u need fastest run/walk, if u can get dual fastest boots, with dex. for ur belt try to get something with cold dmg, dex and anything else that u need. ur bow can be very important according to ur damage, try to get something over 130 dmg and ur set. now u stat points, u dont really need any mana at all, just try to get items that add to mana. str get to where u can wear a gothic bow which is 95 or a lil higher if u want to wear high defense things, but 110 is the most u will need. now ur dex is what packs the dmg. i have 255 dex, a lil more than i really need, but with all my gear i have 360 dex, which puts my normal attack at 660 or so. now vitality is pretty important, the more u have the better, zons get 3 hp each time u put a point into vitality, and ive seen zons with over 1000 life and doing good dmg. well over all bowazons are the best char in the game, for pvp or pvm. so i hope i help some people out with this email in the direction of what to make ur zon, bow all the way, if u think ur jabazon is good i will be glad to duel u. PIKES SUCK!!!
*outk4st@uswest 73 zon- epyon 65 s/s barb- heavyarmz
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ummmm i read all this other shit and the ppl dont know what they r talking about .... my lvl 73 amazon does 677 multiple shot and 851 guided arrow . i wear a rare grand crown with 192 def fastest hit recovery +38 life +42 mana +19 dex +18 str and some resists . DO NOT use gay ass tarn get a crown. get twitchthroe get rare boots with fastest run/walk and +15 or more dex wear SIAS gloves with +15 or more dex and mana/life. get a cold dmg BELT with mana/life dex. get 1 skull grasp and the other ring get +15 or more dex! GET a carrion if u cant get a 100+ bow with IAS wear a nice ammy .. i have a +2 prismatic amazon amulet with +38 life 33% magic find and +19 dex .... upgrade about 100 str and use tiwtch so u can wear everything u need. then get 150-200 natural dex and get A LOT of dex enhancers. then go all vitality.
epyon lvl 73 amazon USWEST |
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The amazon is simple to master. All u need is someone who can give u a repeating crossbow, strafe at 10 or better, lots of mana, dexterity and crossbow bolts. On Hell, I walked into the room before Andariel, let loose a single strafe and all but one Dark One was dead. With this Necors and swarms get mowed down like with a machine gun.
Murobo, lvl 42 Amazon, Master of Death |
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To all amazons, Bow is the way to go. With a bow, get some good damage, maybe leech, and unlike a spear, u can have +'s to amazon skills! Once you hit lvl 30 or so, you should be shooting for a good rare bow with like around 20-70, hopefully higher damage with one or more of these 4 abilities: Skill +'s, Leech, +'s to life/mana, and Increased attack speed. I am a lvl 42 zon with a 25-110 bow with +2 to zon skills, and i have two others almost just like it. These are the bows i prefer and shoot for. If you do go spear-zonny, then get a good rare lance. No offence to what other peps say, there is almost nothing comparing to a rare lance, and anything socketed is probubly going to suck like crap. The only use for gems is to trade them to other players, or use them to get the stats that you need momentarilly until u get something better. I prefer a lance like the one's i have on my barb, all have cold and leech, and ok damage. Always invest like 5 in Jab, and fend if ur a lance zon, and if u a bow zon like me, get tons into multishot and guided arrow. You will find at higher levels almost all your fun derives from beating barbs into a bloody pulp in dueling rooms. Zons are in my opinion the best dueling character. Get slow missiles to deal with necro's, other zon's, and sorc's. Kill barb's and pally's from a long distance and use cold arrows. Freezing arrow kicks ass in normal, but it stinks dueling, and is bad when monsters start getting resistances in nightmare and hell. I use Multishot + Guided Arrow + Slow Missiles to desimate everything in dueling rooms. Always remember ur friendly neighborhood valk ;). Anyway i am done talking now, drink your school, Stay in drugs, and Don't do Milk, cyal!
Michael |
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as a level 31 jabazon i am doing much better than when i was shooting sticks.the pike is the only way to go.so much for my preference.i have some very important advice for new players.in act 2 when fighting in the maggot lair for the staff,dont hesitate when you get to the big worm!!!!! when i was in normal level i jumped in and out for a while because the worms were easy to get away from and lets face it i was scared of getting killed. in a matter of minutes i had hundreds of maggots pouring down the hall.i couldnt keep up with them with a pike.i went to the bow wich by the way i had no skill points in hardly,after 2 hours and 1750 hours later the big worm was dead.my nerves were shot,my hand killing me,and nightmares about those damd worms for days.when i went back in nightmare level,scared to death i RAN in and had it killed in 5 sticks from my pole. DONT HESITATE. trust me
derek p aka "DAME BOOBS" |
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Hey ya'll this if for the newbies out out there i just wanted to say that amazon's are the best class. They are well rounded and can be good at anything if you just raise it right. Ok first i want to tell you that i am not really an expert on zon's i just have a level 20 Bowazon, but i learn from my friends on B-net. Ok first we go to equipment for a weapon i would chose a doomslinger as fast as you can becuz it +1 all skills but only use that until you have enough money or can trade for a good gothic bow with +2 all skills. Ok now for helmet i Would say a tarn helm they rule with +1 all skills. Ok now for boots i would say Vidalas fetlock they are the best if your a bowazon so when the enemies get to rough run Heck of fast away and blast them away with your bow. ok For belt i would use a bladebuckle or nightsmoke / night smoke becuz of the Mana add you need it if your a bowazon multi and guided arrow burn mana quick. Now for gloves get bloodfists or Gloves with 3% mana and life leech +20 mana those are good to i forgot the name though. Now for rings get skulls grasps they are heck of good but if want you can use soj's but zon'z need leech. The ammy should be +2 or +1 all zon skills. Now for skills i would have to say max out valkrie/ multi shot/ guided arrow. Those are main becuz these skills can save your butt many times they have for me and they will for you. Ok some considerable skills strafe- its ok but multi shot is better/ and maybe even out all the passive skills except valkyrie max it out.magic shot is also good try to get that above other skils becuz after at lvl 20 it cost no mana and +19 more dmg pretty good if yah ask me. For the equipment i wouldn't really trust me on that the equipment i listed they are good for normal mode or newbies. Oh yea for the armor i would use Greyform armor or artic furs whatever you can get your hands on. WEll thats all i know. Hope it helped yah.
Lara_DeathCupid Lvl 20 Bowazon |
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Don`t bother with a puny spear.It gets your outfit all messed up,leave the close combat to the he-man barbarian,those illiterate swine.It is much more pleasant to watch the evil scum die from a distance that way you din`t worry about breaking a nail.So you must find a nice bow,crossbows do allot of damage and have a real nasty side effect if you get a socketed weapon and use the right gem combination.For a good night out don`t forget to dress nicely, armor must be tasteful and have a generous complement of accessories,such as modifiers for dex,str,and mana.Don`t forget a nice ring or 2 to complete your outfit,good luck and good hunting.
Maeve |
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While there has been some good info here, I haven't seen anything about the amazon skill that I have found the most useful. Confession first, I prefer spear weapons, and I am currentally using a Knights pike of lightning. Something like 22-97 damage. I can kill most things in chapter 4 with one shot so far. That being said, I have found that Fend is increadable. For the price of mearly 5 mana, you take a shot (in rapid fire) at every monster around you. It is unfortantally interuptable, but you dont need that much even a few kills makes your job easier. For this to work, however you need a few things. Very high attack, missing a lot while using fend will get you killed very fast. Some good life drain. I currentally have 2 rings with 6%, keeps me alive while getting pounded. With the 12% life drain, and doing from about 80-210 damage per shot, I can afford to take some hits. My current stratagy has been to round up a large group of monsters and use fend to wail on them. It works extreamly well, and I have taken out very large groups of monsters at once. Of course, messing up while trying this makes you go down HARD
Tom |
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A lot of people recommend that you do not stick any points to your energy. Well, I'm writing this simply to people who enjoy playing a bowazon with the fire of the freezing specialization. I've stick one ton of points into energy and I don't find it troblesome at all. Remember that the most powerfull spells of each fire or ice skill DOES NOT absorb mana.(immolation,freezing arrow). Make sure you follow either the ice or the fire path and stick to it. Do remember that playing as a mana bowazon will have very low health.(I killed diablo at nightmare level with 300+ life) I recommend you have a mana absorbing item.(only one) It will be enough to wisthand your mana consumption. And you valkryie.It's a valuble companion. Frostburns are important to boost your max mana by 40%. Fast/fastest hit recovery is very important too.
I give a basic idea on how I killed the quest bosses.(normal mode)
Andriel-shoot cold arrow and run around the whole place like a chicken.
Duriel-same, but I bought a few stamina potions with me.I recruited one mercanary to get massacared just to buy me about 2 seconds to get away from that big lug to fire from a distance.(MAKE SURE YOUR COLD RESISTANCE IS AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Mephisto-I used the second ice class arrow, but get ready with a town portal and some rejuvination potions.His lightning-ice ball is knocks about 3/5 to 4/5 of a bowazon's life.(better still-stick 1 point into jab and fight with that clown haed on, he'll fire his ball less often)
Diablo-Don't bother to be level 30 with a valkryie, just fire him with your best mana arrows.(lightning resistance MUST be max)He can't give you a one hit kill. My amazon is a level 45 amazon that masters in the freezing skill.
I put about 5 skill points into multiple arrow and about 4 skill points into my freezing arrow so far. The enemies in the 4th quest(especially the chaos sanctuary,right?) was VERY easy to kill. Everytime I ran out of mana bottles, I'll change into multiple arrow skill to absorb all the mana back. My standard attack is the second ice arrow skill. My backbone of the attack was the freezing arrow.Really kicks ass!(so long as you can keep your mana up) Currently my energy is about 40+, my vitality about 50+,strength 95(for gothic bow) and dexterity at 100+. My life is currently at 300+ and mana at 150+ I'm in Hell mode now. (This is just a basic idea on how you should stick your points as a mana bowazon) My amazon only died 9 times.
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Okay...I guess most of you out there must think as I did when I started my amazons.I mean asking yourself things like "should I make a bowazon or a jabazon" and "Which abilities should I use".Well let me tell you this,listen to yourself,no ability is better than another,so I'm just going to tell you about some cool abilities that for myself are great.
-First of all,the bows abilities-Here you have a big controversy between multi-shot and strafe,I,for myself,use both of those great abilities...Strafe is a great ability to have when you have someone to back you up,like Valkirie for example,it's really great cause it shoots multiple targets for heavy damage,but multi-shot is way better when the place is crowded..and way faster,but the damage are not as impressive as with Strafe.Next there is the super and must-have Guided Arrow!This is the most useful of the bowazons attack because it does great damage and always hits and reduces your chance of dying in a party by about 75%...let the big mean barbs and jabazons do the fighting while you shoot from a un-seen corner of the room...Finally,the ice and fire arrows...I must say that I don't really use those,and would be really glad to see someone using it when it's maxed..so whisper me if you decide to max it out!
-Second thing,the jabazons-Well those are as fearless as the barbs,they don't kill monsters as fast as the bowazons,but they don't fear the lags either,I personally only use the first spear attack maxed up...this teamed up with a good spear is really great,but thuders ability really knock out then opponents too!I suggest you don't waste your time with the javelins.since there isn't any rare or magic javelin...
-Finally,the all-around abilities-Critical hit around 50% should be enough for any kind of amazon,I suggest you max out your favorite abilties in spear or bow first before using the all-around abilities,except for valk,that you should leave around lvl 5...Well Hope you use my suggestion and whisper me sometime,my account name is Neoevangelion
-Vhali lvl 40 bowazon and Yulia lvl 36 Jabazon |
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If you are a jabazon, Duriel is really easy. I had about 6 in Jab, and a good spetum. I went into his room expecting to die, and I just jabbed him to death. If you keep jabbing so he can't hit you, you can kill him very quickly. He might freeze you a few times, but cold doesn't affect the speed of jab. I had more trouble killing the lightning enchanted scarab demons. Never use jab on them. Impale works well on the uniques or champions. and if you die in a place full of monsters which you can't get to without dying again and again, just save and exit, then restart- your body will appear in town and you can re-equip yourself.
Laura , level 23 Jabazon |
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To all newbies, Barbarians are for the weak, there stats are way too high...I recommend you go with them, to everybody else with skill, the amazon (Female barbarian) Is the way to go if you like melee. Jabazons are effective if you like close in combat, I recommend Jab skill, and bows for long range, I recommend a rare bow that has either freeze damage or exploding arrows.
Jabazons- First off, you need an awesome weapon, i recommend a socketed lance (try to make it a supierior) and a few skill points to jab. Add skulls to it for life drain and get mana drain. (Jab will start to hurt your mana) also put a few points into the fend skill.
Bowazons- Once again, its all about how effectient your weapon is, wether it is bow or crossbow. However it seems that the bowazon benafits more form boots and gauntlets. Try to get boots that boost run/walk speed to get distance on enemies, and get gauntlets that give leech ability, or boost attack speed.
Avenger-bitch--Bow/Jabazon |
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One of the best ways to maximize a spear-using amazon is to get a powerful spear that has mana steal, or a kick-ass spear and a ring or amulet that allows you to steal mana. In normal mode, you'll need about 8-10%, 4% will do in nightmare or hell as monsters have more hitpoints. That way, you can use jab all the time and never have a mana problem. We mainly used jab and inner sight since they combine really well. If you can get a good amulet or ring early in the game, save it no matter what. That way you won't have to spend alot of your stat points on energy and you con focus on the others early on.
(Dame) Bitch - Level 29 |
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For those taking the bow route, in the early to mid game socketed bows are your friend. Even at a low level it should not be terribly difficult to get a hold of something like a longbow with three sockets for around 500 or so gold. At that point, start adding things like a skull, ruby, and sapphire, and you have a weapon which will serve you for a long time. The beauty of this is how cheap it is, allowing you to save your sheckles for handy items like the sashes and belts, fast shoes, and so forth. Granted, it can take some time to find the right variety of gems, but even with just one or two it will do nasty things to the little mooks while you wait to find a good late game bow. Naturally, the extra abilities granted by the special bow are even nicer when combined with standard Amazon tricks like magic arrow, multi-shot, and the ever important Critical Hit.
Shosho |
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I too swear by the pike. I've tried bows and javelins, but they just don't do enough damage fast enough. The first time I met Duriel, I tried to kill him with javelins so I could carry a good shield. After he killed me twice, I went back to my spear, filled up my belt with rejuvination potions, stood toe to toe, and jabbed him to death without getting killed again. That said, I think the best weapon is the Valkyrie. A really cool trick is to use her like a shield. Especially if you have a doorway full of bad guys, she will always head strait for them. Then all you have to do is stand behind her. You can sill get in plenty of hits to the enemies, but she takes the brunt of the damage. If you see her health level getting low, you can resummon her. Usually she will reappear right in front of you, and you can continue fighting. I've cleared huge groups of enemies like this without having to drink more than a couple health potions.
Andraste, level 39 Amazon |
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Jabazons are really the way to go. For the longest time I've tried to go towards a strong Bowazon, padding up my magic arrow skills and the likes. It wasnt until ACT 3 when I found a pike. Oh my. I had a Rare Heavy Crossbow (normal speed... very fast for a crossbow) that did around 50 damage average. And with my magic arrows (level 5 minimum) I never needed arrow management. I must admit I was doing good. But that pike I found. My goodness. Even without my spear class skills enhanced AT ALL, I could easily do 100 damage (just a normal pike mind you) with the Jab skill. Not only was I doing 100 damage, but the Jab skill attacks three times in the span of a normal attack. That means I was doing over 200 damage per attacking turn... WITHOUT ANY SKILLS OTHER THAN JAB=1. I finally decided to ditch my bows for the pikes. Now I am a level 29 jabazon doing 150+ damage with a magical pike (i have yet to find a rare one, sadly). I can now easily slaughter the champion and unique monsters much more effeciently than I had ever hoped for when I still had the bow (if only I had invested the earlier skills to my spears). Everybody always talks about how difficult Duriel is, but I slaughtered him with only having to return to town twice to fill up on potions and life.
I'm sure a lot of newbies to Diablo are going to look at this, and I want to tell them something. When you start off the game, be patient with your Jabazon. It will be hard finding a halfway decent spearclass weapon, and at times you will be tempted to turn to the good bows that appear early in the game. But trust me. Hold out for the spears. (i used to be a barbarian, and i find that my 29 jabazon kills WAY faster than my 36 barbarian)
For either class, Jabazon or Bowazon, the most important thing is to get a mana and life steal item of somesort. If you cant find any, use skulls in your helm or weapon to regenerate your life and mana. Jabazons without a mana source will find that their mana will run low after all the jabbing they will be doing. As for Bowazons, all those magical arrows take a toll. I know it seems like everybody on Diablo always argue about different strategies, but this one is unanimous. Every Amazon needs a life steal AND a mana steal item.
~Altirus |
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I haven't been playing very long, but I've found that in Act II, the enemies are generally not much tougher, but tend to come in larger packs. For this, the exploding arrow has saved my ass more times than I can count, especially with the Radament quest. Being able to blast apart multiple enemies before the mummie-type creature can regen them all leaves you open to make a run for the regenerating king, instead of wasting time and hit points running through the mob. Just be prepared to use mana potions, it sucks up your magic points quickly.
Jake |
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After finished all the levels and bosses with my superb bowazon (53 level), something need to be shared. I don't know if anyone write about the subject, but for me killing Diablo and Mephisto in all levels is piece of cake for the Bowazon.Try to run to a corner when the Bosses are near but can't reach you, use guided arrow (1 skill pt enough) for a few minutes and they are toosted. For those monsters that teleport and regenerate (the most annoying type), hit them to about 1/4 of life, then find an open area unobstructed by wall, use ice arrow and push shift and mouse button, and hit them to death with the help of hireling and powerful Valk, they don't get too much chance to regenerate. Ice arrow is also perfect for killing minions or skeletons coz' they can't be raised again.
After trying both bowazon and jabazon for ages, the most important determinant is a superb weapon. I got a very powerful pike that does 150+ damage but later got a ven better bow that does 30-80 demage plus elemental effects. It adds up to 100-250+ actual damage with ice/freezing arrow. With mana steal, regen, fast hit rings/amulet/glove, and a superb bow, you also need a good "pierce" 70+ (and you don't need that weak strafe everyone advocate) plus ice or freezing arrows (1 skill point is enough, too many is mana-taxing and little damage enhancement) will rule. Use Valk (20 level to draw fire and withstand demage longer) and decoy (1-2 enough), stand behind monsters and let ice/freezing arrows to do all the killing is the winning way. Believe me, all the rest are no match for such Bowazon.
JoJoBow |
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Duriel is argueably the hardest boss in the game. With a freezing aura, stun attack, and massive stats, he is extremely difficult for the first-time warrior. Especially when there is no way out of the room until he is dead, save Town Portal.
Having read the other strategies, I attempted my first kill of Duriel under the impression that he couldn't get up the slope by the door to Tal Rasha's chamber. He could. I died at least twice up there. However, I did eventually kill him, and I have some tips that may help other first-time bowazons.
1. Make the real Tomb of Tal Rasha all you play in a session. Going through the Arcane Sanctuary, Canyon of the Magi and 6 false Tombs can really tire you out, and you need to be fresh to fight the Lord of Pain. Once you have the Canyon cleared, and the other Tombs raided, go to town and save. Next time, clear a path from the waypoint to the real Tomb, empty it out, and then get ready to face Duriel.
2. Use your hotkeys!!! Assign Town Portal to F5 or so, and Ice Arrow to F4 or F6 (these key assignments are just suggestions, use any numbers you find convienent). Ice Arrow always hits, and freezes your enemy for a minimum of about 2 seconds, long enough to get some distance, and heal. It puts you on the same pace as Duriel, since you will be frozen due to his aura. Oh, and use RUN!! Hope you have good stamina. Just keep doing this as long as your potions hold out (have a 3 level belt or better, it really helps), then go to town. When you come back, make sure you have refilled your belt, and perhaps have invested in the best mercenary you can find. He will distract Duriel for a second (or 3, if he's tough), so you can get some distance.
3. Have a friend man your belt potions. This may seem like wimping out to some of you, but it allows you to concentrate on running and fighting. Besides, it helps build bonds of trust and affection. Also, use rejuvs as often as possible, since they fill your bubble instantly, so you can stay toe-to-toe longer, if necessary, or pull yourself out of a low-health jam. No one sells rejuvs, but you can collect them, or make them in the Horadric Cube (see the Horadric Cube Recipe page). You can best figure out how many rejuvs to have, and how many regular healings, but hopefully your friend will be able to do it without your thought.
4. Don't get discouraged if you die. It's natural, and it WILL happen. Just keep going back, getting your body, then quickly returning home to refill your now empty belt. If you give up, you will lose everything you had when you died. Hot boots on your machine DON'T work. Tried it, lost my favourite Necromancer. You can kill Duriel; he doesn't heal between attack sessions (unless you give up and exit the game), or if he does, he doesn't do it fast enough.
Go to it, Bowazon! Remember, the rest of the Diablo 2 community is with you.
Dmitria, Level 23 Bowazon |
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First off bowazons are the best....no exceptions. a lvl 60 bowazon could easily take a level 60 anything else. all u need is the right equipmeant and skill points and u are gonna be on ure road to greatness. As for gear u wanna find greyform or trade for it soon as possible. although it is quilted armor u will most likely use it the rest of ure stinkin bowazon life! ok now u need to find mana and life leech items. undead crown is a great helm along with tarn. go for leech gloves that add to attack speed and resist and other crap like that. no frost burns.....period. all peole get them for is the freezing mod but u dont need that due to the half freeze time in nmare and hell maodes. belt=nightsmoke no excuses... it is the best belt ever. as for weapons get a good gothic bow or cho-ko-nu.. it must have high damage and +2 to all skills for a kepper. in the lower lvls get a cold damage bow. rings all u need is life or mana steal on both if u want sojs go ahead but steal rings are better. then get a high %leech etlich and fastest run walk boots.....tearhaunch or threads are nice. SKILL POINTS________be careful and listen up. U only need 50% critical strike so about 7 to that. 1 to evade dodge and the other one in that group[ is good so about 3-5 on that one. 1 inner sight and 1 slow missle. 1 on the whole ice and fire tree. 20 STRAFE nad 20 VALK. 1 decoy...people think more points into decoy makes them last longer....NO WAY JOSE. all it does is add amount of time it is summoned not life. jeez...idiots. ok on to stats. dex is the lifebeat of a bowazon. many bowazons have over 300 dex. add 2dex 2str and 1life each lvl in early stages. no mana. we dont need it cause of the mana leech. 1 point in vitality gives three life....thats alot! a WW barb is easy pickins for bowazons...always remember...run strafe run strafe.hehe.. im goin now! BOWAZONS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bye.
Starz12TN |
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I know a lot of people dislike the whole Bowazon concept, because they'd rather have a huge, zillion damage lance-weilding biker chick type. And there are those crazies who can run Tankazons (although I hear a good Tank can beat out a Barbarian... who knew?). But, for party play, and if you are careful, even on your own, being a Bowazon is the best choice. I hated arrow management. Then one day, I looked and what do you know: at level 20, magic arrow has NO MANA COST and adds +19 to damage! Also, this is a straight +19, not fire, lightning, etc. Therefore, it can't be resisted by magic resistant monsters. Even at the earlier levels, magic arrow quickly costs only a fraction of a mana point. With my level 11 hardcore Amazon, I have a triumphant (+1 mana after each kill) ring and 4% ! mana steal amulet. Between these two, and my long bow of alacrity, it generally costs me no mana to use magic arrow, provided I hit about two out of three targets! I don't even have to kill them: I play with two Clanmates, and rarely KILL the enemy, but still never lose mana. Also, since it's magic arrow, I never run out of arrows (which isn't to say that I don't keep 500 arrows in stock at all times, mind you). One note: you may be firing slow when using magic arrow. In this case, hold down shift and you will attack at your normal rate. Have fun, and don't let those Spearazons get you down. >;-)
~~HateBoy |
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Ok lets get started.First being a tankazon is nonsense be both a javazon,spearazon n a bowazon.Other pople love to talk nonsense of a single kind.The amaon makes lots of cash if she uses a javalin.Next play over the same area again for at 10 times.lots of exp this way.Try to get the ARTIC FURS FAST.I got mine the very first time i played in the blood moor.It'll help u for a VERY VERY VERY long time.Try to make as much money as possible.I have 80000 ove gold in my stash and i did it without hacking by the time i reached the outer coilster.Anyway if u are using a javazon now,gamble with geed for a KITE or BONE SHEILD.Get a GOOOOOOD TRIDENT now.For bowazon Get a Good long bow.For small monsters with a shaman, use a SUPEIOR PILUM AT least + jab to kill em.For medim size us a TRIDENT.For those blasted large group ,Use BOWS.After rescuing cain,take every magical item to him for identification.If not useful, sell it.THE almost impossible to get item list for sucecss is 1 howltusk,1goldskin,1 The ward,1pair of frostburns,1 tearhaunch,1goldwarp,2 stones of jordan , 1 mahim-oak curio,1 blastbark ,1 tannr gorerod and the most number of harpoons.Give me these items if u find them!
Fattfool(not always a fool though) |
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Always use a spear weapon they just kick ass. i have a level 36 bowazon friend and i can kill him in 1 or 2 hits try to get a ornate armor, lance and winged helm imbue them and get frostburn greaves and some good boot's and belt's and jewels and get 6-8 in jab 1 in fend at least 10 in critical strike and at least 4-5 in all evade skills 1 in slow missiles and pump valkyre
Lady Luck level 34 Jabazon |
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amazons r a good starting character. they have some decent magic and can use some good weapons. so, onto skill points. first choose if ur going to be a bowazon or jabazon. dont even think about being a tankazon, u will be wasting ur time. now, no offense to the bow lovers out there, but i prefer the jabazon. i know, i know, u might shout at me that u can fire at a range with a bow, and immolation arrow rocks, but really amazons were biult to be a jabazon. now, if u want to start a bowazon, i suggest u dont continue reading, because i will focus on jabazons. so, early on, put ur skill points into jab and critical strike. try to put no more than 6-10 points into jab and just forget about jab for rest of game. it will cost too much mana if u max it out. max out critical strike. as for ur other points, put them at least 3-5 EACH into slow missles, dodge, avoid, and evade. put only 1 point into decoy for normal mode. after level 30, fump all points into valkyrie, until it maxes out. after it maxes out, put ur points into slow missles, dodge, avoid, and evade. put more into dodge, because u will be getting down and dirty if ur a jabazon. now onto attributes. dump most of ur points into strength and dex early on, with some into vitality, and a tiny bit into energy. try to get ur strength and dex EACH over 100. also, be sure to put a decent amount into energy in act 2. u will need it for all the "jab" u will be doing. vitality will also be important because u will be melee fighting. so, onto equipment. at first, get a nice spear for act 1. then use tridents and brandistocks. for the early game in act 3, use spetums. then, get a nice pike. at first try to use a socketed pike with saphires and skulls in them. u will need cold damage for the flayers and u will need mana and life steal. yes, u can hire a paladin that does cold damage, but i found out they die quickly in the later part of act 3. now, if ur really lucky, like me, get a rare pike. i got one that did 24-106 base damage(better than knights pike) and it was jsut way cool. with jab, i did 200 damage per hit. also, jab+pike is good because the pike's slow attack speed doesn't affect jab. all in all, GET A PIKE!!! get some cool studded leather in act 1, and wear ring and splint mail in act 2. act 3 if for plate mail, if u can wear it, and act 4 is for gothic plate and higher. as for belts, get a nice plated belt with + to mana and strength or dex. now get a nice gautlet, like frostburns, and get some cool greaves. i find vedala's fetlock very useful in the chaos sanctuary. the megademons and oblivion nights arr plentiful and fast, and the oblivion knight's spells r damn annoying too. try to kill the oblivions mages first. if they fire a spell, RUN, RUN, RUN!!!!! if u have vedala's fetlock u can run forever, and the spell will then disappear. i got vedala's fetlock by gambling. also, when diablo uses his nasty red lighting atttack, just run arround him. with my rare pike i killed him in 10 hits, but it took so long because he cast his lightning attack about 4 times in row. i just ran around him, and tried to get close to him. also, dont worry about his other spells, his fire spells do practically no damage. oh yeah, the trick where diablo cant go past the steps up to the single seal works. just dont stand next or on the steps, even though he cant reach u. he can hit u with red lightning, so go next to the top seal to open a tp or do something, where no spell can reach u. as for rings and amulets,get some good mana and life steal ones. ok, thats all, and
here is a list of the top ten hardest monsters i thnk that r in the game:
(1)Oblivion knights: kill these bastards first because their spells do ALOT of damage.
(2)Flayers: very weak alone, very strong united. i hate these guys, they surround me and the shaman's fires r just really damaging.
(3)Leapers: they can jump really far and high, and they do quite alot of damage. just try to corner one and then slaughter it.
(4)Scarab demons:they do lightning damage when hit, and do lots of damage themselves. fortunatly, i only met about 15 of these guys in normal mode.
(5)Duriel: small room, nowhere to hide, big tough guy, what can be worse?
(6)Andariel: i hate it when im lagging and she does poison cloud thing. i just die. try hit and run tactics.
(7)Diablo: most of the time he is easy, but when he does red lightning, RUN LIKE U'VE NEVER RUN BEFORE!!!!!
(8)The Smith: he is super fast and hard to kill, and also does alot fo damage to u. pretty hard, try to hit him as many times as u can until ur health drops, then run, then repeat.
(9)Flame witches(or something): their fir spells r tough, and they can run pretty quickly. in arcane sanctuary, try to kill one at a time, but be careful since of the tight space. try to dodge their fire spells, and run away if u need health potions or something. they dont usually give chase.
(10)Saber cats(all kinds): spear-cats, explosive-potion-cats, whip-cats, they all do decent damage to u, and run away pretty quickly. TRY to dodge their spears and exploding potions. PIKES RULE!!!!!!
Bo Sun |
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This is information for the Amazon. Although I have played all classes of characters, to my suprise, the Amazon has turned out to be, in my opinion, the most well rounded and if properly managed, the most potentially formidable of them all.
The Amazon can be a mess. No doubt about it. You have to be careful about your management of the character. The first strategy i want to share is this: specialize in a weapon. Decide if you are going to be a bowazon, a jabazon, or a tank. Now for some opinion. With apologies to the Bowaphiles out there, bows are lame. Sorry, but they just can't measure up to a good pike, magic or not. Heck, even a special, yet non magic brandistock or trident beats the pants off even the best bows. I suggest the spear class weapons, and in specific, the pike. Pikes are just the baddest weapon the Amazon can hope to own. Hands down. And some of the rarest. For ranged attacks, forget bow class weapons and get some good throwing spears. They do decent damage and with some lightening spells can spread some serious good cheer.
If you are into crowd pleasers, and don't mind the extra time needed for the effect, try your poison javelin class spells. Don't forget to visit the local armorer frequently and check the stock of magic items. Suprisingly, you can find some real treasures if you shop often. Act 2 is especially good for window shopping. Look for items with life steal, mana steal, and serious extra attack points. And now for the three most important tips I can give you:
1) I *cannot* stress enough the importance of strength. You need to be up in the hundreds on strength so you can wear those high ticket items, in specific the really good armor. You are going to need the extra defense points at higher levels. Dump alot of points into strength early on.
2) You *must* build up all resistances, but fire is probably the one you want to really get maxed out. It is probably worth your while to take a few defense point hits just to get that fire resistant item. Fire is the bad breath of choice for a great many monsters.
3) Blizzard has seen fit to make the Amazon the passive skill queen. There are alot of them there, and you should dump some serious points into most of them. Put at least 6-8 into critical hit. 8 puts you over 50% chance of a critical hit which I consider to be minimum. Put *at least* 3 points into all of your evade skills, more if you can afford it. Those spear kitties can really ruin your whole day if you haven't put any points into the missile evade skill. It may seem like a waste at early levels, but you will *really* be glad you did later on.
Finally, don't underestimate the power of jab. It is a very cool little skill. It lets you get *lots* of hits into your target from a fair distance away, and ignores the weapon speed. Caveat: level one sucks 10 points from damage done. You have to get to level 6 in jab before you aren't losing any damage points in the attack. Probably not the best use of points. But at 3 or 4 points, it can make you the life of the party. Definetly worth the expenditure.
I won't spend alot of time on the tank specialization of Amazon. Basically this is for the obsessive compulsive masochist. It's a really frustrating variation on the Amazon that dosen't use the bow or spear class weapons. Only the limited magic skills are used, and applicable passive skills. It's a barbarian in a skirt. They use all the same weapons at the barbarian without the cool barbarian abilities. A very, very, challenging character to run. I would not recommend this variation for the inexperienced player.
Properly run, this character can kick the pants off a barbarian at higher levels and hold their own while still young. It has become my preferred character because it is so versatile. Just watch how you spend those precious skill points and specialize, specialize, specialize.
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Amazon Strategies:
Try to get the Wizendraw Bow (Unique) or another bow that fires magical arrows. If you do get one, you only need arrows for using special arrows like Fire arrow or Ice arrow. ALLWAYS USE A BOW OR CROSSBOW!! They are the best thing to use!! And try to find a good crowwbow with very fast attack speed. For skills put a lot into multile arrow, all the passive things, Valkyre, and Freezing arrow. The Valkyre is a very good warrior that you summon to help you fight. The first level it starts out with 365 HP. So as soon as you get to level 30, get this skill.
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Here's a useful one for amazons or everyone using a range weapon. Have an item that does a health or mana leech. Everytime it leeches from a monster you will see a red or blue swirl around your character. This is the perfect indicator that you hit something. If you supect a monster offscreen just shoot some arrows in the void and look for the swirl. You can easily wipe out champions or heroes this way, because they will not know where to find you.
Dame RedCaboodle (Europe) Bowazon |
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As a Bowazon or Jabazon(bow or spear amazon) the first skill points should go to critical strike.You'll find this makes killing most every unique and champion monster easy.Decide early on which way you're going to go with the skill tree(spear or bow) as you will feel you've wasted skill points if you change your mind later on.If you're a bowazon dont invest heavily in multi-arrow 'til later, as it eats up mana you're most likely not going to be able to regenerate fast.Try early on to find a bow that does cold damage , as it slows down your foes.Another invaluable skill for either type of amazon is slow missile. you will find your multi-player allies very happy when you reach the spider forest and flayer jungle in act 3, when you have 20 of those ugly little trolls blowdarting you at a time,and a fast cast of slow missile saves the day.Above all adding points to passive skills will pay off later down the line.
Also for the amazon and I assume especially the jabazon it's important to pump up your strength early , as defense is really important to this class.
I have yet to make a jabazon but it's only because my bowazon is dominating and I have 5 active characters(1 each class).
Chia-Pet, Level 24 Bowazon Bloatapotamus Lvl 18 Necro
Bloatessa Level 40 Sorc DrBarbarian Level 34 Barb |
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I currently have a level 59 Bowazon who has killed Hell Diablo. My friend has a level 56 Pike using Amazon and he says that they suck If you're going to follow my strat, this is where skill points should go. (SAVE your skill points at the start) With Passive and Magic Skills 1 to Inner sight, 1 to Slow Missiles and 1 into decoy 4-5 to dodge and avoid/1-2 into evade if you want - Dodge is very useful for avoiding Melee damage, put a few skill points into itPut about 5-6 into critical strike -It is a very useful skill, having almost a 50% chance to deal double damage is quite good indeed8-10 into Penetrate - Bowazons rely on their attack ratings, having a high attack rating is vital, so penetrate comes in useful hereWhen you hit level 30, use your saved skill points and start putting them into Valkarie and put 1-3 into Pearce Keep putting them into Valkarie For Bow and Crossbow skills 1 into Magic Arrow 1 into Multiple shot 1 into Guided arrow PUMP points into strafe You should be able to put 1 into Valkarie and 1 into strafe every level for quite a while if you save your points up right With Stat Points, Every level, Put 2 into strength, 2 into Dex and 1 into Vitality each level When you get to about 105-110 strength, start putting 3 into dex and 2 into vitality each level. Bowazons don't need defence, they rely on evade skills and staying out of melee combat, using valkarie as a decoy.As for equipment, try to get Frostburns. This solves the energy problem, and offers cold damage (slows target, quite useful) and enhanced damage. For Armour, look for a nice rare mage plate, with resists and bonus' to life. Get mana and life steal. They are a must. Without them, bowazons don't function like they should. Rings and amulets are a good source, as well as the bow you are equipping. I have 25 into energy and still have about 260 mana at the moment, so just get a few things that give to mana It will take time to get a good bow. Just sweat it out. Take damage over any other stat. Life steal and + to skills are useful, but higher damage is a priority. Good luck in creating your bowazon, if properly trained, one of the most powerful players in the game.
Zane |
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I used Impale to get past Duriel. I put my "good" spear in my stash and bought a non-magical spear of the strongest type I could find. Impale will damage the durability of your weapon so you need something that you don't care for. You can also save a pretty good magical weapon if you find one for this task. Naturally, make yourself a town portal for death purposes and keep impaling Duriel. This works great if your spear has a cold attack. After Duriel is dead, you can chuck the weapon if the damage is too high.
Freelove - Lvl.26 Amazon |
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