Diablo II Lord of Destruction Glossary
Send email to the webmistress if you find any errors or know of something that should be added to this list
FAIR WARNING!! There are spoilers below......don't say I didn't warn you. |

0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |

any number/any number |
A short way to express the Enhanced Damage/Increased Attack Speed of an item, particularly used with Jewels. For example, 40/15, would indicate 40 ED and 15 IAS. |
3/20/20 |
Abbreviation for an item that has +3 maximum damage, +20 to attack rating, and +20 to life. |
290's |
Smallcharms with 290 poison damage that doesn't have a very high character level requirement. Usually a non-legit item. |
Absorption (or Absorbs) |
An item attribute that heals your character and also prevents it. For example, 20% cold absorb would be the equivalent of 40% cold resist. Also absorption is not capped at 75% like resistances, so, hypothetically, your character could have 50% cold absorb and be immune to cold. (thanks for the clarification, Brian) |
Achmel the Cursed |
A unique Greater Mummy, found in the Throne of Destruction in Act 5. |
Active Skill |
A skill that needs to be readied to be used, and may require mana. |
Akara |
The High Priestess of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye and leader of the Rogues. She sells staves, potions, scrolls, and keys, and is found in the Rogue Encampment in Act 1. |
Alkor |
An alchemist, he sells potions, and will gamble with you for unidentified items. He is found in the Kurast Docks in Act 3. |
Ammy |
Slang for amulet. Also sometimes used as slang for amethyst. |
Amulet of the Viper (Horadric Amulet) |
Found on the Claw Viper Altar on level 2 of the Claw Viper Temple in Act 2. Combined with the Horadric Shaft to create the Horadric Staff. |
Andariel |
The Maiden of Anguish, one of the Lesser Evils. Found in level 4 of the Catacombs, she is the final monster to defeat in Act I. |
Andy |
Slang for Andariel. |
Anni |
Slang for Annihilus small charm. |
Antidote Potion |
Cures poisoning instantly, adds +50 to Poison Resistance and +10 to maximum Poison Resistance for 30 seconds. |
Anya |
Sells throwing potions, and will gamble with you for unidentified items. She is found in Harrogath in Act 5. |
AR |
Abbreviation for Attack Rating. |
Asheara |
The leader of the Iron Wolves, she sells armor and weapons, and you can hire Iron Wolves from her. She is found in the Kurast Docks in Act 3. |
Atma |
The owner of the public house, she is looking for someone to avenge her family's murder. She is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Attack Damage |
The damage inflicted by a character's attack. The first number is the Attack Damage for the left action icon and the second number is the Attack Damage for the right action icon. |
Attack Rating |
An indication of how successful your character will be in hitting a monster in battle. The first number is the Attack Rating for the left action icon and the second number is the Attack Rating for the right action icon. |
Aura |
An active Paladin skill, some of which may be shared with other party members. Only one Aura can be active at a time. |

Baal |
The Lord of Destruction and one of the Prime Evils. He is found in the Throne of Destruction and must be defeated to complete Act 5 and finish the game. |
Bark Scroll |
Retrieved from the Tree of Inifuss in the Dark Wood in Act 1. Giving the scroll to Akara in the Rogue Encampment will reveal the sequence needed to activate the Cairn Stones in the Stony Field which will open the portal to Tristram. |
Barbazon |
This is slang for an Amazon character that does not specialize in javelins, spears, bows or crossbows. The barbazon uses only the passive and magic skill tree. |
Bartuc the Bloody |
A unique Council Member, found in the Throne of Destruction in Act 5. |
battle.net |
Blizzard's on-line gaming network. |
Battlemaid Sarina |
A unique Flesh Hunter, found in one of the Ruined Temples in the Kurast Bazaar, Upper Kurast, or the Kurast Causeway, guarding Lam Esen's Tome. |
Blade of the Old Religion (Gidbinn Blade) |
Found in the Flayer Jungle in Act 3, the Gidbinn is a holy Skatsimi blade that is used by Ormus to reactivate his protective spell on the Kurast docks. |
Blocking |
Determines your character's chance to defend against physical melee and ranged attacks. |
Blood Raven |
A unique Rogue Archer, she was once a captain of the Rogues. She has been corrupted by Andariel, and is found in the Burial Grounds in Act 1. |
Bloodwitch the Wild |
A cursed Huntress, found on level 3 of the Halls of the Dead, guarding the Horadric Cube. |
BO |
Battle Orders, Barbarian skill. |
BotD |
Abbreviation for the Breath of the Dying runeword. |
Bowazon |
This is slang for an Amazon character specializing in bows/crossbows. Both the passive and magic skill tree and the bow and crossbow tree are used. |
Bremm Sparkfist |
A unique Council Member, found on level 3 of the Durance of Hate in Act 3. |
Burial Grounds |
A cemetery, found off of the Cold Plains in Act 1, under the control of Blood Raven. |

Cain, Deckard |
A wise man, knowledgeable about Horadrim history. After you rescue him in the third quest of Act I, he will identify items for free, and is found in town in each Act. |
Cain, Jehred |
The Horadric leader that pursued and eventually captured Diablo. |
Cairn Stones |
Located in the Stony Field in Act 1 and guarded by Rakanishu, the Cairn Stones must be activated using the sequence shown in the Bark Scroll to open the portal to Tristram. |
Canyon of the Magi |
The area where the entrance to the true Tomb of Tal Rasha can be found. The entrance to the Canyon is opened when The Summoner is killed in the Arcane Sanctuary in Act 2. |
Chancies |
Slang for Chance Guard Gloves. |
Charms |
Give magical properties, when carried in your pack, and come in three sizes. When in your stash or in your cube, you will not get the benefits of them. |
Charsi |
A rogue blacksmith who sells and repairs armor and weapons. She is found in the Rogue Encampment in Act 1. |
Chippies |
Chipped gems |
Choking Gas Potion |
Causes poison damage when thrown. |
Class-specific Items |
Items that can only be used by a certain character class, which have special attributes that are only useable by that class. |
Coldworm the Burrower |
A unique Sand Maggot, found in the Maggot Lair in Act 2, guarding the Horadric Shaft (Staff of Kings). |
Colenzo |
A unique Fallen Shaman, found in the Throne of Destruction in Act 5. |
Compelling Orb |
Found in Travincal, guarded by the High Council, it was used by Mephisto to control the Zakarum Priests and their followers. Once it is destroyed with Khalim's Will, it will open the entrance to the Durance of Hate. |
Crafted Item |
Created by combining various ingredients in the Horadric Cube. The name of a Crafted Item will appear in Orange. |
Crushing Blow |
This is a chance of reducing a monster's health by 50% in a single blow. It is affected by physical resistance, and Crushing Blow items stack. Crushing Blow works on all monsters; although the effect is reduced for Champions, Uniques and Super Uniques. Crushing Blow is calculated after your normal damage. |
Abbreviation for Call to Arms runeword. |

D-Clone |
Another name for Uber Diablo. |
Deadly Strike |
This is a chance of doing double damage. This bonus is applied after skills such as Critical Strike and any other damage bonuses. Deadly Strike items stack. |
Defense Rating |
A character's ability to dodge attacks in combat. The higher the number, the less often a character will be hit. |
Defense vs Missile |
Reduces the % chance of getting hit by missiles (by raising the effective armor rating). |
Dex |
Slang for Dexterity. |
Dexterity |
A character's ability to defend against attacks and to hit targets. |
Diablo |
The Lord of Terror and the youngest of the Prime Evils. He is found in the Chaos Sanctuary and is the final monster to defeat in Act 4. He does not appear until all 5 seals have been opened and the three uniques defeated. |
Difficulty Levels |
There are 3 difficulty levels for the game: Normal, Nightmare and Hell. |
Do Forge |
Slang for completing the Hell Forge Quest. |
Drognan |
A wizard, who sells staves, scrolls, and potions. He is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Dupe, Duped |
Item that has been duplicated (illegally or due to a bug). |
Durability |
Indicates how damaged an item is. The first number is the current durability, and the second number is the total durability of the item. |
Duri, Dury |
Slang for Duriel. |
Duriel |
The Prince of Pain and one of the Lesser Evils. He is found in Tal Rasha's Burial Chamber in Tal Rasha's Tomb and is the final monster to defeat in Act 2. |

ED |
Abbreviation for Enhanced Damage or Enhanced Defense. |
Eldritch the Rectifier |
A unique Enslaved, found at the entrance to the Frigid Highlands in Act 5. |
Elite Items |
The highest grade of items, with greater attributes than exceptional items. |
Elzix |
The innkeeper who sells weapons and armor, and you can gamble with him for unidentified items. He is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Energy |
How much Mana your character posesses. |
Enig |
Slang for Enigma Rune Word. |
Ethereal Items |
Ethereal Items cannot be repaired and are good for giving to mercenaries. The name of an Ethereal item appears in Gray. |
Exceptional Items |
A higher grade of items, with greater attributes than normal items. |
Exploding Cows |
In Tristram there are two cow corpses which explode when you stand close enough to them. Any character standing close enough will take damage when they explode. One is usually located near to the portal into Tristram and the other appears randomly around Tristram. |
Exploding Potion |
Causes an explosion when thrown. |

Fangskin |
A unique Claw Viper, found on level 2 of the Claw Viper Temple, guarding the Horadric Amulet (Claw Viper Amulet). |
Fara |
She trained as a Paladin of Zakarum in the Eastern Kurast temple. She has since retired and now sells and repairs weapons and armor. She is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Flavie |
A rogue guard, who will warn you of the dangers beyond the Blood Moor in Act 1. |
FO |
Abbreviation for Frozen Orb skill. |
Abbreviation for Fist of Heavens skill. |
Frosties |
Slang for Frostburn Gauntlets. |
Full Rejuvenation Potion |
Instantly refills 100% Mana and Life. |
Fulminating Potion |
Causes an explosion when thrown. |
Frozenstein |
A unique Frozen Abyss, found in the Frozen River in Act 5, guarding Frozen Anya. |

Gambling |
Certain vendors in each town will allow a character to gamble for unidentified items. |
Geglash |
Talk to him to find out the latest gossip. He is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Geleb Flamefinger |
A unique High Council Member, found in Travincal in Act 3, guarding the Compelling Orb. |
Gems |
Gems can be inserted in socketed items to give the item magical properties. Once a gem has been inserted into an item, it can only be removed with a Horadric Cube recipe. There are five grades of gems: chipped, flawed, normal, flawless, and perfect. There are seven types of gems: amethyst, diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, and skull. |
Gheed |
A merchant, who sells weapons, armor, and potions, and you can gamble with him for unidentified items. He is found in the Rogue Encampment in Act 1. Oh, and he says that he gives a 2-day warranty to all his items! |
Abbreviation for Greatly Increased Attack Speed. |
Gidbinn Blade (Blade of the Old Religion) |
Found in the Flayer Jungle in Act 3, the Gidbinn is a holy Skatsimi blade that is used by Ormus to reactivate his protective spell on the Kurast docks. |
Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh |
A golden statue that contains the ashes of Ku Y'leh. When given to Alkor in Act 3, he will create a Potion of Life. |
Grand Vizier of Chaos |
A unique Mage, found in the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4, who appears after the seals have been broken. |
Greiz |
The Captain of the Guard who hires mercenaries. He is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Griswald |
Formerly the blacksmith in Tristram, he is now cursed and has imprisoned Cain. |

Hadriel |
The Guardian of the Chaos Sanctuary, he is found just outside the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4. |
Halbu |
A warrior, who sells and repairs armor and weapons. He is found in the Pandemonium Fortress in Act 4. |
Hardcore Mode |
A hardcore character has only one life, and cannot be resurrected. This option is available once you have defeated Diablo in a normal difficulty game on the realms. |
Healing Potion |
Refills your Life and comes in five strengths: minor, light, normal, greater, super. |
Hellforge |
A forge found in the River of Flame, which was attacked by Izual to precent the completion of the enchanted sword, Shadowfang. It is guarded by Hephasto and his Hellforge Hammer. |
Hell Level Games |
Monster levels, monster skill levels and monster difficulty are increased. A character begins a Hell Game with resistances reduced by 100. |
Hephasto the Armorer |
A unique Overlord, found in the River of Flame in Act 4, guarding the Hell Forge and the Hell Forge Hammer. |
HF |
Slang for Hell Forge. |
High Runes |
Refers to 2 ists + 2ums when trading |
Hit Blinds Target |
Decreases radius of awareness of monsters. |
Hit Causes Monster to Flee |
This is very similar to the Barbarian Howl Warcry and stuns nearby monsters. |
Hit Freezes Target |
The items will have a chance to Freeze Targets. |
Horadric Amulet (Amulet of the Viper) |
Found on the Claw Viper Altar on level 2 of the Claw Viper Temple in Act 2, guarded by Fangskin. Combined with the Horadric Shaft to create the Horadric Staff. |
Horadric Cube |
You will find the Horadric Cube in a chest on level 3 of the Halls of the Dead, guarded by Bloodwitch the Wild. The cube is used to transmute items and also for additional storage. |
Horadric Malus |
A magic hammer, guarded by The Smith, that can be used by Charsi to create magical items. Found in the Barracks in Act 1. |
Horadric Scroll |
A scroll of great importance to the Horadrim, it is found on level 3 of the Lut Gholein Sewers, guarded by Radament. |
Horadric Shaft (Staff of Kings) |
Found in a chest in the Maggot Lair in Act 2, guarded by Coldworm the Burrower. Combined with the Horadric Amulet to create the Horadric Staff. |
Horadric Staff |
The staff used to open Tal Rasha's Burial Chamber in Act 2. Created by combining the Horadric Shaft (Staff of Kings) and the Horadric Amulet (Amulet of the Viper) in the Horadric Cube. |
Horazon's Journal |
Guarded by The Summoner, this book is found in the Arcane Sanctuary in Act 2, and shows the correct symbol to identify the true Tomb of Tal Rasha. |
Hostile |
A character can 'go hostile' against another character while in town. If a player is killed by another player, the dead player drops a trophy ear, marked with the character's name and level at time of death. |
HotO |
Abbreviation for Heart of the Oak. |
HoZ |
Abbreviation for Herald of Zakarum. |
HP |
Abbreviation for Hit Points. |
Hratli |
A sorcerer, who sells and repairs weapons and armor. He is found in the Kurast Docks in Act 3. |

Abbreviation for Increased Attack Speed. |
Icehawk Riftwing |
A unique Bat, found in the Kurast Sewers in Act 3, guarding the entrance to the lower level where Khalim's Heart can be found. |
Identify Scoll |
Identifies items, showing their magical properties. |
IK |
Abbreviation for Immortal King Set. |
Imbuing a item |
The reward for completing the 'Tools of the Trade' quest by returning the Horadric Malus to Charsi. To imbue an item, the item cannot be magical or socketed, nor can it be a thrown or jewelry item. Charsi will turn the item into a rare item, adding 3-5 magical attributes to it. The quality of the attributes added are based on your character's current level. |
Infector of Souls |
A unique Demon, found in the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4, who appears after the seals have been broken. |
Ismail Vilehand |
A unique High Council Member, found in Travincal in Act 3, guarding the Compelling Orb. |
Izual |
The Angel who bore the runeblade "Azurewrath" in an failed assault on the Hell Forge. He was captured by the Prime Evils, corrupted, and gave the demons information about the Soulstones. A fallen Angel, he is no longer trusted by either Heaven or Hell. As punishment, his spirit was bound within the form of a creature from the Abyss, and he is found in the Plains of Despair in Act 4. |
Izu, Izzy |
Slang for Izual. |

Jabazon |
This is slang for an Amazon character specializing in spears/pikes. Both the passive and magic skill tree and the spear and javelin skill tree are used. |
Jade Figurine |
Found in the Spider Forest in Act 3, by killing the first unique monster. Meshif will exchange it for the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh. |
Jamella |
A warrior, who sells armor, weapons, staves, potions, and scrolls. You can gamble with her for unidentified items. She is found in the Pandemonium Fortress in Act 4. |
Javazon |
Slang term for an Amazon who specializes in Javelins. |
Jerhyn |
A young leader, who is trying to save his people from evil. He is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Jewels |
An insertable item with magical properties. |
Juvie |
Slang for rejuvenation potions. |

Kashya |
The military leader of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. After you gain her trust, you can hire Rogue Mercenaries from her. She is found in the Rogue Encampment in Act 1. |
Kaylen |
A guard at Jerhyn's palace, he is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Khalim |
The Que-Hegan of the High Council of the Zakarum, the only priest who was not corrupted by Mephisto. He was dismembered by the corrupted Zakarum priests under the direction of Mephisto, and the remains scattered across Kurast. |
Khalim's Brain |
Found in the level 3 of the Flayer Dungeon in Act 3, guarded by Witch Doctor Endugu. Combined with Khalim's other relics to create Khalim's Will. |
Khalim's Eye |
Found in the Spider Cavern in Act 3, guarded by Sszark the Burning. Combined with Khalim's other relics to create Khalim's Will. |
Khalim's Flail |
Found in the Travincal in Act 3, guarded by the High Council: Ismail Vilehand, Toorc Icefist, and Geleb Flamefinger. Combined with Khalim's other relics to create Khalim's Will. |
Khalim's Heart |
Found in the lower level of the Kurast Sewers in Act 3. The entrance to the lower level where the Heart can be found is guarded by Icehawk Riftwing Combined with Khalim's other relics to create Khalim's Will. |
Khalim's Will |
Created by transmuting Khalim's Eye, Heart, Brain and Flail in the Horadric Cube. It is needed to destroy the Compelling Orb and open the way to the Durance of Hate in Act 3. |
Korlic |
One of the Ancients, a unique Barbarian, found on the Arreat Summit in Act 5, guarding the Altar of the Heavens and the entrance to the Worldstone Keep. |

Lad |
Slang for Ladder Game. |
Ladder Games |
A system to rank all players worldwide on each realm. There are regular and Hardcore Ladders. Ladder games have increased difficulty and the monsters are harder to defeat. |
Lam Esen's Tome |
A book written by a sage who studied Skatsimi magic and the effects of the Prime Evils on the mortal world. The book was lost when the Children of Zakarum took over Kurast. It is located in one of the ruined temples in the Kurast Bazaar, Upper Kurast, or Kurast Causeway in Act 3, guarded by Battlemaid Sarina. |
Larzuk |
A blacksmith, who sells and repairs weapons and armor. He is found in Harrogath in Act 5. |
Leach |
A player who gains experience by partying with higher level characters. |
Leech |
Slang for Life or Mana Leech attributes. |
Life |
The amount of damage your character can endure before dying. |
Lister the Tormentor |
One of the uniques found in the Throne of Destruction in Act 5. |
LoD |
Abbreviation for Lord of Destruction. |
Lord De Seis |
A unique Oblivion Knight, found in the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4 |
Lysander |
Sells potions and keys, and repairs weapons and armor. He is found in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |

Madawc |
One of the Ancients, a unique Barbarian, found on the Arreat Summit in Act 5, guarding the Altar of the Heavens and the entrance to the Worldstone Keep. |
Maffer Dragonhand |
A unique Council Member, found on level 3 of the Durance of Hate in Act 3. |
Magic Item |
Items enchanted with magical attributes. The name of a Magic Item will appear in Blue. |
Malah |
She will sell you potions, and help you with questions about your quests. She is found in Harrogath in Act 5. |
Mana |
A character's spiritual essence, required for some skills. |
Mana Potion |
Refills your Mana and comes in five strengths: minor, light, normal, greater, super. |
Map |
A translucent map that is superimposed over the gameplay screen, which displays the immediate vicinity. The blue "X" is the location of your character. The white "X"s are NPC's. The light green "X"s are other players in your party. The dark green "X"s are hirelings or other creatures. The red "X"s are other players in the game, who are not in your party. The purple "X"s is the location of your corpse, if you have died. The yellow "X"s is the location of any open portals. The map display can be configured by going to the Game Options screen. |
Meph, Mephi, Mephy |
Slang for Mephisto. |
Mephisto |
The Lord of Hatred and the last of the Prime Evils. He is the monster who must be defeated to complete Act 3 and is found on level 3 of the Durance of Hate. |
Mephisto's Soulstone |
Received as the reward for killing Mephisto in Act 3, the Soulstone must be destroyed on the Hell Forge in Act 4. |
Meshif |
Once you have completed Act 2, he will sail you to Act 3. He will also return you to Act 2, if you want. Found near the docks in Lut Gholein in Act 2 and in the Kurast Docks in Act 3. |
MF |
Abbreviation for Magic Find. |
MH |
Abbreviation for Map Hack. |
Moldy Tome |
Found in the Stony Field in Act 1, reading the tome tells the story of the Countess in the Forgotten Tower and activates the quest. |
Abbreviation for Multi-Shot Lightning Enchanted and Multi-Shot Lightning Enchanted Boss. |
Mule |
A character used to store items. |

Natalya |
An assassin, she is found in the Kurast Docks in Act 3. |
Nats |
Slang for Natalya's set pieces. |
NK (Newbie kill)- |
Guarding town and attacking those who aren't ready. |
Nigma |
Slang for Enigma Rune Word. |
Nightmare Games |
Monster levels, monster skill levels and monster difficulty are increased. A character begins a Nightmare game with resistances reduced by 40. |
Nihlathak |
Found in Harrogath in Act 5, you can gamble with him (until he leaves town). Once he leaves town, he can be found on level 3 of Nihlathak 's Temple in Act 5. |
N-lad, Non |
Slang for Non-Ladder Games. |
Normal Item |
Items with no magical properties, the name of the item will appear in Black |
NM |
Nightmare level game. |

Occy |
Slang for Occulus Orb. |
Oil Potion |
A potion that explodes when thrown. |
On Attack |
On Attack means every time you swing. |
On Striking |
On Striking means if you actually hit a Monster. |
Open battle.net |
Single or Multi-player characters played on battle.net that are stored locally and cannot be played on the Realms. |
Open Character |
A character stored locally on the player's computer, that cannot be played on the battle.net realms. |
Open Wounds |
This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. They lose health while bleeding. Open Wounds items stack. |
Ormus |
Now known as the mad poet, he was once a sorcerer and member of the Taan Mage clan. He sells armor, weapons, staves, potions, and scrolls in Kurast in Act 3. |

PP |
Slang on battle.net for "Party Please", meaning to join a party. |
Pandemonium Fortress |
The last bastion of Heaven's power before the Gates of the Burning Hells, it is the crossroad between Heaven and Hell. |
Partial Rejuvenation Potion |
Refills 35% of Life and Mana. |
Passive Skill |
A skill that does not need to be readied to use and does not cost mana. |
Personalize an Item |
Quest reward for killing Nihlathak, given by Anya. Give Anya the item and the name of it will be changed to start with the name of your character. |
pgems |
Perfect gems. |
Pindleskin |
A unique Defiled Warrior, found at the entrance to Nilathak's Temple in Act 5. |
PK |
To kill another player (Player Killer). |
+ Fire Skills |
This item attribute affects Fire Skills including all of the Sorceress Fire Tree, Amazon (Fire Arrow, Explosive Arrow, Immolation Arrow), Paladin (Holy Fire), Druid (Fire Claws, Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano, Armageddon), and Assassin (Fists of Fire, Fire Blast, Wake of Fire, Wake of Inferno). However, it will not raise a skill point in the Necromancer's Fire Golem. |
Pots |
Slang for potions. |
Private Stash |
Extra storage chest, located in each town, accessible only by a single character. |
Player versus Monster. |
Player versus Player. |

Qual-Kehk |
You can hire and resurrect mercenaries from him. He is found in Harrogath in Act 5. |

Rad, Raddy |
Slang for Radament. |
Radament |
A unique Greater Mummy, found in the Sewers of Lut Gholein in Act 2. The chest that he is guarding holds the Horadric Scroll. |
Rakanishu |
A unique Carver, found in the Stony Field in Act 1, guarding the Cairn Stones. |
Rancid Gas Potion |
Causes poison damage when thrown. |
Rare Item |
Magic items with 4 to 6 magical properties, that are randomly generated. The name of a Rare item will appear in Yellow. |
Realm |
Interconnected Diablo II game servers, located in different parts of the world. There are 6 Diablo II realms: US West, US East, Europe, Asia, Asia2, Asia3. |
Realm character |
A character stored on the realm servers, which cannot be played in Single Player, Open, or TCP/IP games. Realm characters cannot be transferred between realms. |
Resistance |
Certain items in the game will give the character some amount of resistance to Cold, Fire, Lightning and Poison. Players begin Normal Games with 0 Resistances, Nightmare Games with -40 Resistances, and Hell Games with -100 Resistances. |
Rune |
Small stones with magical glyphs that can be inserted into socketed items. Certain rune combinations result in additional benefits. |
Rune Words |
By inserting the correct Runes in the correct order into a specific type of item with the correct number of sockets, it is possible to create a Rune Word Item. Rune Words will work both on and off realms, in single or multiplayer games, although some specific Rune Words will only work on the realms. |
Rush |
To progress quickly through the game, by getting help from higher-level players. |

Sankekur |
The Zakarum priest who succeded Khalim as Que'Hegan, he was eventually corrupted and became the embodiment of Mephisto. |
Seals |
There are a total of 5 Seals inside the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4, located in three corners. One is positioned alone, the others are in pairs. Touch the seal and it will open, then touch the other nearby seal and a unique monster and his buddies will show up. Once all 5 Seals have been opened and all three uniques are defeated, Diablo will appear. |
Secret Cow Level |
Bonus game level, accessible once you have defeated Baal. |
Set Item |
Groups of items that can function separately, but gain additional attributes when worn together. Names of Set Items will appear in Green. |
Shenk the Overseer |
A unique Overseer, found in the Bloody Foothills in Act 5. Killing him rewards you with the ability have an item socketed by Larzuk |
Sisters of the Sightless Eye |
A band of Rogue Warriors who have established a base of operations in the Rogue Encampment in Act 1. |
Skill Synergy Bonuses |
Synergy bonuses will boost the effectiveness of the higher-level skills based upon the number of points you place in lower-level skills. This gives players an incentive to use their skill points earlier in the game, rather than keeping them and using them only for high-level skills. If a skill has a Synergy, the other skills that will help improve the skill will be listed. Items that give bonuses to skills and skill levels do not add to Synergy bonuses. |
Slows Target By % |
This slows the monster's attack, and although it appears to be a blue Cold Damage attack, it is not actually a cold attack. |
Socketed Items |
Gems, jewels, or runes may be inserted into the sockets. The name of a Socketed Item will be displayed in Gray. Once the item has been socketed they cannot be removed. A cube recipe can be used to remove gems/jewels/runes from socketed items. |
Socketing an Item |
After defeating Shenk the Overseer, Larzuk will be able to socket one item. He will add the maximum number of sockets that are possible for the item type that you give him. You cannot use: already socketed items, runeword items, or items that do not allow sockets (belts, rings, gloves, amulets). Normal items receive the maximum number possible. Magic items receive 1 or 2 sockets. Unique, Set, Crafted and Rare items receive 1 socket. It is also possible to socket an item using a Horadric cube recipe. |
Abbreviation for Stone of Jordan, a unique ring. |
Soulstone |
A magical crystal, used by the Horadrim to capture and contain the spirit of Diablo and Mephisto. |
Sszark the Burning |
A unique Flame Spider, found in the Spider Cavern in Act 3, guarding Khalim's Eye. |
Staff of Kings (Horadric Shaft) |
Found in a chest in the Maggot Lair in Act 2. Combined with the Horadric Amulet to create the Horadric Staff. |
Stamina |
How far your character can run before needing to rest. |
Stamina Potion |
Restores a character's stamina instantly. |
Standard of Heroes |
Dropped for each player when you complete the Pandemonium Quest. This item has a Level 90 requirement, but it is unknown what it actually does. It is believed to be a "trophy" to prove that you have completed this quest. |
Strangling Gas Potion |
Causes significant poison damage when thrown. |
Str |
Abbreviation for Strength. |
Strength |
A character attribute that affects the amount of damage a character inflicts and the type of armor and weapons that can be used. |

Talic |
One of the Ancients, a unique Barbarian, found on the Arreat Summit in Act 5, guarding the Altar of the Heavens and the entrance to the Worldstone Keep. |
Tal Rasha |
A Horadrim mage who pursued Baal and voluntarily imprisoned himself to supplement the power of the Soulstone that contained Baal. Tal Rasha was eventually corrupted and revealed the secret of Mazulere to the three Prime Evils. |
Tals |
Slang for Tal Rasha's set pieces and also used for Tal Rasha's Tomb. |
Taan |
A clan of mages that were once as powerful as the Vizerei, but their studies were more secretive. |
TC |
Treasure Class |
t-gods |
Abbreviation for Thundergods Vigor, a unique War Belt. |
Thawing Potion |
Instantly thaws a character who has been frozen. |
The Ancients |
The spirits of the Nephalem, the Ancient Ones who guard Mount Arreat and the entrance to the Worldstone Keep. |
The Countess |
A unique Dark Stalker, found on level 5 of the Forgotten Tower in Act 1. |
The Smith |
A unique who guards the Horadric Malus in the Barracks in Act 1. |
The Summoner |
A unique who guards Horazon's Journal in the Arcane Sanctuary in Act 2. |
Titles |
Characters receive titles for completing different levels of the game. |
Tome of Identify |
A book that holds a maximum of 20 Identify scrolls. |
Tome of Town Portal |
A book that holds a maximum of 20 Town Portal scrolls. |
Toorc Icefist |
A unique High Council Member, found in Travincal in Act 3, guarding the Compelling Orb. |
Town Portal Scroll |
Opens a doorway back to the town in the current Act. A character can have only one town portal open at a time. |
TP |
Slang for Town Portal. |
Travi |
Slang for Travincal. |
Travs |
Slang for War Travellers Boots. |
Tree of Inifuss |
A tree located in the Dark Wood in Act 1, from which you receive the Bark Scroll. |
Treehead Woodfist |
A unique Gargantuan Beast who is found in the Dark Wood in Act 1. After killing him, you will be able to retrieve the Bark Scroll from the Tree of Inifuss. |
Tyreal |
An Archangel in the ranks of Heaven, he has always been especially concerned for the welfare of humanity. He has also dealt extensively with the Soulstones and Mazulere over the ages. It was he who forged the angelic runeblade "Azurewrath" that Izual used in his tragic attack on the Hell Forge. He is found in Tal Rash's Tomb in Act 2, the Pandemonium Fortress in Act 4, and also appears after Baal is defeated in Act 5. |

Unique Item |
Items with more attributes, unique graphics and unique names. The name of a Unique Item appears in Gold. |

Ventar the Unholy |
A unique Venom Lord, found in the Throne of Destruction in Act 5. |
Vit |
Slang for Vitality. |
Vitality |
Determines a character's Life and Stamina. |

Warriv |
A caravan leader, who will take you to the East to Act II, once you have completed Act I. He can also return you to Act I, should you decide to do that. He is found in the Rogue Encampment in Act I and in Lut Gholein in Act 2. |
Waypoints |
During the Sin War, the waypoint system was devised by the Horadrim to provide instant travel from one point to another in the world of Sanctuary. Not all waypoints look the same. |
Wirt's Leg |
Wirt was an urchin from the original Diablo game with a wooden leg, who constantly tried to get characters to buy his worthless items. His body is found in Tristram, as part of the third quest in Act 1. Clicking on Wirt's body will give you lots of gold and his peg leg, which is needed to open the portal to the Secret Cow Level. |
Witch Doctor Endugu |
A unique Shaman, found in level 3 of the Flayer Dungeon in Act 3, guarding Khalim's Brain. |
WP |
Slang for Waypoint. |
Wyand Voidfinger |
A unique Council Member, found on level 3 of the Durance of Hate in Act 3. |



Zakarum High Council |
The leaders of the Zakarum religion, whose duty it was to guard Mephisto. They were corrupted by Mephisto. Three of them will be found in Travincal, and the remaining three on the third level of the Durance of Hate. |
Zak, Zaka |
Slang for Herald of Zakarum. |