Item Information There are five types of items: Normal, Exceptional, Rare, Unique, and Set Items.
Item names will appear in color as follows:
Item Type |
Item Name Color |
Magic Item |
Blue |
Rare Item |
Yellow |
Set Item |
Green |
Unique Item |
Gold |
Do not leave items that you want, laying on the ground, as you did in Diablo I. Regular or normal items will disappear after about 10 minutes of gameplay; magic items will disappear after about 20 minutes, and rare, set, or unique items will disappear after about 30 minutes.
The quality of armor that your character wears will have an affect on your Stamina. Armor is classified as Light, Medium, or Heavy. If you character is having a Stamina problem, try dropping down to a lower armor level; it will probably help.
Rare items are Magic items with 4 to 6 magical properties, and have a special name. The name is not connected to the attributes of the item, and the name is randomly generated. Because of the randomly generated and randomly named nature of rare items, it is not possible to list the possible rare items.
Special Item Properties |
Deadly Strike
This is a chance of doing double damage. This bonus is applied after skills such as Critical Strike and any other damage bonuses. Deadly Strike Items stack.
Open Wounds
This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. They lose health while bleeding. Open Wounds Items stack.
Crushing Blow
This is a chance of reducing a monster's health by 50% in a single blow. It is affected by physical resistance, and Crushing Blow items stack. Crushing Blow will not work on Champions, Uniques and Super Uniques. Crushing Blow is calculated after your normal damage.
Hit Causes Monster to Flee
This is very similar to the Barbarian Howl Warcry and is also similar to Howling items.
Defense vs Missile
Reduces the % chance of getting hit by missiles (by raising the effective armor rating)
Hit Freezes Target
Items with Hit Freezes Target has a chance to Freeze Targets.
Hit Blinds Target
Decreases radius of awareness similar to the Necromancer Curse: Dim Vision.
Slows Target By %
This slow attack although appears to be a blue Cold Damage attack is not actually a cold attack.
Absorption (Or Absorbs)
Absorb heals the player - which is equivalent to resistance.
+ Fire Skills
Fire Skills include all of the Sorceress Fire Tree, Amazon (Fire Arrow, Explosive Arrow, Immolation Arrow), Paladin (Holy Fire), Druid (Fire Claws, Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano, Armageddon), and Assassin (Fists of Fire, Fire Blast, Wake of Fire, Wake of Inferno). These will not raise a skill point in the Necromancer's Fire Golem.
On Striking
On Striking means if you actually hit a Monster.
On Attack
On Attack means every time you swing.
Replenish Life
Increases your Life regenerating ability.

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