Unique Belts |
 Lenymo Sash |
Capacity: 8
Defense: 2
Durability: 12
Req Strength: none
Req Level: 7
+1 to Light Radius
Regenerate Mana 30%
All Resistances +5
+15 to Mana
found in any patch |
 Snakecord Light Belt |
Capacity: 8
Defense: 14-15
Durability: 14
Req Strength: none
Req Level: 12
Replenish Life +5
Poison Resist +25%
+20-30% Enhanced Defense
Poison length reduced by 50%
+12 Poison Damage for 3 sec
+10 Defense
found in v1.09 or later |
 Nightsmoke Belt |
Capacity: 12
Defense: 22-24
Durability: 16
Req Strength: 25
Req Level: 20
50% Damage taken goes to Mana
Damage reduced by 2
All Resistances +10
+15 Defense
+30-50% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Mana
found in v1.09 or later |
 Goldwrap Heavy Belt |
Capacity: 12
Defense: 34-36
Durability: 18
Req Strength: 45
Req Level: 27
+2 to Light Radius
+25 Defense
10% Increased Attack Speed
+40-60% Enhanced Defense
50-80% Extra Gold from Monsters
30% better chance of getting magic item
found in v1.09 or later |
 Bladebuckle Plated Belt |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 51-54
Durability: 24
Req Strength: 60
Req Level: 29
Damage reduced by 3
+80-100% Enhanced Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+30 Defense
+10 to Dexterity
+5 to Strength
Attacker takes damage of 8
found in v1.09 or later |
Exceptional Unique Belts |
 String of Ears Demonhide Sash |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 102-113
Durability: 22
Req Stength: 20
Req Level: 29
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
6-8% Life Stolen per Hit
Damage Reduced by 10-15%
Magic Damage reduced by 10-15
found in v1.09 or later |
 Razortail Sharkskin Belt |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 96-107
Durability: 14
Req Strength: 20
Req Level: 32
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
+10 to maximum Damage
Piercing Attack
+15 to Dexterity
Attacker takes Damage of 1 per character level
found in v1.09 or later |
 Gloom's Trap Mesh Belt |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 90-102
Durability: 16
Req Strength: 58
Req Level: 36
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
5% Mana Stolen per hit
15% increased Maximum Mana
15% Regenerate Mana
+15 to Vitality
-3 to Light Radius
found in v1.09 or later |
 Snowclash Battle Belt |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 98-116
Durability: 18
Req Strength: 88
Req Level: 42
+130-170% Enhanced Defense
5% chance to cast level 7-20 Blizzard when struck
+15 Cold Absorb
15% to maximum Cold Resist
Adds 13-21 Cold Damage for 3 sec
+2 to Chilling Armor (Sorceress only)
+2 to Blizzard (Sorceress only)
+3 to Glacial Spike (Sorceress only)
found in v1.10 or later |
 Thundergod's Vigor War Belt |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 137-159
Durability: 24
Req Strength: 110
Req Level: 47
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
5% chance to cast level 7 Fist of Heavens when struck
+20 Lightning Absorb
10% to maximum Lightning Resist
+20 to Strength and Vitality
+3 to Lightning Fury (Amazon only)
+3 to Lightning Strike (Amazon only)
found in v1.09 or later |
Elite Unique Belts |
 Arachid Mesh Spiderweb Sash |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 119-138
Durability: 12
Req Strength: 50
Req Level: 80
+90-120% Enhanced Defense
Slows Target by 10%
+1 to all Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
5% Increased Maximum Mana
11 Charges Level 3 Venom
found in v1.10 or later
 Nosferatu's Coil Vampirefang Belt The 1.09 version of the belt is called Siggard's Stealth |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 56-63
Durability: 14
Req Strength: 50
Req Level: 51
Slows Target by 10%
+2 to Mana after each kill
-3 to Light Radius
5-7% Life Stolen per Hit
+15 to Strength
10% increased Attack Speed
found in v1.10 or later
 Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil |
Capacity: 16
Defense: 125-158
Durability: 16
Req Strength: 106
Req Level: 63
+90-140% Enhanced Defense
10% Faster Hit Recovery
+30-40 to Vitality
+10-13 Replenish Life
+100-120 Maximum Stamina
Damage Reduced by 10-15%
found in v1.10 or later