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Druid Strategies
I have read some opinions about good strategy about being a druid. Me personally am an elemental/summoning druid. A group of monsters cannot compete against lvl15 Armageddon and a lvl 11grizzly. My druid is on lvl 56, and he kicks butt using a great maul. Actually, I was smart and saved the runes I found and created the rune word item SILENCE, which gives +2 all skills, and does a gret deal of other stuff too. Elemental is the best, along with summoning. Hurricane and armageddon are two of the best spells in the game. WHY? Because hurricane freezes and does desent damage, and armageddon does enough damage to take out anyone. People talking about using the wolves are isane, when the bear stuns and does knockback with a great deal of damage. People say that the elemental skills are bad, but they do some heavy damage not to one person, but to a large group of monsters. Yes, spells like arrmageddon are bad to get one person, but get a group of Flayers or something of the sort and kiss them goodbye! Stats are totally up to you. If your smart, then get items that give plenty to all stats ( my armor gives life based on character level) I got belt that gives to str, my maul gives to ener, stam, My boots give to str, stam, dex, Stuff like that is important. Don't focus all on str, because the dex determines how you block and hit. For any beggining druids out there, just put points to each in the begining, then when you hit lvl 30, put the points to what you like (summon, elemental, shapeshift) Take advice, but do your own thing. As one other person had said, it is just a game, so see what you like in the game. Try things out, I tried shapeshifting, and didnt like it. Thats why I dont use it. |
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I have been the druid since i started playing. I have gone through 3 other druids until i got this one. This is my best druid yet and he destroys everything. I've tried many other characters as well but i have personally found the druid to be the best. If you're gonna be the druid the best way to do it is as a lone werewolf. Dont touch the werebear skills at all. Heres how i did my druid:
Max out werewolf, lycanthropy, fury, oak sage (need the health without any minions to help out). I put some points into cyclone armor cuz its extremely helpful to help take off some elemental damage. I also put a couple of points into raven. Only for duelling as it can help frustrate ur opponent if it causes "block-lock". I also have put some points into carrion vine to discourage the need for potions.
For stat points, dont touch energy at all. With mana steal, u will refill ur mana as u fight. Put lots of points into strength and vitality. I put some points into dex, but not many. My strength is around 200-240. my life is over 3000 when i have my oak sage on.
many people say that one-handed weapons r useless, but i use a combination of schaeffers/baranars star/lightsabre with a stormshield and it works very very well. i also use a hellslayer for great amounts of damage. i wear shaftstop, vampire gaze, string, venomgrip, and goreriders. my rings r ravenspiral and ravenfrost. my ammy does +2 to all druid skills plus several other things including + to resistances. life leech is extremely essential to a lone wolf. i very rarely ever use a potion because my life leech is so high.
the lone werewolf is extremely good, its fast and strong and can take plenty of damage while gettin it all back through life leech.i strongly recommend it
WolfbaneKenobi LVL 84 druid |
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My stratagy is very simple. I have had quite a few Druids in my diablo career so I know a good bit. First off ELEMENTAL SUCKS REALLY BAD. I put points in it on my first Druid, it was a waste of skill points. I am a total summoning Druid. Summoning is the best of all Druid skills. Shapeshifting is pretty good to, but i don't use it. The one thing I found out about summoning the Grizzly Bear is don't. I don't like it at all because you can't use wolves and bears at the same time. You also can only summon one bear. It would be ok to put some points in there just to get the bonus it gives you. Most people would say that just put one point into Raven. Those peolpe are stupid, Raven is one of the best skills if not the best. It can't get killed for one thing. It doesn't cost much mana to summon them to.Max out that skill and do a few scenes from the movie "The Birds". Now on the wolves max out both of them. You want to use the Dire Wolf but max out Spirit Wolf to so you can get a big bonus for your Dire Wolves. I would deffently chose wolves over the bear. Sure it does more damage, but you can have up to 3 Dire Wolves, 5 Spirit. For newbies that don't know anything, yet, you can't have Spirit and Dire Wolves Summoned at the same time. I have no clue what to do about weapons, because I haven't found a good one yet. You have to have at least 1 point into Oak Sage, if you don't you will not be able to get the Dire Wolf. If you want put some points into werewolf or werebear, along with some of the shapeshifting upgrade skills. I have heard good things about the shapeshifting but I have never tried it myself. DON'T put anything into elemental, that is a waste of skill points. People keep saying it is good, but a summoning Druid would kick a elemental Druid's ass. Oh, as for the vines and Spirits. I don't use them mainly because the vines are weaker than hell and the Spirits are just not worth it. That's it for my stratagy hope it is a good one for you. I think this is a good stratagy for newbies. And remeber to help a newbie cause you have to remeber that you were once one yourself.
wolfleaderus----summoning Druid lv 23<---- new, druid_wolves----summoning druid lv 16<----- new, (i deleted my other ones), wolfpack_usa----sword barb lv 38<----new also |
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Hey ya folks I have I Druid that aint that high of a level (my better one was deleted) but I have been using a single stratagy and it has worked for me pretty well and I am here to share it.
First off is that I just use the summoning spells. Nothing else. This has worked real good for me. On your first few lv ups (to 6) I just put stuff in Raven. If you do your ravens will be kicken some major but in act one at the time of blood raven and down. After that I usally put 1 skill lv in oak sage (so I can get Heart of Wolferine, but that is later in the game). After that I just put stuff I Spirit Wolf (it is one of my favs) I do that because after a few skill lvs you will have up to 5 wolves (which is the max) and a good attack power in them. Put a few morre skill points in Raven to keep it growin because they start killin things in just a few hits and the good thing about them is they cant be killed. Back to the wolf subject, The only bad thing about the spirit wolf is that its life does not increase as the skill lv increases, I think it doesn't anyway. At you hit lv 18 you can get the Dire Wolf. Keep with the Spirit Wolves until you get a high skill lv on them because for the moment they are actully better if you follow this stratagy. The Dire Wolf is my favorite summon it does great attack power after a few skill lv's, and further more it's life increases as the lv goes up because of the passive bonus to wolves and bears it has. The spirit wolves life will only go up once you have put 1 skill point in dire wolves because of this bonus. It is your choice to put anything in the vines, I personaly do not like them I think they are a waist of mana myself.
Also if you want you can get spirit of barbs i don't really like it a just stay with either heart of wolferine or oak sage usally heart of wolfverine. I dont really like the bear because you only get one and you can not have wolves at the same time it does have the passive bonus but I would not waste my skill points on it.
If you can try to get your ravens skill lv maxed out that and dire wolf if you do you will have one hell of an army. And that army comes in handy on the cow lv when you are there all alone. Once you get dire wolf I dont suggest puttin anymore skill points into spirit wolf I would concentrate them on dire wolf, heart of wolfverine, and raven after you get to lv 18.
That is my basic stragtagy and once you get all you skill points that you can into your fav summoning I guess you could put the points into a shapeshifting one they are pretty neat. This is a good stratagy I think for newbies who want a good summoning Druid.
wolfleaderus, lv.20 summoning druid, lv.37 sword barb |
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ok it is time to show my druid stratagy to the world. I have killed lvl 90 barbs in duels with this stratagy. for skillz: Max-werewolf,lycopathy,fury,heart of wolverine. put the remaining skillz into feranal rage. Helm-Jalas mane, Armor-gladiarors bane, gloves-hellmouth, boots-gore riders, belt-string of ears, rings-ravens/dwarfs, ammy- any, Weopen- hellslayer. Have plenty of life about 120 dex and 190 strenth.
MYstical_ToadIII lvl 87 druid |
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Most people argue that you can't play a druid with elemental skills. You can you just can't play him as a slash and hack fighter. If you want to take advantage of the great elemental skills the Druid can you don't underestimate Raven. It is easy to overlook because they do so little damage, but remember they can't be killed. They are a great distraction so that you can drop Fissure underneath a bunch of monster's trying to kill your Ravens. Also they do more damage than you might think. For instance at level 5 when you can have 5 ravens each does 7-9 damage and each hits 17 times that is 595-765 damage. It gets really impressive at level 20 where you get between 3255 and 3565 damage guaranteed. They only hit monsters and they can't be killed. As you alternate points into Raven keep Fissure and Twister at a good level also. You can drop Fissure out in front of you and then stun the monsters trying to get to you with Twister. Twister doesn't do much damage and is Mana expensive but it keeps the monsters over the Fissure and allows it do really tear the monsters apart. Arctic Blast makes a good "left-click" basic attack because if you hold it down it just keeps doing damage and a single click will slow monsters so you can run away and hit them with a heavier attack like Fissure, Molten Boulder, or Volcano. Molten boulder is useful when you are in dungeons or on paths because it knocks the monsters back and does damage in it's path. An important strategy in fighting as an elemental Druid is keep the monsters away from you. If you are putting points into Energy and Vitality so you can have plenty of life and mana you don't have enough to spare on strength for carrying a heavy duty weapon or armor. But by staying away from the monsters and letting the elemental spells take their toll you can do very well. I have two level 30 druids and have followed similar tactics with both and they work. It just requires a different style. As far as mercs go you can sort of pick your favorite. I like the Rogue from Act 1 because she also picks critters off before they can get close but most of the others will run ahead and fight anyway. Some one else mentioned that two handed weapons do well. Druids have weapon specialty in Mauls. I read this in the Blizzard strategy guide. I don't know exactly what the specialty is becuase it didn't say but apparently you get a faster attack than other characters using a Maul. |
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i am really sorry that there are so many people that think they know what they are doing at level 50 i have 24 chars over level 80 3 of them are druids i have made 6 druids the first 3 are all gone now because i fallowed some advice found here then i got smart druids are alota fun and the most powerful physical damage chars in the game fist off the most important thing is no matter what kinda druid get a merc ACT 2 HELL DEFFENSE MERC ( IT IS A MUST) here is the reason he will give you the def you need to live ie not die my level 95 druid is a warewolf with max fury/ hartof wolverine/lanc and the rest of the points into bear bears are nice distractions but when i do 9000 damage his added damage isn't needed for equipment you only have a few choices jalal's mane mara's clydascope ammy / string of ears/ war taverlers boots/ lava gout gloves// 8% life leach ring and a raven frost ring now as for weapons all my druids use a hell slayer as a primary secondary weapon is a banara's start with a tiatamant shield for added elemental damage for pi
for stats it is very easy 200 str 200 dex and the rest into vitality this will give you 3000 hp and depending on what armor you chose you could have even more i use arcane valor
with the setup i just mentioned you will have a 95% chance to hit hell cows a 10% chance they will hit you ie YOU WILL LIVE AND DOMINATE NO MATTER WHAT SIZE THE HERD IS THAT YOU ATTACK |
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I have a level 90 Wearwolf Druid and I don't give a husky shit what people think about 2 handed weapon pk or Wearbears. First of all, I smote Wearbears...they can't touch me. Wear a STORM SHIELD and either Barnar's Star, Bul Katho's Mystical Sword, or my favorite ITH AXE (65% ias if you can get) I have 40/15 Jalala's Mane, 40/15 Shaftstop, 65% IAS Ith Axe, Sprit Finger Gloves, Wraith Spur Boots, String Of Ears Demonhide Sash, Order Noose Amulet (64% Life Leech) Shael Stormshield, 1 Raven Spiral and 1 Raven Frost. I have an inventory FILLED with 100 Poison damage small charms with 5% faster run walk on them. I can kill ANYTHING. Sorcs, Amazons, BARBARIANS (yes Ith Sword Barbs) I walk all over any Druid or Paladin, especially you Carebear retards. Assassins I eat Necros alive even with their stupid ass Iron Maiden.
This is how to pump up you're skill points: 20 Into Lycanthropy, 20 Into Wearwolf, 20 Into Heart of Wolverine, 20 Into Fury, 10 Into Cyclone Armor, Eventually get 10 into Oak Sage. NEVER PUMP UP RABIES, ELEMENTAL SKILLS (except Cyclone Armor) FERAL RAGE (It would be SO awsome if it lasted more then 20 ******* seconds) or SPIRIT OF BARBS Only get the minimum strength and dex for what it takes to wear that equipment. The rest goes into Vitality. I think a Carebear could be good if it had what I had, but druids have Fury (bears don't get fury) Bears are too slow, they are good for Melee, but when you have to deal with fast tele Sorcs, Amazons, Trap Assasins or Pesky Necros...you're gonna have a problem. Bears always lose to 65% IAS Ith Axe paladins. I can't beat them in a tank fight because they too fast. But if you run around and make them charge at you, kind of play guerilla war fare, hit and run letting poison do its damage you will win 100% of the time, I garuntee it (if you have a ******** shield) |
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Hey I know everyone says do this do this don't do this I'm gonna tell you what I did (now a lvl 41 Druid, will be higher soon) but really I think druids are the most fun character and by the way Diablo II isnt a contest have fun guys! You dont win any money for being good so get either make a guy to pk or get cool skills (Armageddon or Volcano have got to be the coolest things ever). But I made a beginner Druid. I DID NOT PUT ALOT OF POINTS INTO RAVEN OR WOLVES!!!! Spirit Wolves kick butt early but one dire wolf is better than two Spirit Wolves because it has more health, is stronger and eats corpses to get faster and stronger!! Also Dire Wolves give bonuses to life for wolves and Grizzly. Oak is good but dies easily so 1-3 in that (I put one). Wolverine? 1 again because I fight too much, I admit, but it gives a decent bonus right away. 1-3 again OR MAX! Not 10! Grizzly is INSANE! Not too much mana so you can resummon and still cast elemental (more on that later) and with just 5 skill points it does 101-145 damage and stuns and knocks back!!! It has lots of health and kick ass. The only problem is it's slow and stupid, but just resummon it if neccessary. I recommend maxing it. Spirit of Barbs is very good in nightmare, your bear will take lots of hits you need to reflect it, and it has lots of health. Poison Creeper is excellent early and Carrion Vine is good against necros (pk) and Nihlatak (he explodes corpses). You also get life for fighting so... USE IT!! Solar Creeper is not neccessary if you have alot of mana so don't use it unless you have + to it from a helm. (By the way ravens are not great I just use them for fun.) Shapeshifting is good early but gets usless after Rabies doesn't kill em in 2 seconds. Elemental is KEY!!! Firestorm is not good. Arctic Blast is AMAZING!!! But put one point in it (save for hurricane). Cyclone armor is quite good in normal but you lose it in two seconds later. You may think Fissure is bad because its random, but in Act 3 it can decimate an entire fetish army! Twister SUCKS!!! stun is way too short and damage is bad. Volcano? Now you're talking!!! Cast it under a big guy (tree guys in Act 3) it will continuosly hurt it while hitting guys around it! put a few in it (I put 3). Hurricane is absolutely incredible! Max! Armaggedon is only good for guys immune to cold. WIthout Shapeshifting you can Elemental and Summon and become invincible! Get alot of Energy, but only accordingly to how much you are going to cast! Strength is good but try to get strength enhancing items. Dexterity? Not too great but you'll need attack rating if you want to fight. Vitality is key! Get alot of it! But again, just have fun in Diablo II. If your druid can't take it anymore, start a new one and get a friend to transfer your old stuff onto your new Druid. Have fun! |
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Ok this is wat u need for a great druid.for ur items get a hellslayer.for armor get either corpsemourn glads bane orshatfstop. boot i suggest silweaves. gloves choose almost any.For rings get a ravenfrost or a mana steal ring.helm is definitly jalas mane. ammy get a druid skillz amy.For ur skilz max out werewolf lycopath, fury andeither heat of wolverine or oak sage. for stats u ont need much dex. get lots of strent and plaenty of life gl with ur druid. |
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To do this strategy you need to be on lvl 99 and do all quests that gives you skills when completed. Max out hurricade,armageddon and grizzly. put 16pts in heart of wolverine, 10pts in dire wolf (dont use dire wolf, it's only for the passive life bonus to the bear) and 10 in cyclone armor. Now you think this isn't good, but if you use the strategy that I'm use you will be the king over all except the teleportingsorc. Befor you go out cast wolverine. When out cast hurricane and run around the one that you are dueling, he'll be slow, then cast your bear (it will have around 1000hp) and armageddon. when hurricane stops cast a new one and the same with armageddon. He die in a few sec becurce hurricane takes 200 per sec, armageddon 400 per sec and the grizzly will take 1000 per hit normaly but with your wolverine it will take 2100 per hit.
When I did this i only had v. 1.07 so the damage wont be the same if you have 1.09. |
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This is very easy , 5 str 5 vit 5 str 5 vit 5str 5 vit then 5 dex , do this the whole way , for skills , max lyco, werewolf, and fury , use ik maul and u have a very power char.trust me , it works , mite wanna put 20 in to mana also |
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hey ppl...first of all, im the type of guy who likes 2 clear out grouops of nmes at a time. and 2 do that, u can't b a shapeshifter. (srry 2 all u ppl who like shapeshifters) well ne wayz. these are the skillz i found useful and when 2 get them. firestorm...good early on in the game and u need it as a prerequisite (howver u spell it) for other skillz. so get it on ur first lvl up. it helps a lot in the den of evil, but only put one point into it. from here, save the rest of ur skill points until lvl 6. at this lvl, put one into moulten boulder (kinda like a better form of firestorm) and arctic blast (use it in tight corridors). put only one skill point into these skillz. save up ur skill points till lvl 12. at this lvl get fissure (great skill! better form of moulten boulder. u'll need it a lot in the game (until lvl 24). put about 1-5 points in this skill. depends on if u like the skill or not. also get cyclone armor. i don't reely c a good use for this skill so just put 1 point into it. now once again, save up until lvl 18. now twister absolutely suks! put only one point into it 4 prerequisite. save up again. now ur lvl 24. get volcano and tornado. volcano: great 4 dealing with bosses. if u have summonables (which u can choose from on ur own since i don't have time 2 write all this stuff bout them) 2 distract the boss ur basically unbeatable. get ur minions 2 distract the boss and place a volcano under him. he take major dmg! max this skill out. as 4 tornado. this shud b ur main skill. doesn't cost 2 much 4 casting so i suggest u max it out. ok...now u have 2 skillz 2 max out. i suggest u alternate. every lvl, put one skill point into each. if u followed my instructions and saved up ur points. u shud b able 2 do this. now keep doing this until lvl 30. get 1 hurricane (cuz i think it suks) and max our armageddon! awesome skill (tho its inaccurate). keep alter nating between volcano, tornado and armageddon. once u can't give all the skills 1 point per lvl, give a skill one point and another skill one point the next time u lvl up and get another skill point. keep doing this until they're all maxed out and u shud have a good druid. well...buh bye 4 now all...ttyl |
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Druids are the best characters around. Personally, I would recommend going with summoning instead of Elemental, because most of the Druids spells always miss.If you deal with summoning, there's one thing you should keep in mind. You need to distribute Points evenly between Dire Wolves, Spirit Wolves, and Grizzly. They all have interconnected Passive Bonuses, so you need to invest points in all three to get the best out of all of them. |
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There are basically two ways you can go with the Druid: 1. Caster Druid: Uses Elemental Skills and Summoning. 2. Shapeshifter Druid: Uses Shapeshifting Skills and Summoning. Either way, summoning is a must. Shapeshifters should use the best possible weapon available. Aesthetics don't matter because you won't be seeing much of your weapon as a werewolf/bear. From what I have seen, Druids seem to be the most adept with any two-handed weapon, except swords. Life and mana stealing help a lot, as does damage reflection. Now as for Caster Druids, weapons are more important than for other caster characters (Necromancer, Sorceress, Trap Assassin) because the Druid's Elemental skills are somewhat inaccurate. They are useful against groups and large, slow-moving monsters, but cannot compete with the likes of Duriel and such. Therefore a good weapon is needed as a backup. Anything that increases/steals/adds mana is very important to the Caster Druid, for obvious reasons. Pelts that increase skills are useful to both, but you may not want to invest the time and effort needed to find a truly useful pelt, due to their rarity. Finally, I advise against using both shapeshifting and elemental skills because as most of you have discovered, you cannot use elemental skills while transformed. In either case, what skill you use is up to you as most of the skills balance out in speed, mana cost, damage, and accuracy when maxed out. |
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ok, well i've seen enough of this ELEMENTAL SUX crap. For i am
first off u need hurricane and tornado, than a vine is nice, and a spirit, wolverine or oak sage. a bear. be a werebear, put points into shockwave, lycanthropy hunger, fury, you need cyclone armor and ...i forgot the others. anyways, you ARE supposed to make your "own" druid. fyi my druid is almost lvl 50. |
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Everyone says druids suck. Most of them don't know or care how to raise a druid. In fact, almost all kinds of druids do suck, except one kind. The Tank.
The Tank uses a combination of a lot of health and a lot of damage. The werebear is much better than werewolf. Most would disagree, but when you increase points in the werebear skill, it increases damage and life, two crucial elements in creating any character. While werewolves add speed and attack rating. Speed is nice to have, but damage makes up for it. As for attack rating, its useful but life is an essence of success.
Another key to success is to be frugal with summoning. You'll find that even a maxed grizzly bear can't hold up to the powers of nightmare and hell difficulty. And dire wolves and spirit wolves should only be used if you plan on dueling. Not to fight, but rather distract enemies.
As for skill points, put most into vitality and strength until about lvl 20. By lvl 20 you will need dexterity to use some of the great mauls.
For weapons, mauls are great. I would suggest The Cranium Basher or if not available The Gavel of Pain. If neither are available than I would make a rune word maul, such as honor or Silence.
Another thing about Tanks is elemental skills aren't very useful. In fact they're useless for shapeshifting druids, because you can't use them while in animal form. So to use an elemental skill you would have to turn into a man use whatever skill, and change back into an animal. So do not put any points into elemental skills for any druid except an elemental special druid.
By the way.... Do Not Try To Make A Tank With A Werewolf. The skill points aren't right for a werewolf, and it would turn out bad. I would know, because I have a lvl 70 druid named AnimalLuverXXX (whisper me) and it turned out terrible, because I used a combination of summoning, and werewolf. Using the tank technique, and lvl 40 amazons can kill me really easily so take my advice and become a great druid.
Skill point usage. (by the, add up how many points on the skills people tell you to max. I've seen people telling you to max 6 or 7 skills, which would be 120-140 skill points.)
1) Werebear 20, 2) Lycanthropy 20, 3) Maul 15, 4) Hunger 10, 5) Shockwave 10 (use only to stun, damage is terrible), 6) Oak Sage 1(when you can use wolverine, use it instead, 7) Spirit of the Wolverine 5, 8) Spirit of the Barbs 10, 9) Raven 1, 10) Spirit Wolf 1 , 11) Dire Wolf 10, 12) Grizzly Bear 0 (grizzlies don't last long in the latter acts in nightmare and hell difficulty, and in duels they are easy to kill and predictable), 13) Werewolf 1 (you have to if you want lycanthropy), 14 Feral Rage 1 (you have to if you want hunger and shockwave.
To get all these skills you will need to complete a few quests for extra skill points.
MasterWarriorXX Barb: Sword lvl 70 AnimalLuverXXX Druid: Shapeshifting: Werewolf/Summoning lvl 70 Java_WarriorXXX Amazon: Javazon lvl 77 XXXSauron_XXX Necromancer lvl 72
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Druids have to be the most well rounded character in the game. You can go in any direction with them and they will still be very effective. I'm gonna go against the grain here and tell you that Elementalist Druids are extremely powerful, and if you wanted to just shapeshift and beat the mess out of someone you should play as the barbarian. It surprises me when people say something sucks just because they have a little trouble with it. The sorceress is not an easy character to play as at the beginning, but it is once you get the spell set up. With a level 42 druid, i have done some pretty remarkable things, namely dueling and killing other classes of equal and higher level. When playing through the game it's a good idea to play through for a while without using any skill points. Save them up. I didn't start distributing points until i had 24 of them. If you begin to have trouble, then put points in Oak Sage and begin a fire elemental druid. Fissure is very effective with large groups of people. It can clear out an entire room of skeletons and zombies in act 2. Volcano is great for hit and run tactics with bosses like Diablo. The best way to use it is to send a high level grizzly in to attack, with oak sage summoned (which can double your and your party's hit points). While Diablo, or some other unsuspecting creature is dealing with the bear, light the volcano under their butt. It will hit them at least 3 times, assuming the don't get knocked off, and you never get scratched. Armaggedon has great power and is usefull for jumping into the middle of a battle. It will hammer down on surrounding enemies,
weaking them for you and your bear. So Oak Sage, Grizzly Bear, Volcano, Armaggedon, and Fissure. Max your skills out in that order. If you want to see what the rest look like and do, wait until you have an item that gives it to you. Don't waste a skill point until you know for sure. As far as sat point distribution my level 42 has 100 strength (for ancient armor at the moment) without help from items. The rest should go into life and energy...more so in energy if you are going to use spells. I reiterate...don't put any points in shapeshifting because if all you were gonna do was hack and slash, play a boring barbarian!
TegidTathal-Lvl 42 Elementalist/Summoning Druid |
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my stratagy was simple really simply add your points to were wolf and the thing that makes you last longer in the form untile you get the lvl 30 then start adding to fury (also get summing skills) it works best with the bonesnape or a maul with good dmg you can do up to 1000 dmg if you have the bonesnap were wolf and fury at a high lvl |
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If u want a good druid then first u need to pick a good skill now im a level 40 so i know a bit . Firstly now elementals might be good if u can get a good fissuer because it can wipe a a group but is no good one on one with say dialbo. So summons do help greatly as they give a great helping hand a draw the attention away from yourself. now alot of people sit back and relax but thats when they get caught and they die so make sure your well equipped. Now if u want to duel then keep your defense up something i use is to get charms that give me life when they hit me, u could also get some replenish life. But most people go for shape shifting (oh its so good its got fury and rage etc).It is totaly your choice but ive fonud whith a high quality bear direwolfs and tornadoarmour u should be fine.
Otonis |
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-druid- max out werebear, shockwave, oak sage, armaggeddon,grizzly bear.u have to do a few skill giving quests to get all of these. |
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Heres wat u need to do if ur a druid max out werewolf,Grizly bear,and fury. put about 10 into raibies and lycopthy should have about 5-10 points too. |
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i think that the tank druid is awesome. the game is a real breeze killing everything in one hit and not getting phased. put 20 into lycanthropy and werebear. also put 20 into either wolverine or sage depending on if u want to be harder to hit or have more health. finally, add 20 into fury and hunger. when hp is low, hunger, then fury them. and now for stats. max out vitality and strength. It may seem stupid, but its the best. and u need all the strength for cranium basher maul, cuz it rox and druids are good with mauls. add the rest into dexterity. if u do this, then be sure to get wolverine cuz it will improve ur defense and attack rating that ur low dex cant cover. |
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1) Every one says druids suck. This is not true.
2) Elemental skills suck dont even put points into cyclone armor.
3) Summoning- Matter between life and death (in my opinion) a bear can help. Max out Dire wolf,Spirit Wolf, Bear ,5 into Wolverine, 5 into carrion vine.
4) Shape Shifting The Best Druid skill's are in this tree. Max out Lycantholopy,Werewolf, Fury. Any other skills in this tree is a waste.
Also my druid has Griswolds armor and Jalas Mane Sigons Gloves,Belt,Boots. This Gives me about 10% life steal !!!!LIFE STEAL IS IMPORTANT!!!!. Also try to find a druid ammy that has +2 or more skills that add to life i have one that gives +3 druid skills and 40 life.
Attribute Points: By the time your druid is lvl 80 it should be somewhere around here 220 Strength Adds lots of damage helps hold items 150 Dexterity- Just need to beable to hit the guys right? hold weapons 250Health- Health is druids #1 friend your gonna take the blunt of the action 40 Energy- Only need to summon and transform no big need of mana here
Try to hook up with a IK maul or a Hell slayer or a Minotaur Axe all have fast attack speed (very very very fast attack speed) which makes your druid a blur.
I use an Ik maul socketed with AMN rune and i do 2000-2400 damage. And i havent even maxed fury yet or werewolf.
Jalas mane is best druid helm no fight there. Dont use Sheilds and 1 handed weapons pretty much useless. High Defence armor. Good life steal gloves. Best mercenary is probably Act 5 Hell because act 1 will be useless. Dont underestimate the bear mine does 1500 dmg which helps ALOT. Dueling-Summon a bear right ontop of opponent if they have low enough health and dex poof they gone.
Any questions msg *DruidoftheWolf
The Wolf |
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ok.... im lvl 45 , nearly 46 so i know what im talking about not like those noobs who reccomend elemental. Elemental SUCKS BAD. It may look cool, but believe me, werewolf is the way to go...... NOT WEREBEAR. It may be hard starting off, but once u hit lvl 30, a shapeshifting druid using werewolf is awesome. Summon Grizzly is also very very good. Upgrade both wolves to help it as well.Also.... a very fast attacking weapon is the way to go. I have Hwanin's bill of justice and i'm doing over 700 a hit with 95% accuracy on nearly everything and very very very fast attack speed because my weap is already very fast, my gloves help, and werewolf is lvl 10. Besides that, werebear is just plain gay looking. Elementals may look cool, but u will regret it if you work on them. Vines suck too, and they look like they leave a trail of shit behind. DRUIDS OWN ALL!!!! ....... and barbs are gay |
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First off ELEMENTAL SUCKS don't go down that way for any reason. Both the werewolf form and werebear for are really good i choose wearbear because of the maul technique which increases attack and attack rating when u hit the monster. for summoning don't put to many points on raven but when u can summon wolves pump as many points as u can because it will help your other summons, when u get to the grizzley start pumping lots of points into it because they become very powerful and stun the monster which can really help. For spirits they are all pretty good but i stick with heart of wolverine for the attack power and the attack rating but the other 2 can also be useful pending on what u want. the vines are ok but it is best not to waste time with them because the die quickly but the best is the carrion vine because it restores your life. Another thing that is good to invest in is the aldur set it is very useful. as far as stats go if u only do summoning and shape shifting only get about 225 into mana at most because u don't need that much then spend the rest of your points to dex, strength, and vit and you will have a bad druid in no time.
Earth_Knightx USEast lvl. 80 |
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I have been a druid 5 times and I know what im doing NEVER BE ELEMENTAL! There are 5 skills u want to max out
In shapeshifting you have : Werewolf-MAX, Lycanthropy-MAX, Fury-MAX
Summuning: Heart of wolverine-MAX, Grizzly bear-MAX
Ta-Da thats it for skills and then you got your items for a Druid i have allways picked fire damage as a elemental damage so i use items of fire damage
Helm-Jalal's mane, Armor-Your choice I use arkanes valor, Belt-String of ears good def and 15% dmg reduced, Gloves-Hellmouth Fire damage, Weapon-Hellslayer great damage and Fire damage, Ammy-Mara's Kaleidoscope, Rings-Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, Boots-Gore Rider
Now what I usually do for my stats is this: Strength-200, Dexterity-100, Vitality-300, Energy-50
I base my druids on hit points when in wolf I have 3000 HP |
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For all of you who are having problems with beating diablo, there is a relatively simple way. Use a grizzly and your hireling. when he kills them, recast your grizzly. repeat until your mana runs out and then go back to town revive your merc and go back. Repeat the process. Using this method, i only died twice because i wasn't paying attention. |
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Hey, I got a lvl 66 druid not that high. Well my point is elem does suck but clon armor. I say 10 on wearwolf max lycanthrophy then u want to max out fury...it kicks. U want 189-250 str cuz hellslayer axe is the best for a druid. I do 5.5K dam with fury with my hellslayer axe. Put some on bear and some on clon armr and heart of welves. whatever its called that gives you good duel/mf druir. what ever u pick. I killed a lvl 78 barb in 3 hits with my hellslayer axe.
number_onedruid lvl 66, 5.5K dam |
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ok, i have a level 38 druid who rocks the house, and a couple of these tips apply to everyone (not just druids). of course, you must first decide how you want to play. the opinion is usually something like "summoners v.s. elementalists v.s. shapeshifters". personally, i've discovered that being a shapeshifting wolf isn't all it's cracked up to be. but, i discovered two great things that have made me quite powerful: Hurricane and Grizzly Bear. I have +3 to all my skills thanks to a few items, but these two spells rock and here's why:
-Hurricane freezes your enemies, and does decent damage to multiple foes.
-Grizzly is strong, and fights those frozen guys.
In addition, get the Freezing Blast merc from Act 3...he is the man! And now for those tips everyone who plays online should know:
1. Best leveling is in Diablo Runs and BloodyHill Runs
2. Diablo Runs give best equipment...
3. People are unfair, so you can be unfair...Take ALL the drops you can, especially uniques and sets (I've killed Diablo atleast 6 times now, and have made out with a handful of great items)
4. I'm done now...go get levelled
Drul-Yasa, Druid of 38th season |
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first off i had a elemantal druid, and he can't leech, so therefore he dies... so do yourself a favor and make a shapeshifting druid. First thing max werewolf, lycanthropy, and fury. next max out oak sage. wat u do with the rest of the points is up to u. me personally, i like to put a couple into cyclone armor and thats it!! summoning is gonna be your next step, but everyone has their own preferences. wolves help out, bear attracts damage, ravens are a waste. as for equip, mauls are great (especially ik with a shael rune) but for my primary, i use a baranars star with a shael rune and a stormsheild. super fast, crazy amounts of hits. my helm is a jalals mane, i use a shaftstop armor with a 40/15 jewel (ed/ias). my glove are ik, my boots i use goreriders, but ik boots are good too. i use a string of ears for my belt, for my ammy i use either a +2 to druid crafted ammy, or a highlords wrath. my rings are raven spirals(dual leech). get lots of poison damage, it really helps, and make sure u can freeze the enemies. u can substitute a raven spiral for a raven frost if u want, your choice. as for stat pts, none in energy. the rest is up to u |
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ok, heres my advice- raise alot more vitality than anything else with druids. get only one raven so you can get wolves and get 5 wolves, get a spirit pet so u can get dire wolves, once you can, get three dire wolves, oh and it is a must to get a grizzly! and yes ELEMENTS SUCK!!!!! get a werewolf right when you can and once you can get a werebear, get one cuz werewolves suck horribly compared to werebears! oh, and get awesome weapons, but always upgrade wearbear and lycamprothy, and always stay in werebear form cuz theres no reason you should fight not in that form!!!!!!
-BladeFist-Lev.14 Druid |
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A little advice. I have a level 76 druid, and am currently battling my way through Act III Hell. I have found that, without a doubt, elemental-summoning is the best route to take if you want to survive the later Acts, and if you ever hope to make it to level 99. All the shapeshifting druids, that I have spoken to, are breezing through Nightmare, thinking that the next difficulty level will be just as easy. One word. WRONG! Hell mode is such a completely different game, and it requires such radically different tactics, that most shapeshifters will find nothing but frustration upon entering Act I Hell. With so many monsters that have multiple immunities, physical being the most frustrating, most shapeshifting druids will find their skill tree lacking. With most of my elemental spells (hurricane, armageddon, and cyclone armor) boosted to around lvl 26-29, I have found that these physically immune monsters provide little in the way of challenge to defeat. With magical immune creatures, my bone-snap maul, combined with a second weapon set consisting of a powerful one handed mace and shield, easily downs even the most dangerous of foes. (With the help of my lvl 26 bear, lvl 25 Oak Sage, and lvl 13 Carrion vine - of course). Just a little reminder of how powerful and versatile an Elemental-Summoning Druid can be. Never count them out. Build one. Trust me, you will be glad you did. The first 20 levels may provide some frustration, but after that, you will find the rest of the game to be mildy challenging. Thank you Blizzard, for adding such a wonderful and versatile character.
Moreg_Thul Lvl 76 Druid (Elemental-Summoning)
Lachovas Lvl 21 Druid (Shapeshifter-Summoner)
Agrilader Lvl 50 Druid (Shapeshifer)
Xelesh Lvl 21 Sorc (Light-Cold) |
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OK the main things you need to make a great druid that can easily solo in hell games are....
1. Werewolf- I think this skill should be maxed. Also if it is maxed Heart of Wolverine is not quite as important because attack rating is increased with each skill point put into werewolf. Plus if you have a high damage weapon (Immortal Kings maul or Hellslayer are good choices) then the damage boost that you get from Wereear is basically a moot point.
2. Lycanthropy- Not much to say here. This needs to be maxed due to the life bonus (not to mention the large amount of time you stay in form)
3. Oak Sage- Since I picked wolf instead of bear this skill is very important. Maxed out it gives an incredible 120% bonus to life. This can be the difference between life and death in hell.
4. Fury- If you have a high damage weapon fury is a must for wolves. It only cost a very low 4 mana to use and it gives 183% to attack rating and 423% to damage. It is the druids copy of zeal. 5 hits at a large amount of damage. Partner this skill with a hellslayer or IK maul and it makes a devestating combo that can take down any of the strongest monsters in hell.
5. Grizzly Bear- Maxed out this summon does 945-1039 damage plus stuns enemies. Not too bad for 40 mana. I would say put all remaining skills into dire wolves so your bear will have that much more life added to it.
As for skills here is my percentage breakdown: 5% mana, 35% strength, 30% dexterity, 30% vitality
Always remember to have Oak sage and Grizzly hot-keyed for easy resummon and always retransform right before a big battle.
Lone Wolf- Lvl 52 Druid |
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first of all, tank your druid is the way to go. Points into vitality and dexterity and summons are good for extra something. You need a sheild ( a tower sheild with 3 P.Diamonds ) and a single handed weapon. I like crystal sword, many sockets with a bunch of random ruins for fun. Later on, put points into elements because their just sooo cool. You will also need energy at this point. Barbs and Druids rock!!! Diablo Fan |
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First off I will agree with all other people and say ELEMENTAL SUCKS!!!!!!! The best kind of druid is a druid with high spirit of thorns / or Heart of Wolverine, Werewolf , Lycanthropy, and fury. I know Elemental looks tempting but get to nm Cows and watch how much you die, it's funny. Summons-----------Good idea to use. Start with 2-3 Ravens but don't screw with vines they aren't too great seeing as they die too easy and they piss Necromancers off on Battle.net. As before have 2-3 wolves depending on how much you need help. Spirits are worth every point you put in them because they act as decoys and help u out big. Elemental------------DON'T GET I COMMAND YOU!!!!!!! If you get elemental you will regret it in Nm cows. If you do get elemental (in other words if you are defying my will)
artic blast and fissure are ok. Armegedon is pretty good except for it's lack of accuracy. Hurrace is good at high lvls but anywhere below 10 it sux. Shapeshifting---------------(the thing that keeps Druids popular) Wolf is in fact better than Bear when you get Fury but otherwise Bear is the thing to get til lvl 24. Lycanthropy is a must have skill if you call yourself a druid who doesn't suck.
Status---------Strengh>>>about 150-200 at max. Dexterity>>>from 100-175 depending on style. Vitality>>> 120 at lowest (note: Druids are best in vitality) Energy>>> 40-100 depends on how much magic you will have to use.
SpikeXI USEast |
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Well, I've done both elemental/summoning and shapeshifting/summoning. In my oppinion, Werebear/Werewolf/ or Elemental can all be powerful, if used correctly. If your going for Elemental...here's what you do.
Until you reach level 6: into Firestorm, 2 into raven, 1 into Poison Creeper, and save one point.
Levels 6-12: That saved point, put it into spirit wolf. The one you just gained, put it into Molten Boulder. (Never forget, Molten Boulder knocks back enemies and slaughters carver/fallen hordes) Put your next one into Ice Blast, then Oak Sage, and then Molten Boulder again. (I've never found a good use for Iceblast really, damage wise, Its good for freezin' 'em, then you can fry 'em with your other elements)
Now that you've reached level 12, Put one into fissure, then one into Cyclone armor just so you can get the other Wind spells. If your elemental, your going to need mana, So You don't want carrion vine too much. Put just 1 into it, Then one into fissure, and another back into Oak Sage.
Now that your level 18: Put one into D.wolf. You don't even need heart of wolverine or Spirit of Barbs, so don't waste the points. Put another one into Oak sage, and then one into twister. Get another D. Wolf, and then save a point.
Now that your Level 24: Use your saved one into Volcano, and your non saved one into Tornado. These are 2 very powerful spells. Next, put one into Solar Creeper, and then put 1 more into Volcano and one into Oak Sage. (Save one too)
Now that your level 30: but of course, put one into Hurricane and one into Armageddon. Next put one into Grizzly. =For the Future= I harly ever use hurricane although it is very powerful. 5 levels into Hurricane should be enough for a long time. Max out Armageddon over the timing of your levels. 15 levels into Grizzly is about all you need. And Keep putting those points into oak sage until thats maxed out too.
Your Basic Stats to Do: 30% Strength, 20% Dexterity, 30% Vitality, 20% Energy
For the Shapshifter: I don't need to tell you what order, cause it doesn't matter. But for what I've done, here's the Wolf, and then the bear, strategies
Wolf: Max Werewolf, 5-10 Lycanthropy, Max Feral Rage, (1 maul), 5 Rabies, 1-2 Fireclaws, 1 hunger, Max Fury.
For your Summoning part of it. 1 Raven, 1 Poison Creeper, 1 oak sage, 2-3 Spirit Wolf(just for that passive bonus). 5 direwolf (for the passive bonus). 5-10 heart of wolverine and at least a few into Carrion Vine. 15 Grizzly.
Bear: Max Werebear, 5-10 Lycanthropy, Max Maul, (1 feral rage), 1-3 Fire Claws, 1-2 Hunger, 5-10 Shockwave.
For your Summoning part of it. 1 Raven, 1 poison creeper, 1 oak sage, 2-3 Spirit Wolf(passive bonus) and 5 Direwolf (passive bonus) 5-10 Heart of Wolverine, at least a few into Carrion Vine.
15 Grizzly. (NEVER WASTE TIME ON SPIRIT OF BARBS) (you can also go for the 5-10 oak sage and not heart of wolverine, if you chose it. Either one is good) |
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Hi I have a 56th level shifter and I think the shifter is really easy to play. Whatever, the tips
1) hit HARD AND FAST. Find a maul or a poleaxe I dont know but I tell you my druid hits 950-1200 with a club (fleshrender!!!) and I have a bonesnap and imagine the damage. All bosses (except Diablo) could only stand for 10-15 secs on nightmare... And this includes the famous Duriel...
2) I think bear is a fine ally because it draws monsters to itself and you can hit them while they play with the bear
3) Use heart of wolverine because you will have enough life from your lycanthropy skill maxed...
4) use the life giver vine ( I dont remember the name) it saves potion...
5) Use Fury and feral rage together... 5-6 on FR and 20 or more on F... It really kicks ass!
6) max your werewolf skill it improves your speed, with the feral rage no one can beat you...
7) One problem is resistences, find a good one hander and get the ancient's pledge... It will save your ass surely, if you carry a maul find a good armor to save you...
8) Another little detail is the physical immunes, I think other shifters did not mension that find charms or thy to max fire claws but on hell it will mean nothing
Good luck I hope this helps the starter druids... oh, and dont rely on rabbies, it only works in normal mode I suppose...
Dave the Shifter |
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Well For "They" ultimate Druid Max Out WereWolf, Oak Sage, Lycanthropy, Fury, and Cyclone Amor, Use Equip That gives Good leach for when u fury any health u might lose u will get back. I Recomend Tal Rasha's Mask or Vampire Gaze. Tank Druids cant take out a wolf druid, wolfs are too fast for the bear. once u lvl 99 druid u will have so much hp juts keep raiseing strength ,vitality, and a little dexterity , ignore energy once u have goo mana leach u wont need that. A well raised druid can even beat a barbarian if u play your cards right. my druid (lvl 89) has a 4 socketed ccb , and i added 4 amn runes (7% life leach each) so i have alot of life leach and i cant be stoped, trust me amn runes are good. heart of the wolverine and spirit of the barbs are a waste of time. Oak sage is the best sage beleive me, my druid has like 10,000+ with all his equip and skills, and when i some how lose life my leach gives me full health. takes a ww barb over 20 ww's to kill me wich time they try 2 they dead. stick with this strat and u will be a god dueler/cow druid |
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This is a suggestion for wolf druids: Use polearms with 5 range, and a grizzly bear. That way, you can stand right behind your pet and Fury everything to bits while your grizz takes the hits. The grizz also has a terrific stun swipe, which he mixes in.
My preference for the polearm is a Cruel Giant Thresher of Quickness, socketed with 2 Ruby Jewels of Fervor. It's got a big +380% damage (approx) to a base 40-114, and a lightning quick 70% IAS on a Very Fast base speed. Pure and simple, it hits super hard and super fast. Coupled with a Might merc, it can toss out over 20K damage per Fury, and every Fury is like a machine gun burst..... And with a smidgen of mana steal, and Feral Rage to augment life steal, you really should never, ever need Hunger. |
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Alright... I have a level 89 Druid and here's what I've found to be useful. You might be wondering what Spirit to use, Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine, or Spirit of Barbs. Well, Spirit of Barbs might be nice, but it's useless Vs. Amazons, Sorcs, Necros, Throw Barbs, Trap Assassins and FoH Paladins. Heart of Wolverine might be your choice if you have a 2 handed weapon, actually adding some damage then, but then you have no shield. Therefore Amazons, Barbs, Paladins, and anyone with a shield and somewhat good damage will own you. Oak Sage on the other hand adds alot of health, according to your base Hit Points (Which is extremely useful). Max out Lycanthropy, and about 10 into Werewolf, 1 into Feral Rage and Rabies, then max out Fury. ...and you're done with the Shape Shifting section. Then you can put 1 into Raven, Summon Spirit Wolf, and Summon Dire Wolf, about 15 into Bear (He's a great buddy and who doesn't think bears are funny?). Then you'll hopefully have some extra points left over to put into Arctic Blast (1 Point) and 10 into Cyclone Armor. If you can't get this many points, go through and do those skill points quests (Which give you an extra 12 points). Put just enough stat points into strength to use your equipment (try to keep under 150), about 150 into Dex, and the rest into Vitality. Then if you get Vitality around 230, add a few life charms you can easily get tons of life. 0 points into energy. Remember "No Shield = Suck" Elemental Druids are a waste, ignore anyone who says otherwise.
-Level 89 Druid *Brand86 |
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Here is a few hints for guys who play shapeshifter...I recommend the werewolf because its amazingly fast! rely on your feral rage I say put only one skillpt. Your carrion vine is indeed a life saver if you give it the time to heal you. on higher levels the fury will be the best skill for you...
For weapons I recommend a maul or a club that has +skills. I have bonesob (maul) in my hand and I killed duriel on nightmare in 15-20 seconds... Helm Must be a +skill (like lore) or at least it must bosst the skills you use... Use feral rage and fury together and you will be invincible and get the ancients pledge if you use one handed weapon because it IS a life saver... I slice most of the monsters like the butcher... dont rely on poison because it is slow...
And last of all, try to collect set items but it is really messy, my werewolf is lvl41 but I couldnt make a set! last rites, dont use oak sage but use heart of wolverine because if you cant hit, you worth nothing...
Dave (Mustaine) the Druid |
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Druids are hands down the coolest character in Diablo II. I piled points into elemental magic and summoning. I have 14 points in fissure and it kicks butt. Between my fissure and my grizzly bear I am unstoppable. I think that as long as you have a good weapon you don't need shapeshifting. Most of the elemental magics you get take out enemies in large numbers (hurricane, fissure, Armageddon.) Elemental and summoning is the way to go for a Druid.
Dakar Level 37 Druid |
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I have been reading these strategies for the last several weeks, and I find one important elemental lacking. The way you chose to build your druid is dependant upon a single or multi-player gaming experience. I have a level 30 elemental/summoning druid, in multi-player, with a party consisting of an assassin and a barbarian, and I often find myself to be the only character left alive after most boss fights, opening portals for the other "fighters" to come back and retrieve their still-steaming corpses.
I chose the elemental tree in an attempt to supplement our close contact party, and I am the one doing the most damage in the close quarters fighting. The summoning skills are a must if you wish to make it into the later acts, but never forget the elemental abilities, especially fissure and cyclone armor. Oddly enough, I have put most of my attribute points into str, dex, and vit and still have enough mana for spell-casting given the lucky acquistion of some extremely powerful charms. Regardless of how you build your Druid, having fun is what matters most, I just happen to think that a spell-casting summoner is the way to go. Shape-shifting is cumbersome and awkward, especially in the later levels when one mistake can cost you your life and several thousand gold!
Caldabolg Lvl 30 Druid (Elemental-Summoning) Lvl 31 Barbarian Lvl 46 Amazon Lvl 34 Necromancer |
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This druid is for dueling and for cows.
stat points -- strength-as much as u need for ur best stuff, dex-about 170, vitality-about 120-170, energy-about 25
skill points -- oak sage-max this out for ultimate health, grizzly bear- about 15 so he will stay alive, werewolf-10 poits for extra health and attack rating, lycanthropy-10 so u can stay a wolf for about 3 min., fury-20 max this out for mor damage
Do not put on elemental skillz its a wast of time u cant get to far with hurricane wich is the best elemental skill
i have a lvl 69 druid and a 76 amazon druids a really good at about lvl 79 my friends have some and there best bet for weopons are probably really fast axes and mauls and pikes really fast 2 handed weopons if u want to find me and ask me for help or ask me some questions just go to Diablo 2 realm EAST or wisper me at smallz797 or add me to friend list
smallz_dkii amazon smallz_dki druid |
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Druid. Most people use shapeshifting but it definently is not the way to go. Elemental kills ppl easily and u will not have trouble at all. The Volcanoe is a great skill with 6 points invested into it. Set it under the boss and they will take serious damage while other minions are dying. Level 9 tornadoe does over 100 damage and with a good merc. ur unbeatable. Early in the games u can kill people easy with the molten boulder and fissure finish off tons of those pesky fallen ones dye in groups and you rake up the exp. points.
Filip, Level 26 druid |
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Heres Some advice for druids...COMPLETELY IGNORE THE ELEMENTAL PATH, it looks tempting, i know most d2 players are male and would like a male magic using character, but the elemental path for druid has serious limitations. Sure armageddon will be great for the first difficulty and half of nightmare, but once you get to act 4 or 3 in nightmare, you will notice, even if your armageddon or hurricane is overmaxed at level 25, that the meteorites from armageddon will literally ricochet off the hide of most of the monsters including the bosses, and all hurricane will do is make those goblins and gremlins wanna put a sweater on. My advice is to take the Summon/Shape Shifter Path, Choose either wolf or bear and focus many many skills into a skill of your choice and your shape shifting skills, and about 5 points in lycanthropy should be sufficient to keep your transformations going. Than MAX YOUR BEAR!, Ted Nugent Didnt sing "Friend Bear" because he likes his teddy bear, If you max bear it will kick ass, it really does make a good friend! that should make a pretty kickass druid..
*MortareEstHuman chars-- L69 Druid(an elemental disaster), L74 MF Sorc (420MF), L76 Barb(Mistake with skillz=Mule), L34 Necro |
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By all standards, I'm still a "newbie"... but here are some of the tips i've learned while playing as my first successful Druid. Don't waste a lot of skill points in the elemental skill tree. The druid's elements may seem powerful in the 1st and 2nd acts, but once you get beyond that, look out, because it gets ugly. Secondly, I find that a wolf tank is an awesome force if done properly. This involves putting the majority of your points into Lycan, Werewolf, Oak Sage, Feral Rage, and when it becomes available... Fury. All these, along w/ some descent weaponry (i recommend some sort of maul) make for an unstoppable combination.
Seton, lvl 44 druid |
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I am a lvl 43 druid in nightmare facing Hephesto the Armourer(act IV) and i've worked on summoning-shapeshifting. a good thing to have is a friend to help you (make sure he's already very good at diablo) and in the beginning, make sure he's by the potions!! for summoning, i did ravens until icould get wolves, then dire wolves, THEN THE BEAR!!! the bear is awsome, lvl 15 and hes got more min. damage than i have!the wolves are good because they have passive to other wolves and bears. im better with the oak sage (he adds to life) and i dont use any vines. for shape-shifting im the bear. my friend is lvl 61 hell, all the way to diablo, and his druid is built quite the same as mine. for a merc. ive got a lvl 42, act III iron wolf, and as a primary weapon a bone smasher maul. (i dont know where youll find the bone smasher, but the maul is the best, in my opinion. for armour, the ancient armour is the best. my friend bought an armour(ancient armour) that had defense of1375 !!
Thrawn lvl 43 |
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First off, I have a lvl 23 Druid (i've had druids upto lvl 50 though). The one I use now is on battle.net. Now, a cool thing about druids is that you can sit back and let your minions and skills do all the work. I however like to go out and fight.
Here are the stats that I recommend: STR = 1 (if you opt to fight instead, then make this 2 and drop 1 ENG), DEX = 1, VIT = 1, ENG = 2
As for the skills: ELEMENTAL: 3-5 Cyclone Armor, 3-5 Artic Blast, 5 Armageddon, 5 Hurricane, AT LEAST 5 into every werewolf skill, 10-15 in spirit wolves, 10 Spirit of Barbs, 5 Grizzly
Tips for Bosses: Andariel = combo of merc w/ cold arrow and 5 spirits wolves (backed w/ mana) should do the trick. take a good two-handed sword or axe w/ you as well.
Duriel = stock up on lots of rejuv and mana potions, and let your pets do all the work. keep running though, also, use rogue mercs over the act II ones, the ranged attacks will keep your merc alive longer.
Mephisto = what a joke. this guy is soooo easy to defeat. stay on the other side of the blood river, and hit him w/ elemental attacks. you could still use the rogue merc in this act as well, but i like using the act III mercs (w/ lightning).
Diablo = i've died many times going up against him. mainly, my pets weren't strong enough, and i didn't have much resistance. here is the strategy though...don't fight diablo until you are at least 6 lvls above him...shapeshift to werewolf, backed by all your skills for him, rejuv potions, grizzly and spirit barbs. Elementals don't seem to work that well against him, w/ exception of the hurricane. spirit wolves will help, but only if you've got like 15 pts in them, otherwise they will be pummeled. the basic idea is you want to smack him around in werewolf form, let the grizzly do his thing, spirit of barbs will reflect damage back to diablo, and the hurricane will do extra damage. don't worry if you die...just keep on hitting him, sooner or later you'll kill him.
as far as equipment goes, obviously you wanna get the best of the best. but like most, i don't have the best of the best. my best equipment is azurewrath crystal sword (my pride and joy weapon), a unique bone shield that has 45% block (etc), and an amulet that gives me +1 to druid skills. for the rest of the equipment, it is basically unique (blue) items. take advantage of the socketed items though (i.e. three socket field plate or likewise w/ the best rubies you can find, and you got a lot to life), i'd use diamonds in the shields, skulls or jewels in the helms, topaz in the weapons, sapphires could go into helms or armor, and i just sell the amethyst and emerald (i find i don't use them at all)
Angas the Druid |
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First off I would like to say Druid's own and that i started createing my druid the other day and taking strategy's from this site I am now making a sweet druid. My druid is in nightmare act 1 lvl 38 with a bonesnap and its nothing. I have a bonesnap maul and doing about 750 max dmg per hit.My armor is only 471. Life leach is the way to go. I have a 6% life leach ring mandals ring for mana leach for fury and feral rage. 7% on my armor amd King of Theives helm 12% life. Plus i wear sigons NEW xpac gauntlets and his old greaves and i get 10% life leach PLUS 30% increase attack speed. Thats why i where sigons boots and gauntlets. Anyone that says elemtal druids are better their wrong there isnt an elementist who could beat hell on their own or without a cross bow. They can barely kill anything in hell. Well anyways i have 35% in life leech and i know im gonna walk through nightmare. Now i only focused on strength and vitality. I put a few points in dex each act and im doing pretty good. Plus once you get to lvl 30 you should start working fury and that add to your attack rateing and so does werewolf. Now the main strategy i used was in here and it was the Redwood lvl 77 druid and he does the math for ya. Dont put any points in elmentist side or any in energy and you'll do fine. Just get life leech from rings, amulets weapons, helms and you'll do fine. Trust me Redwoods strategy is very good i suggest you follow it. Sigons stuff is pretty easy to obtain and is very helpful but you must have the new sigons gauntlets for the IAS. I have the IK Maul but can't use to lvl 74 which does whicked dmg.
bigdude05 |
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Hello out there in Druid land. As you all probably know elemental druids suck. The only elemental skills that you can aim do pathetic amounts of damage and the other elemental skills would still suck even if you could aim them. The only reason i started an elemental druid(now lvl 34) was bc i wanted a challenge.
Anyway for the shape-shifting druid( I have a lvl 80 happily killing cows) there are only three shapeshifting skills you need- Werewolf, Lycantrophy, and Fury. These three work well together. The werewolf and Lycantrophy give you life; the Werewolf gives you attack speed, and the Fury gives you the needed damage. What else could a fighter ask for? The answer is even more life. If you have life stealing rings, then the more life you have the more life you will steal when you hit enemies. So maxing Oak Sage is also a must. You would rather have the additional 125% life to the additional 125% damage from HoW anyday. Trust me. I've tried both auras and found Oak Sage much more useful. Barbs is just stupid. Rememver that in a multiplayer hell game monsters will have more health than you do, so by the time they would die from Barbs you would already be dead. Vines are also useless. The poison one is laughably pathetic. The carrion vine is overly redundant if you have life stealing. Obviously the Solar Creeper is useless since your character will never nead mana ( that means you should also not put any stat points into Energy) The Grizzly can be pwerful if and only if you max out dire wolves and Grizzly, but this requires 40 skill points which is just too much of a waste. Also why would you need a fighting bear by your side since you are already a fighter.
In summary MAX werewolf, lycantrophy, Fury and Oak Sage. This way you will have a tuly unkillable speedy killer. Enjoy the carnage.
Christopher |
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Duriel - v - Druid, --- Molten boulder has knockback so Duriel can't use its charge attack. Let your birds and wolves do the talking, you'll get the exp anyway. Bear in mind that Duriel has a 'freeze' type aura under its body where you can only glimpse it occasionally, so stay clear and keep some thaw potions in your belt.
Mangaea (Elemental/Summoning Druid - L22), Slayer Zeriyah - (Cleglaw's brace equipped Amazon - L38) |
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I found a good stategy for killing Duriel with a Druid is to bring heaps of pets and a mercenary in with you. Duriel is distracted by them and you can attack from a distance with a good crossbow. When your pets and mercenary are dead and Duriel comes after you, abandon your bow and use this strategy-MOLTEN BOULDER, RUN, MOLTEN BOULDER, RUN and so on. I successfully killed the Demonic sucker first time! |
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This strategy is for Shape Shifting Druids only. Now I know when it comes to shape shifting, the Werewolf are what people prefer. However, you must think ahead. When you face the ancients in hell, Korlic, one of the Barbarians will be immune to Physical. He also does a huge amount of damage. If you were to be a werewolf at the time, your best attack against him would be fire claws because that does fire damage. You going to have a hard time defeating him because he is going to strike you back at the same time. If you were to be a Werebear, you could use the Shockwave skill to stun. Then, he is at mercy of whatever attack you have planned.
Here is how a Druid should be ( in my opinion):
Str: just enough to use a cranium basher thundermaul
Dex: As much as you can
Vitality: Even this out with dex
Energy: None, you will get your mana from Hunger
Skill Points:
Shockwave: 20
Werebear/Lycanthropy: 20
Maul/ Fire Claws:10
Hunger: 1
Grizzly: 20
Heart Of Wolverine of Oak Sage: 10 |
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Oook... For all you Druids out there...
First, get either D.wolf or Grizzly to 20. For the first couple of levels until 18 put it ALL into Oak Sage! In lvl 50 and my life is over 1200 cuz' of Oak. Once you get Oak and Dire/Grizzly Maxed out go for Shapeshifting.. Get 1 werewolf, about 15 Lychanthropy, then the rest to Fury... it kicks ass. The main Skills you need are
1. Max Oak Sage
2. Max DireWolf/Grizzly
3. 1 werewolf
4. Max Lychanthropy
5. Max Fury
For items... get something that hits hard, attack speen doesnt matter because werewolf makes it fast. Find some +1-2 to skill levels and real good armor.. Once you get to lvl 35 try to get to Act 5 Nightmare... In bloodruns with alot of people in game you'll level about once a minute till you get to 45 - Then do Ancients - Then keep doin bloodruns!!! ALSO REMEMBER >> GET HIGH RESISTANCES!
Killa_Druidz |
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Hi, this is guide is about a Lonewolf, a werewolf druid that don't rely on wolves or a bear to help him fight. Before I start, I just want to say stay away from the elemental skill tree, it lacks some real damage. And there is some guy here who said that elemental druid is better than shape-shifting. well he is dead wrong.
Lycanthropy (20 Points), Werewolf (20 Points), Feral Rage (1-4 Points), Rabies (1 Point), Fury (20 Points), Oak Sage (20 Points), Poison Creeper (1 Point), Carrion Vine (3+ Points)
STR-2, DEX-1, VIT-2, ENR-0
As a lonewolf you have fewer skills, means you have chances to max. out your skills in an early level. Your advantages are Much life (from Lycanthropy and Oak Sage), Life steal/regeneration (from Feral Rage and Carrion Vine), Attack Rating and Speed (from Werewolf, Fury and Feral Rage). TIP: You can start using feral rage and when the red orb reaches it's full level, switch to fury so you can still leech some life from enemies.
Your disadvantages will be your defense rating. Since you will wield a two handed weapon and you can't wear a shield, if you want to wear a shield then your damage will be much lower which is not good. Anyway you'll have much life that will make it up for your low defense.
Since you'll have a low dexterity, your best weapon will be a maul, since they don't require dexterity and offers good damage and speed. Bonesnap, Bloodtree stump and Immortal King's Stone Crusher are great mauls, but if you can't acquire them, A good blood crafted exceptional/normal maul or a hit power crafted elite maul will be good. Magical maul' with enhanced damage are also good, try to put sockets on them (add socket quest) and socket them with perfect skulls, sapphire, amethyst and Amn runes for additional effects.
With low dexterity there's no way that you will have a high defense rating, so find the armor with a high defense. 4 socketed armor is good try socketing it with jewels that adds defense or socket it with perfect rubies or Po/Io rune for added life. Remember with a +40 to life, you don't only get 40 but it is also multiplied by your lycanthropy and oak sage.
*Jewelries* Try looking for jewelries that adds life, mana, mana steal, attack rating and resistances.
*Charms* Look for small charms that adds extra damage, life, mana and resistances.
Champion Zalandorn, Lvl. 65 Lonewolf Druid |
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You would like to know how to be a good Shapeshifting/summoning druid? Well I'll give you the scoop.
1. As soon as you can, get a bonesnap maul. You'll do crazy damage with good speed. Later, get a Gavel of Pain or a Hellslayer. Those are the best weapons for a druid.
2. If you are going to get a set for your druid, get Aldur's set. The complete set is exceptional and hard to get, but has great bonuses.
3. For each level you go up, do the following of 5 strength, 5 vitality, 5 more strength, 5 more vitality, 5 dexterity, 5 energy, 5 more dexterity, 5 more strength, 5 more vitality, repeat.
4. Start your first 5 skillls before level 6 (includes Den of Evil) putting them in 1 Werewolf, 2 lycanthropy, 1 werebear, 1 poison creeper, and 1 raven. at level 6, put 1 into spirit wolf. Until 12, put 2 into spirit wolf and lycanthropy and 1 oak sage. At level 12, get a carrion vine. until 18, get more carrion vine, 1 more werebear, 1 more lycanthropy, and 1 more spirit wolf. At 18, get dire wolf. Until 30, get 3 more dire wolf, 3 heart of wolverine, 3 more lycanthropy, and 1 more carrion vine. At 30, get grizzly. Alternate then between grizzly and heart of wolverine until girzzly is maxed and heart has 15 points. From there, get more points for lycnathropy, werebear, carrion vine, and both wolves (for the bonuses) until the end. Yay.
5. In normal, get a cold mercenary in act 3. Keep him until hell mode, and then get a cold arrow rogue in hell act1. keep her.
6. With the 3 socketings you get, socket aldur's stony gaze, aldur's deception, and aldur's rythem. Put a perfect topaz in deception and stony gaze, and put a perfect saphire in rythem.
7. With your 3 imbues, imbue a pair of gloves (demonhide), a belt (war belt), and a shiel (grim shield). |
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HI IF you need help on a druid you came to right place i no i just bought expansion and my druids weak but at my friend travis i got a level 78 druid whos beat baal in hell and down. First off all WAREBEAR sucks put the skills u want on shape shiffting on werewolf and werewolf charge up skill skills. if you choose elemental you will want to put 1 on fire storm and 1 on molton bolder so you can get to the better stuff next put 2-5 on fisure and 1 on volcano when u reach level 30 put everything on armageddon cause it rocks also put a couple on artic blast and couple on cyclone armour now for twister tornado and hurricaine i did put a couple on there but its up to you. for summuning choose a couple on raven cause when its level 30 u do like 30 sum hits which is a lot of damage on harder diffuculties also put a couple on the posion vine guy and DONT PUT ANY ON OKE SAGE u can put 2 or 3 on the vine that eats corpses and put 5 on reg wolf and 10 on dire wolf and when or if u reach grizzly bear you should try to get that high since they can do alot of damage if u get high skill. hope this helped!!!! P.S. If you want to get lots of a skill (grizzly) fast insead of spending skill points rite away save them so ul have more for the certain skill u want :) |
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since u can only summon spirit ,dire wolf or grizzly at 1 time then have 5 points invested into raven plz dont underestimate these guys they can do some damage n when i fought duriel i first summoned 5 ravens n the dumb guy tried to kill them but of course could not so i then let my town guard n summoned 3 dire wolves to join in the battle it was so easy he was died in no time i have a level 31 elemental/summonin druid i love fighting in numbers it lets i survive longer the elemental tree of a druid is some what split into half 1 starting with molten boulder n another starting with artic blast with both ending up with armageddon i think a druid should specialize on one half of the tree only n dont care about armageddon trust me its not worth it n dont even waste any skill points on the lame shapeshifting. its so stupid
level 31 druid |
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Revised strategy for a fighting Druid:
1.) Get a Bonesnap. My level 26 Druid is doing 275-392 damage
2.) Only put one point in Feral Rage & Rabies. These skills are nothing compared to a level 20 Fury.
3.) Try to find a suit of armour that has good mods. I'm wearing Iceblinck and i freeze anything i don't kill with one shot.
4.) Gamble for rare rings and amulets
5.) ALWAYS help out lower level characters. You were there once yourself. |
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This post is one for a Summoning/Elemental Druid. If you want to be a
fighter, this post isn't meant for you. My next one will be one who fights, now I've got a purely magic Druid! (the one I love most). He's also stronger in parties, I play this one one Gateway Europe (PerrinYellowEye).
Unlike some Druids advised me, I think it's wise to put points into Energy, not purely STR and lots of VIT. First let me start with the Skills. I've got a Druid setup until level 72: Raven 5, Spirit Wolf 10, Dire Wolf 20, Grizzly 20, Poison Creeper 1, Carrion Vine 1, Solar Creeper 1, Oak Sage 1, HoW 1, Volcano 10, Arctic Blast 10
If anyone wonders why I haven't upgraded the spirits yet? Well, the Wolf/Grizzly Skills are passive one, and Spirits can die. What happens than is that its functionality will die along with it. First put points intop the things you need. I haven't mentioned the Prereqs for the Elemental Skills, there are actually three!
Don't wait with Elemental Skill Volcano too long! Have it ready when going for Mephisto and Diablo, since minions die fast with these two. The others (even Baal) do get hit by them good. Agianst Diablo and Mephisto I also advise to use the Griz, bigger life! Put on Oak Sage when doing for them.
At level 31 I had the following setup: Raven 5, Spirit 10, Dire 7, Grizzly, Oak 1, HoW 1, Volcano 6
Just cast Volcano under a Boss when he's busy with your minions. He's gotta stay in one place. Believe me that this setup works fine against everything, except Diable and Mephisto are a bit hard to get, but you need patience. It's not liek a barb who just goes in and kills him in 10 seconds.
I was a bit forced to use Arctic Blast and Volcano, but it were the only good long range spells. Hurricane and all the other windy Skills are useless and aiming them is undoable, forget them. Amrageddon might work, but this Druid needs to be away a bit from his enemies. Of course you can go for Armegeddon, but than you need to be close to the enemies that's all. Volcano however works perfect in this strategy, since you pets keep the monsters in one place .... put volcano right underneath them and they'll surely take it (Always a hit .... esp. the center is the reason for using it .... the anit-Volcano comment is correct, it's range is TOO big). Arctic Blast is the only longrange Elemental cold-skill, so therefor I took them. I make use of these two Skills, there aren't any better in this choice for me and I know how to use them the best. Since I upgrade Griz ot the ma, this means they aren't just for holding up the enemy, they are actually the damaging Skills! Volcano and Arctic Blast are merely for Hell Mode and Bosses. They can be useful, but aren't necesary.
I advise to put most points into VIT and EN, but I recommend putting STR to about 100, maybe even bigger with charms. This is purely for carrying OK armor, my strategy is based on someone who doesn't get hit in fights, but that doesn't means you won't get hit at all. I put in some DEX, not too much though.
For equipment, I go for something with lots of +resist all. Jalal's Mane is the Wolf Head to get, best around if you go for +Skill-items. I go for +Skill Items, Resist and Mana/Life-regen. This is what keeps me alive just fine. Take in mind this isn't a fighter, if you want to be, this setup is maybe quite useless, but it could be done.Just don't put points into EN, but all into STR and DEX (+VIT). But you are dependant on potions for your mana, the Skills cost a lot. Vines do OK, even very OK, but still. That's my opinion on this, this is just the character I choose. I believe he's quite capable of doing Normal and Nightmare, Hell is something I have to find out yet. I parties he's doing very good, esp. with a Defensive Paladin (minions stay alive longer .... I even saw my Griz not die at all for some time .... except after the Paladin died).
Don't ask me about PvP, I don't know it this character is able to do that. I don't think so. But I am all into Cooperative gaming.
Marco (PerrinYellowEye). |
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Quick Druid Tip: If you have what you think are outdated conjuring spells (Ravens, etc.) use whatever you have. They may not be powerful, but they will distract other monsters and will prevent you from getting attacked by packs all at once. |
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I myself have a level 74 druid and i dont know where these people found that elemental druids work. I built an elemental druid and found that once i got into real hell games i got killed. I rebuilt this druid with a properskill tree and now i take care of business. My persona opinion is to use only 4 skills. You need to max out werewolf and Lycantropy. These skills will help your develop your attack rating speed and life. Then you max out heart of the wolverine and that helps even more with attack power and rating. The only attack you need is fury. It hits 5 times for crazy damage. Your skill points should be placed in only vitality and strength. Only put in as much strength as you need for your best weapon. For example if you use Hellslayer you need 189 strength. All other points after that go into vitality. Don't worry about your dex all of your skills willt ake care of it, and raise your attack rating. In hell i have attack rating or 10000 with no points in dex. I loved working with a druid and this is the only way to build him . Good luck |
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Been messing around with the druid clas for a few weeks using jamelas to find ot what works and what dont. I finnal went with a grzzly and armageddon as main attacks. Took me 8 hours to get to lvl 80 and I rock in hell.
OK some of this is going to sound strage but here the lowown.Skill points (LEAVE SHIFTING ALONE) put 1 point into each summon and elemental. HoW has 8 points (bonus to 16), Oak is 10 (bonus 18), rest have 1 point each, Grizz is maxed total 28, Armageddon is 20 (bonus 31/ 28 , depending on weapon, I have hexfire for +3 fire), Whirlwind 16 and rising will be maxed next
250 in strength, 180 in dex (most would leave this alone, but I have my reasons more later), 110 health (this is way too low realy but im going to keep pumping it from now on) Invent makes the rest up, manna is 80
Weapons are hexfire and my main hich is very unusual Do Kyanon Balista. I can do some serious dammage at close quarters and hide behind the grizz while splattering with either Geddon or WW. Its not awsome, but i have yet to die. so this may be a handy tip for you HC. thats where I am heading next.
Oh I do 2k damm using Do Kyanaon and 1k with hex. |
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Nobody, except perhaps the necromancer, is as useful of a character as the druid. The druids basic abilities aren't awkward in the beginning of "character development" which is something many of the other characters have issues with, in my opinion. Because your chances of finding a weapon which is very fast and quiet strong both are very slim, your most important decision is your skills. Now I personally have played druid characters with concentration on summons, elemental, and shapeshifting. though as others have pointed out, all have their pros and cons, it really isn't which route you decide to take, but that you pick one and stick with it. because as others will tell you, and if you've started at all you know, that the more skill points to a skill, the more potential for being a powerful tool. Not to say that you should immediately stick your first six skills points in your first available skill, but more or less what you want to do is to spread them out when ever your level allows, within the skill branch you chose. Some of my personal favorites lie within the elemental skill tab. Both fissure & armageddon are extremely useful due to their longer ranges of attack, both, in my opinion, should be leveled up as much as possible through your game play. Besides the druids offensive decisions, you've really got to always keep your eyes open for the most powerful defensive equipment, shields, helms, belts, gauntlets and boots, ALWAYS VERY IMPORTANT! I personally don't particularly care for popping in a room, throwing a sort of attack such as fissure, and ducking back out so i don't get tore up. I so much prefer to be able to rely on my equipment that i put so much time and energy into finding, jump into a area and just start bombarding monsters up close with my handheld weapon, (generally a elite sword of some sort), while catching any monsters lobbing poison, lightning, fire or cold from the perimeters with either my well suped up fissure or armaggedon. Now something else that really adds enjoyment to the druid game play is the fact that his speed is also quiet admirable for a fellow of his size. The assasin will no doubt dust him, but that's not the concern here is it? no, the monsters are and when you get your druid leveling up, you should find the monsters don't usually out pace you. Hope someone finds this to be of use for further enjoying this well thought out character.
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The way to make an "Ultimate grily bear" is very simple. Although it will take you 102 of your posibble 110 skill points, (yes there is 110 posibble) you will get the ultimate side kick. Heres the resipee... You put 20 into spirit wolf (for atack rating and defence of the bear) then 20 into Dire wolf (life of the bear) after that 20 into the bear (DUH). But your not done yet, you must put 20 into spirit of barbs (for damage returned by the enemy when they hit the bear), and finaly 20 into rven so the 5 little death birds can protect the bear. BELIVE ME THIS COMBINATION WORKS WELL!
Foodguy101 level 99, 54, and 39 druids. |
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My approach has been to max out Artic Blast (Lvl 22) and Cyclone Armor (Lvl 20) and Grizzly (Lvl 26). I've kept my Rogue Archer from the very beginning and she is now at level 65. Armored her to the hilt (def 1198) packing a 6 socket long bow loaded with perfect emeralds. Shes doles out a whopping 658 in poison damage. My Grizzly gives 1202 - 1380 damage. Pretty much unstoppable. Been putting points in Dire Wolf for the passive health boost to the Grizzly.
My basic strategy has been to freeze'm from a distance to slow them down and let my rogue and grizzly do the dirty work. Use Solar Creeper to keep my Mana replenished. Currently in Act III, Hell difficulty getting ready to take out Mephisto. Nightmare difficulty was a cake walk with this setup.
Danbone (Level 65 E/S druid) |
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The druid is awsome. You can choose to be a shapeshifting fighter, general(summoner) or elementalist mage. I prefer the shapeshifting fighter.
The trick to being a shape-shifting fighter:Number 1: Stick to the wolf. It is fast and strong and has more development options. The bear is FAR TOO SLOW and requires the wasting of skills to get a life steal attack. Skill tree: Ignore elemental tree. You cant use them as a shapeshifter anyway. Ignore animal & vine summoning. Diablo, Baal and many minions will kill them anyway. Alternate points between werewolf and lyncanthropy until level twelve. The next skill is feral rage. Many have said it is useless, but by the time it is level 10, you will very rarely need to use potions. At level twelve, learn the feral rage skill and with each level increase it until it matches werewolf and lyncanthropy. When all are the same, alternate between each, building them up together. At level 29, put a point into rabies to allow you to get fury at level 30. Build fury up to match feral rage. I have Feral rage set as primary attack, and fury as secondary attack. I generally hit a few times with feral rage, and then unleash fury. Many a time I have been near death when fighting a multitude of enemies or a boss, and suddenly the fury/rage combo has restored my health (around 700points) without the use of a potion.
I would suggest putting a few points into Spirit of barbs. Its hitpoints are good, and is a great distraction for monsters. Monsters will literally kill themselves attacking it. When it runs out of life, simply create another one. It is the cheapest merc in the game. I put 1 point each in wolverine and oak sage, because you can only use one spirit at a time, why waste points? But it is personal choice with spirits. Also the fighter mage with cold attack from act 3 (Iron Wolves) are the merc to choose. They will stand at your back and slow everything down for you to kill with feral rage and fury.
Stick with very fast attck speed weapons. It doesnt matter whether you use a shield or two handed weapon, but a socketed shield with diamonds in it increases your defense and resistances no end. It is more important to land more hits with good damage very fast weapon than a few hits with great damage normal or fast attack speed weapon. I would also suggest socket weapons with a couple of different elemental attacks, primarily poison and lightning. This will allow for good damage to hell level monsters immune to physical attacks. Generally fury & feral rage will keep you alive long enough to kill any enemy providing you can get enough hits in. My lev 36 druid just stood there and hacked Diablo to death, even withstanding that red lightning attack in normal level.
With stats spread, Str is primary task. You want to build it to a level that will allow for great armor to be worn and damage. I build up dex and vit equally. very few points are needed in energy, It does not take up too much mana to operate the skills used by a shapeshifter, and mana stealing items usually keep mana pool full. Thsi character is very effective in single or multi games. More often than not, he will beat most pks or if he cant, will definitely outrun them. The barbs spirit helps out the whole party, and allows joining paladins to use other auras and other druids wolverine. Put plainly, this character is a specialist boss killer, he will stand there and go toe to toe with the bosses while party members use distance attacks.
However, he is just as comfortable surrounded by mass hordes, distracting and destroying masses of minor monsters while other party members clean up.
Wulffen |
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I have a Lv 67 Druid and i think working on your summoning skills is is by far the best thing to do after you've reach past Lv 30.I have a skill 20 Grizzly and it's superb proving to be lethal and more reliable when facing danger.Right now i'm working on increasing my Dire Wolf and some elemental skills.Take my advice and don't waste your time on shapeshifting skills.If you still want to use them then i suggest you create another druid specially for shapeshifting and probably a bit of elemental here and there.Combining Summoning and Shapeshifting is not recommended as i found it quite tough defeating Diablo and Baal while using my last druid character.Druids are always fun at the start of the game but later in Act III it'll be difficult unless you plan wisely and train your character properly.Playing multiplayer games are the best thing you can do to beef up your character and your inventory.Try playing Battlenet with someone whose character is same or almost same level as yours.When in multiplayer think wisely b'fore you want to trade as i've encountered lots of greedy players.ALSO WATCH OUT FOR BACKSTABBERS.Sometimes some players may purposely kill you so that they can obtaine the items they want desperately from you.Heres a tip for newbies when fighting Andariel.If Andariel proves to be very lethal at melee attacks you can try using Molten Boulder or Arctic Blast which work efectively againts Andariel.Also watch out for her Poison Nova.Try keep a good supply of Antidote b'fore you face her.Also use your Rejuvenation Potion when fighting her because you will find a lot of them in Act ll & lll and it also heals you fastest compared to potions or regenerating abilities.Also try completing Nightmare or Hell(IF YOU CAN) because the items you receive here are far more better than the items in Normal game.When playing Nightmare or Hell,make sure you watch out for lightning enchanted monsters because everytime the get hit they release a giant ball of lightning(similiar to Mephisto's) which can kill you instantly.Try to level up your character to Lv 99 because most multiplayer games are best played with Lv 99 characters.I have a Lv 99 Necromancer and a Lv 90 Barbarian(I admit,i'm a Diablo freak).Well thats it for now .Enjoy your Druid :-)
Slayer Hunter Lv 67 Druid,Champion Inhaj Lv 99 Necromancer,Slayer Tank Lv 90 Barbarian |
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Heres a tip when using the druid.DON"T waste yer time on Shapeshifting.Use it on Summoning or Elemental.If you are planning to play until level 99 try allocating 20 skill points on the Grizzly bear and you will create a POWERFUL bear.I used it during a multiplayer game with my cousin's Lv 69 Paladin and it crushed him in 2 blows.Also you should also try allocating 20 skill points to Dire Wolf.If not either Spirit of the Barbs or Oak Sage or Heart of Wolverine or maybe Ravens will do a lot.I found the vines totally USELESS.Believe me!If you prefer elemental use Cyclone Armor,Armageddon,Hurricane or Tornado but DON'T ever use Twister ,It really SUX.Arctic Blast is good againts bosses while the Fissure is good againts a big group of melee attackers.Morten Boulder is good at the beginning of the game.Also if you use the druid you should also use two-handed weapon instead of one-handed.
Sir Hunter Lv 67 Druid |
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The druid's Fissure is pretty good when dealing witha large group of monsters.Here's a good stategy using the Fissure skill.
First,lure all monsters in the area towards you.You can also do this by running around the area/room and make the monsters follow you. Then point the cursor on yourself or somewhere nearby yourself and cast out fissure so that the burning fires of Hell will BURN all monsters coming towards you.This strategy is best used when dealing with a huge group of monsters however it does not effectively againts uniques,champions or bosses.
Sir Hunter Lv 67 Druid |
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If you are a big fan of the Druid character just like me, maybe you should read this. This will help you defeat all the minions from Hell. And it is very usefull (well, this works for me). If you playing as the druid, concentrate on the Elemental and Summoning skills and nothing else.
The Elemental skills are very useful, especially the Cyclone Armor and the Fissure skills. Put as many skill points as you can on those 2 skills. The Cyclone Armor is an excellent skill, especially if you are dealing with some demonic monsters that shoots elemental attacks. The Fissure (one of my favorite), would be the perfect skills. Use this damaging spell when you see a pack of hell-spawned demon all together (especially when you see a Shaman and his minions on Act I or a Mummy and a bunch of skeletons on Act II ). The Molten Boulder spell is a nice one. But it is not recommended on an open area. Use this when you are on the Sand Maggot Lair and the Arcane Santuary on Act II. Because the level is very narrow. This will knock demons away when you are on a straight line level. Level 4 or 5 of Molten Boulder will do. The fire is very damaging
Now, the Summoning skills. Put a lot of points on the Wolves, Grizzly and the Wolverine spells. You can ignore all the Vine spells, for me it is not very useful. Here is a tip, summon as many wolves as you can (8 or 9 wolves in total, spirit wolves recommended), then, when the monsters get all pack togther when hitting your summoned wolves, use the Fissure at a very high level ( level 8 or 9 will do) and watch all those demonic armies getting their butt toast. Wolverine is also very useful. This will increase your attack rating and damage for you and you party. Level 7 will be alright. Grizzly is the must spell to get. Put a lot of skill point on Grizzly, as much as you can. The other skill (I forgot the name), the one that reflect damage back at your attacker is also useful. Use it.
The Scorpion King Druid level 31 |
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First off I would like to say that the Tank Druid owns. What is a tank druid? Basically you become a barbarian druid in bear form. Each level, keep placing 5 points into Strength and Vitality each, keeping constant with each other. Do not place any points into Dexterity (yet) or Energy. Suprisingly, a Druid does not need a lot of mana at all. I only have 45 energy and have enough mana and I have never put a point into it.
The skills you want are: Lycanthropy (a lot), Werebear (a lot), Maul, Fire Claws, Hunger, Oak Spirit, Wolverine Spirit and Thorn Spirit. These are the only skills you need. Do not develop any other skills unless it is a prerequisite (like Werewolf.)
Next: Equipment. Be on the lookout for items that give you enhanced Damage, Attack, Defense, Elemental Attacks and Protections, and Dexterity items, Dex items being the least important. Don't bother with items that just raise your strength or vitality. You are raising this every level so you will not need these. As far as armor and weapons go, you want armor that, like items, give the above improvements. For weapons get a FAST ATTACK WEAPON. This is how the tank Druid owns. Without one, your werebear is too slow. Granted, you will not have a lot of space for items due to the large charms you will be getting, but you can offset this by having a big belt for potions. Another thing you will want is health and mana stealing (preferably both) so you will always be in top form as you fight. Until I got to the midlevels (late teens to early 20's) I was finding I did not have to use health potions a lot. I was constantly stealing back any life I lost in combat. You don't even need a henchman. If you do need one use a Rogue for the ranged attack. You want to be the only one getting up close and personal.
After you get to level 20 and you have kept adding points to your Strength and Vitality you should have at least 60 in each attribute, whether boosted or not, and at or around 200 hit points. Have you been noticing so far how you can wade through anyone? I sure hope so because I was. By this time it would be a good idea to add a few points (maybe 10-20 at most) to your Dexterity now. It will help a lot with added defense and attack. But don't add too many points, you want to keep pumping your Strength, Vitality and combat skills. The Horadric Staff is an AWESOME weapon for a Werebear ! Use it!! Try also to get your hands on a charm that gives you frost damage. Along with Maul you will be shattering alot of opponents.
Here is a list so far of my accomplishments using this system:
Andariel: Owned HARD. She died in less than 15 seconds. I laughed at her pathetic poison. I didnt even need an antidote!
Blood Raven: Joke. Not even worth mentioning.
Pitspawn Fouldog: He cried for mommy.
The Countess: Joke.
Radament: Joke.
Coldworm the Devourer: he got devoured.
The Summoner: Dead in 2 hits.
Duriel: He actually gave me a little trouble. As in a flea on my arm. Just take a thaw potion or two.
-Brutokk 20+ Tank Druid |
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I am a level 79 druid and I have distributed all skillpoints to elemental and summoning skills. The main reason I did not bother about the shapeshifting skills is because you cannot use any elemental skills while transformed into a werebear or a werewolf. After having completed the game at the Hell level, I have realised that you are more versatile as a ´mage´ druid. And even though the shapeshifting skills makes you a much stronger fighter, the ordinary druid is not a weak fighter (like the necromancer) without them.
In the elemental skill tree I have only distributed points to the ´cold´ side. Furthermore, the only two spells here I found interesting was the arctic blast and, mainly, the hurricane. All other cold elemental skills are only given one point. I admit this is a bit risky since some creatures at the Hell level are immune to cold.
In the summoning skill tree I chose following:
Vines: A few points to the corpse-eating vine. He saves you lot of healing potions.
Spirits: The heart of wolverine was to my liking. He simply makes you and your summoned creature(s) stronger as fighters. I have maximum in that skill. I tried, by copying my save-folder, the spirit of barbs but it thought it was useless. You can hardly notice your enemies health decreased by the returned damage. So I Inserted my copied save-folder back into the Diablo-directory.
Creatures: Here I distributed lots of skill points to both types of wolves and even more to the grizzly. The grizzly is at maximum and the wolves are close behind.
I only summon the grizzly in combat. My distribution to both types of wolves only serves to strengthen the bear since he gets passive bonuses from the wolves.I have lots of items that raises my skill points. My grizzly is currently at level 29, doing 1944-2064 in damage, and even more with the heart of wolverine around. The hurricane is at level 26, doing 274-299 in damage.
I always travel with a grizzly, a heart of wolverine and a corpse-eating vine. My favorite strategy in combat is to cast the hurricane spell to slow down and damage your enemies and let the grizzly charge in and break their spines with his blows. I myself can be a little more of an observer and charge in every now and then if necessary.
Mordien lvl 79 druid |
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I have 2 wolf-based druids, both in Hell on the Realms. My advice is not too different from most. The main skills to focus on are (in this order): Fury, Lycanthropy, Werewolf. Put points into Lycanthropy till lvl 12, then only the required 1 pt. for feral rage. Go back to lycanthropy, till it’s maxed out. Then begin working on werewolf, till you get to lvl 30. Place one point towards getting your new best friend, the bear. The next 20 points should go towards Fury. After that, you could work on the bear, an Oak Sage, heart of the wolverine, or finish werewolf. Your choice depending on your mode of play. I use 2 life stealing rings, life stealing on my ‘Honor” Decapitator, and on my helm. Anything in nightmare is a cakewalk, including ancients, Diablo, and baal, due to the 3,000 damage per hit, and the massive life-stealing I get. Hell is quite different, due to the handicap of having to rely on hired help to take out the physical immunes.
On stat points: I concentrated heavily on strength early on, till I got to 200, then bumped up my dexterity and vitality. My motivation for this was to wield the big weapons so I can put my Fury damage amplification to it’s fullest advantage. My first druid (lvl 75) went immediately to maxing his bear, in lieu of lycanthropy and it seemed to make act5 in nightmare a wee bit difficult. My lvl 60 druid is doing much better, thanks to the added life bonus afforded by maxxing lycanthropy. Good luck with your druid!
MrFox |
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alright, we all know that the way to go is the werewolf. Cmon all u elemental druids, if we want elemental, we'd play a sorc. I say max werewolf, lycanthropy and fury. Fury is sooooo good, its like a really good zeal. Werebears kinda suck, i wouldn't recommend them. Werebears get their asses whooped in hell, cuz they have crap skills. Im not sure whether u should use Heart of Wolverine or Oak Sage. I like HoW, but either way is fine, depending on your style of play. the only good vine is carrion vine, which i dont even use. remember, werewolf not bear, and elemental sucks.
Shivan |
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Heres all you need to know about the druid. First of all; never ever put any points into the werebear skill. Focus mainly all your points into werewolf instead. When you just start the druid game, Put 1 to werewolf, 1 point to lycropathry. Do this until your level 13. By this time, you'll have 6 in werewolf, and 6 in lycropathry. Then put one point into Feral rage. Only 1 point for feral rage really is a sucky attack. Then keep repeating the pattern of werewolf, lycropathry. Then pout 1 in rabies and max out werewolf and lycropathry and don't forget fury. So basically for the druid, all you have to put points in is vitality, and strenghth. For you don't need alot of mana and that the were wolf increases attack rating by the bunch. sighning off, Nature's guard. |
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I have a level 34 elemental druid and I definently think elemental is the way to go. shapeshifting is too akward and hard to use. if your in the middle of a swarm of demons i dont think you would want to have to mess with maul and shockwave and fire claws and stuff. also you have to keep changing back into animal form every couple seconds. with summoning you have to keep bringing back creatures every time they die. i like elemental and i think its the best way to play a druid. tont even bother with firestorm or molten boulder up to any level higher than 1. just put a lot of skill points into fissure. that spell is so useful and it has a pretty god mana cost. its especaly useful for killing imps, flayer shemen, pit lords, and other stuff from long range without getting flamed. for weapons i found gemmed flails extremely useful. try to use weapons with a good atack speed, nothing less than fast, and only requires one hand to use so you can carry a shield for good defence. I use a superrior flail with one "ort" rune (1-50 lightning damage) and 2 flawless topazzes (1-30 lightning damage each). It does 3-110 lightning plus 1-24 normal damage and a fast attack speed and it only needs one hand so its very good. for shields look for something good thats socketed and put "el" runes (1 to light radius, 15 to defense) and amethysts (adds to defense). For armor, boots, gloves and belts, just look for something with good defense and resistances. if you can use something that has a chance to do any kind of nova when struck. Those are very useful when you need a quick break to get out of a swarm. when you grow levels, put most of your stat points into energy, and some strength. When fighting stay a good distance away from your enemy and use fissure on them. If you have a good amount of mana, you'll almost never run out from doing fissure. you should keep the first archer you hire the whole game, and make sure to get her a very good bow and set of armor. The rogue archers are very helpful, especialy around harogath, and if you keep your first one she will be very very strong by the time you make it to harogath.
Mr. Long-yank, (Wade Gruber) |
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a lot of people here have different thoughts on what to put skills on, and the best way i think is put skills on all things and get really good items which add +1 to all skills, and have lots of level 6 skills. My level 54 (non-hack) druid has 5 things (sword, shield, hat, amulet, armor) that give +1 to all skills, which means that all my skills are at least level six. then concentrate on one certain skill, such as werewolf, fury, hunger or armageddon. Its good to round off all your skills, because some enemys require different tactics, such as the ancients on nightmare, who were really hard as they do too much damage to go hand to hand werewolf/fury, so i started to use armageddon and run around like crazy, killing them slowly but surely.
I personally think that werewolf is the best to go as because fury does heaps of damage, hunger lets you live a lot longer. with werewolf, get a polearm as they hit hard and fast. the weapon switching helps alot too as you can change from the skill augmenting weapons to damaging weapons easily.
to all newbie druids, try everything and see which one works best for you
Bob-level 54 druid |
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As for Druid, I went for Fissure and Molten Bolder. I knocked down Andariel in 10 seconds at most. This is a huge killer. I am wondering what it'll do against End Boss of Act II (forgot his name sorry) .... I hope the Boulder will throw him back so I can cast a Fissure under him. Otherwise I'm dead. I think I'll replay using Summoning, but shapeshifting I don't know, since what happens to your armor and magical resistance when changing form? Also, Volcano looks pretty useless, since it is a higher level Skill, but it's less strong than Fissure. Can anyone give me one reason why I should use this? Final question regarding Armegeddon, Do I really need to upgrade all elemental Skills with at least one to reach it? According to your site it does, but it's a fire Skill, both sides have been seperated right? |
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Druids ROCK! So much so it is was difficult for me to decide which skills I wanted to specialize in. Make this choice UP FRONT before you even begin to develop your character. People have said it here, and I’ll say it again: Specialize. The game makes it painfully obvious that you should do this because you can’t use shape shifting and elemental skills in conjunction. What bigger clue does one need? Summoning skills can co-exist with either skill set however, much to my delight. So, you don't have to specialize in ONE tree necessarily, the Druid makes a formidable character with summoning and one other of tree of your choice. You as a player should ask yourself, do I enjoy melee combat or do I enjoy mage characters. If you have the itch to jump in the battle, choose shape shifting. Beyond that choose either the Wolf or Bear exclusively. Either has pros and cons, both are awesome. As mentioned earlier here, the bear is rugged and powerful like a barbarian, the wolf is quick and agile like an assassin. The only elemental skill even worth considering as a shape shifter is Cyclone Armor. The rest are absolutely worthless to you, don’t be tempted! If you enjoy the prospect of a powerful mage with a small party to assist you, choose the Elemental skills, as I did.
I initially picked the Druid because of the summoning skills. The Necromancer had always intrigued me, but I was frustrated with how weak he was. I got bored very quickly and my little Necro never got to see anything higher than level 12 skills. I decided to give the Druid a go to see if life was any better. In that light I focused primarily on my summoning skills. I was lucky to have found a pelt that added 3 to “Raven” up front and didn’t waste any points on this skill. Just like skeletons, Ravens outgrow their usefulness very quickly, I would say by the end of act two.
If any one spends more than one point here I would need to ask why. Raven leads to Wolves and Grizzly that are far more deserving of your hard earned skill points. Some say save you’re your points for the grizzly, but I say don’t be so afraid to pump up anything in the wolf or bear skills, they all have passive bonuses to each other. For example, the first wolf, Spirit Wolf, is very weak by the time you can access Dire Wolf, but the skill points put here affect the attack and defense ratings of ALL wolves and bears. Dires add life, and grizzly adds damage. Very nice perk, points put in any of these skills will remain useful the entire game.
For vines, I would say it depends on your character type which vine you should develop. Poison Creeper? NO! No no no. This thing is garbage. It does minimal damage and killed off pathetically fast. Carrion vine, the life stealer, is obviously good for a shape shifter. Likewise solar creeper, the mana steeling vine, is good for elemental druids. Although as an elemental druid, I still call on the carrion vine from time to time. As for the spirits, just pick one according to your play style and run with it. Oak Sage is defensive adding huge life bonuses to your entire party, and Wolverine is offensive adding big attack bonuses to everyone. The barbed spirit I’m not impressed with. You may think differently, but I’ve seen what thorns does on the Paladin, and this is no where close. Barbed spirit takes 10 skill points just to get up to 100% damage return. Nah, I’ll pass, thanks.
The elemental skill tree offers I wide variety of skills to choose from. My only advice is to only invest ONE skill point until you have everything opened up. By then you’ll see which skills you tend to use and beef those up. Druids are so powerful, they can save their skill points for long stretches and still have no trouble progressing through the game. It was nothing to me to have 6 points or more in the hopper trying to decide what to use them on. The first 4 acts were a cakewalk with the druid, act V was a little tricky. The only skill that should be a definite is Cyclone Armor. This is a no brainer skill that enhances elemental defense. Much needed, believe me, especially in Act IV and V.
I personally was pulled to the fire skills. They were much easier to use and seemed to be much more effective. That is until Hurricane! Twister and Tornado, not very great IMO, but Hurricane is very very cool (literally).
When cast, it has the same effect as a Paladin’s holy freeze, everything inside the radius of effect is slowed. With Hurricane going, my Grizzly and Barbarian merc mow down hordes of enemies like nothing I’ve ever seen. It is truly a sight to behold! I cleared out the Cow level not even needing a single potion, it was a veritable slaughter, lol. Keep in mind that frozen shattered enemies will leave your vines feeling useless, but I seem to be dropping enough corpses to keep them busy. Armageddon does do more damage than hurricane, sure, but the random nature of the attack just doesn’t seem as useful to me, I get better results planting a volcano under someone.
Because I use hurricane for a slowing spell rather than damage, I’ve only used one point so far. I may change my mind on that, especially if I find out the rate of speed is decreased further with more development.
I’ve touched on my progress here and there, but I’ll recap. The first 4 acts I obliterated. I can’t say I died even once. Act V however gave me a few challenges. Those pesky imps riding on the backs of their carrier creatures are flat out annoying. More than once I was killed by those things, just for not paying attention to my life guage. All the other normal, champs, and uniques we’re no big deal at all. The Ancients everyone complains about? They went down in less than a minute, employing the same strategy as the cows. Hurricane was going constantly with my bear, my barbarian merc and myself going one on one with each of them. Goodnight.
Baal was a nasty one though. I died way to often, and actually had to buy a new mouse, hehehe. He picked off my barbarian and bear so fast I couldn’t believe it. I eventually resorted to plunking as many volcanoes as I could under him before dying and then running into a waiting town portal to refill at town. Seemed pretty chicken, but it worked. As of now I’ve reached level 39 and am cruising steadily though Act 1 of nightmare. Sure Act 1 isn’t much, but considering I’ve employed wolves over the bear again, I think I’ll do fine.
Yeah, I got a lot to say, but there is a lot to say about a druid. If you haven’t played him yet, by all means do it! There is something here for everyone. As long as you’ve decided what character type you want, and not get tempted by all the cool tricks in this bag, you can’t fail. I believe the druid is so good, I’m creating a shape shifter as my next character. |
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This is a somewhat unorthadox yet highly effective fighting strategy with the druid. I've found the druid to be the most versatile and the most 'replay-friendly' char on Diablo. I've used the Druid many times and created both were-bear and were-wolf as highly effective chars. So I decided to create an Elemental/Summoner Druid.
First off: Let me state that this is druid is an odd critter, and in a class all his own. You might scoff at the skills applied; but look at the results.
I have five skill maxed and char is level 99.
1rst skill: Ravens You may think this very odd skill to max; yet with 5 ravens at level twenty, with 31 hits apiece, they have a culmunative damage of 3255-3565 damage. Very effective,
2nd skill: Arctic Blast Again an unorthadox skill. But notice, at level 20 it does 1460-1540 damage per second... nice.
3rd skill: Cyclone Armor This defensive elemental absorbing up to 268 damage of elemental damage: fire/ice/lightning. Very effective when going head to head with Diablo or Baal. Or lots of other critters for that matter.
4th skill: Grizzly Nothing out of the ordinary here, the Grizzly does more damage then 3 dire wolves maxed. Grizzly does a total (when maxed) of 945-1039; well worth getting.
5th skill: Heart O' Wolverine When at max, this skill gives a +153% damage and a +158% to attack. Futher fortifying your personal melee attacks and any attacks made by Grizzly.
All other skills have only one point on them. This is without a doubt the best Druid I've made. An absolutely incredible char. |
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Hello all you exceptionally keen Druids. I bet you want to know what I think are the best skills for a druid to use. If you ask me, concentrate on Elemental and Summoning. No other character can have these top class attributes but the druid. DONT bother wasting precious skill points on the werewolf or werebear. Yea they can be fun for a while but I think the whole point about Diablo is not knowing which weapon or armour you are going to get next-with the werebear and werewolf, that aspect is completely thrown out the window. I advise putting lots of points on whirlwind and that arctic blast-their good. I shall leave the rest to you, but take heed of what I have told you. Personally I have 2 druids; one just elemental and summoning, the other summoning and shape-shifting. My shape-shifting one is lv57, however my other one is, yep you've guessed it - Lv 99
from Death Lv 87 assasin, Lv 59 sorceress, Lv 76 Barbarien, Lv 39 Necro and Lv99 Druid watch out for me on multi-player ( Lv 97 Amazon) |
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I have a hell level70 druid( shape-shifter) currently in act 3, this character is the easiest to play and if equiped right will not die that often mine didn't at all in normal or nightmare, i killed duriel in hell and did not use any rejuv.
the key to this characters always get the best you can keep building his attack rating and damage, dexterity before strength vitality before energy (if any) at the early stages get a rouge as quickly as possible and build her up to be equal to druid this means you are in effect building two characters.
for shape shifter concentrate on two skill trees the only elemental i have built up is cyclone armour lvl 10 enhanced( probaly lvl 2 true) summon tree all 1's to start except for summon spirit wolf 6 points then go to dire wolves for most of nightmare only put in 4 points max then save points between 24-30 choose fury over feral rage(the minimum amount you need to get through nightmare) fury/ heart of wolverene, summon grizzly is all i use in hell.
equipment choose that from the start i chose maces and shield i built a 3 socket perfect skull shield this is one of the most valuble pieces of equipment attacker takes damage of 60, with baraners devil star, thats my working combination. i use axes i have the minotaur( tougher bosses) and the hellslayer(duriel and councel killer).
jalals mane(socket with um rune), maras kaladescope, aldurs advance boots, imortal gloves and belt. raven frost ring, and a prismatic ring with 129 attack rating, griswolds armour with two um runes and a high level attack jewel, most important i have nearly 70% fast hit recovery either in charms or in combinations on weapons, that and crushing blow and a druid will plow though anything.
Two bits of fighting stratergy find the right equipment for you and stick with it and the right attack formula, second druids not a pussy he can take alot more punishment than most characters once you set him up right, major bosses go in full charge and attack dont hold back, fast key your summon creatures for easy acess.
thats it play hard
Mabon lvl 70 druid |
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In my opinion, the shape-shifting Druid shoud be the first choice. I start my Druid by putting 10 skill in Lycathropy, WereWolf, Dire Wolf, Spirit Wolf, Grizzly Bear, Fury, 5 in Heart of Wolverine, 1 in Carrion Vine ( include + skill, put 1 skill in all requirements). You should hire a Offense-Aura-Mercenary in Act 2( Blessed Aim increased your attack rating while in WereWolf form, you ask for more??), find a Great-Rare-Pike for him, I have one with 70-250 and my merc do around 300-700 dam!!!! ( I get it from
Mephisto when |v|28). And find a Maul for you ( I have a Great Maul with 90-200 dam and do around 400-700 damage!!). I killed Baal when I reach him the second time.
Slayer Guardian |v|50 Druid |
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Were-wolf skill guide: The druid is perhaps the most powerful and versatile class in D2X. With many different combinations to choose from, one stands out which will turn you
into a tank that can tear through act V hell in an 8 player game solo, the minionless werewolf.
Skills: Dkills are, for the most part, the most important and vital choices that have to be made in developing a good character. there are only a few skills that you will be using as a werewolf but you need all the skill points you can get. I'm level 77 and still haven't got all the skills I would like to have mastered.
Here goes, for you first few levels add one point into werewolf, and 3 into lycanthropy. Do not put any points into any minion skills other than one in oak sage (you will also get carion vine later). Once you get to level 6 you should be able to get oak. put only one point into this (you can max it out later). With you remaining skill points alternate between werewolf and lycanthropy until you reach level 12, at which point put one skill pt into feral rage and make this you primary attack. It doesn't matter if you don't have mana steal because you will have 20 sec to regenerate only 2 mana to keep your charge up (note - if this is primary attack and you have no mana a standard attack will result). Only put one skill pt here. Continue to alternate between lycanthropy and werewolf. When you reach lev 18 you can get rabies, the most worthless skill I have ever seen. Put one point as prerequisite. Continue to alternate points in lycanthropy and werewolf. Once you get to level 30 you can get fury. This skill owns. It does more damage than a barbarians whirlwind and hits five times for a mere four mana. Not to mention that you are getting massive attack rating bonuses from werewolf and fury. Put only 5 skill points in this at first to ensure five attacks per use. (I personally put about 7 or 8 before I returned to werewolf and lycanthropy). Now you should have the majority of your skill points used in both werewolf and lycanthropy, with one in feral rage, rabies, and oak sage. At this point you can do a few things, 1. continue to max werewolf, lycanthropy, and fury (in that order) 2. get carion vine (one point - for now) 3. max oak sage and lycanthropy for more life than you could believe (oak sage makes your mercs last about twice as long).
I currently have 20 skill pts in lycanthropy, fury, werewolf, and oak sage, plus some prerequisites and about 6 or 7 in carion vine. No skills are in the elemental tree. With this setup you can attain over 4500 hit points, and do 2000+ min damage x 5 hits with an attack rating over 4000. And if you use an ogre maul (elite maul) - you get fast attack speed.
A few side notes:
1. physically immunes can be dealt with by an mage from act 3. Try to get faster cast items for them. Also a weapon switch heavy in elemental damage is good. Look for 'shocking' 1- (up to) 480 lightning damage on a fast attack speed item, physical damage means nothing, only attack speed (use a wand if you have to).
2. don't worry about defense. I was using hawkmail (def 180) all the way through nightmare and I never had a problem with being hit because of the massive amount of life you will have.
3. Do not put more than 10-15 stat points into dexterity if any. All you need is a huge maul, which only has strength requirement (and 110% of your strength is added to the damage instead of most weapons being 100%). If you
are having troubles hitting enemies, try getting a ring with +100 to +150 attack rating or get a runeword weapon, they always add lots to attack rating. with maxed werewolf and fury you get a total bonus of 335 + 183 = 518 % bonus to attack rating. and thats not counting any + skill items.
4. Also don't put ANY points into energy. your primary attack is going to be using only 4 mana per hit and will do upwards of 1000 damage x 5. You need less than 1 percent mana steal to indefinitely fury everything that comes your way, that's not even counting your natural mana regen, which is already quite high. (you may need up to 4 % depending on damage and attack rating in hell difficulty.)
5. Try to get as much life steal as you can. You are going to be on the front lines and taking serious damage. get life steal on both rings if you can, and you will be unstoppable.
Redwood level 77 Druid |
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Here is a quick strategy on how to build a strong druid. First skills....... Only put skills in the shapeshifting category. None into summoning or elemental. Max out Warewolf first then Lycanthropy. Get Feral Rage and Rabies just so you can reach Fury. Max out Fury when you get it. Once you have maxed them all out...... start working on Oak Sage. I wouldn't know if maxing it is worth it cuz my level 56 Druid only has one skill into that, I am still working on maxing all the shapeshifting skills so........ Stats: No energy do 2 str 1 Dex and 2 Vit. Though in the beginning you might want to put 1 str 1 dex and 3 vit. That is what I did and right now I have 1284 health. Once you reach level 8 or so change it to 2 str 1 dex and 2vit. That way you can wear some good armor. Seriously find a very fast weopon. A slow and strong maul is awful compared to a little broad sword that is fast. The speed is a big advantage and a big difference. I found this Unique (gold) quarter staff...... it is ver fast and does 64 to 159 damage. It has 25% crushing blow and a whole bunch of other things that just pile on like the magic damage 10-60. I am doing about 400 to 900 damage! I was surprised compared to my dimensional blade Unique which was only a fast attack speed and a much higher damage and I prefer the quarter staff over that any day. . Druids are really hard at first but they become very strong at the end making them very fast and very deadly. WEREBEAR SUX. It really does. TOO SLOW |
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Wolf-Shifter Druid (lvl, 40)
The Druid is the most versatile warrior in Diablo II, He can be strong as the Barbarian, He can be fast as the Assassin, He can summon minions like the Necromancer, and he can use projection to kill like the Sorceress. But you can’t be all of them, you only have to choose one main class.
The Classes
-Werebear - Strong as a barbarian, but can have a small party of minions.
-Werewolf - Fast as the Assassin/Amazon, but can have a small party of minions.
-Elemental - Projectile as the Sorceress, but can have a small party of minions.
So if you chose Werebear or Elemental, look for somewhere else this guide is for the wolves.
Werewolf skill doesn’t give you defense or damage bonuses like the Werebear, but it rather gives you walk/run and attack speed bonuses. Being a werewolf only focus on 2 skill trees the summoning and the shape shifting, don’t even put 1 point! on the elemental tree, since you’re gonna be a wolf you can’t use the forces of nature, u must focus on one class to achieve it’s optimum level.
Shape-Shifting. (NOTE: don’t put any points on the Werebear tree since you’re going to be a wolf.)
Werewolf - gives you more attack speed, walk/run speed and stamina, you want to put points here, so u can carry a great maul and still can have a fast attack speed, and you can hit you’re enemies and out run them.
(3-4 skill points)
Lycanthropy gives you a great life bonus and more time duration being a wolf so you can enjoy the animal in you and you don’t wanna become human when you are between Baal's minions do you? (MAX)
Feral Rage - a cool charge-up skill, this will help you a lot in the beginning of the game, it’s a charge-up skill that lets you suck life and gives you more speed so you can run faster from you enemies. (4-5 skill points)
Rabies a skill that adds poison to your attacks and is contagious, only use when u face a physically immune monster. (1 skill points (prereq.))
Fire Claws not with me, people use this skill to against the physically immune one, thus wasting few skill points. I’d rather socket my weapon with a perfect emerald or a perfect sapphire.
(0 skill points)
Hunger it’s a good skill, if you’re a bear. It lets you suck a lot of mana and life, but u don’t need a lot of mana when you’re a wolf, just find a weapon with life and mana leech or socket it with skull or a tir rune, and you’ll be fine. (0 skill points)
Fury Ahh! My favorite skill adds a lot of damage and attack rating to your attacks and lets you hit 5 adjacent enemies at lvl. 5, just see you’re enemies go lay down to the ground.
Raven it can only do less (1 skill point, prereq.)
Sprit wolf it’s good to have a small minion, but no matter how many skills u put in it the later animals could still benefit, because of the passive bonuses it gives, (1-2 skill points)
Dire Wolf it’s good to have 3 of them, so they can scatter and get rid of the small and large quantity of monsters (flayers), but in later stages if one of them falls all of them falls. (3 skill points)
Grizzly Bear- A very strong minion u want to have. (MAX)
Poison Creeper- look it has cool graphics, but very small amount of damage. (1 skill point)
Carrion vine The best vine in the game gives u life and get rids of the corpse so enemies will not resurrect, but try not putting a lot into it no use when there’s no corpse, just get it’s maximum life it shares with you. (3 skill points)
Solar Creeper - similar like carrion vine only it gives you mana instead of life works best with an elemental druid, a werewolf don’t need lot’s of mana. (0 skill points)
Oak sage - adds life to your party
Heart of the Wolverine - adds damage and attack to your party
Barbed Spirit damage returns to your enemy, similar to thorns (paladin’s skill) and iron maiden (necromancer’s skill)
Only choose one from above and MAX it out, I suggest chose between Oak sage and Heart of the Wolverine, dump Barbed Spirit since you only have a small party. not like the necromancer that has an army.
Stat points
Every level up u gain 5 stat points this is what I do to them
Strength 2
Dexterity 1
Vitality 2
Energy 0
Or you can alternate Dex and Vit every level up, but don’t put points on Energy like I said you wont really need them
Just always look out for the items with good attributes like mana leeching and life leeching, and resist elements.
For armor just look out for something with high defense and resists elements
For jewelry just look out for good pluses, like enhanced damage, attack rating and leeching.
For shields, don’t use them wield a 2 handed weapon
For helms look out for druid pelts preferably with good bonuses I use a pelt with +2 Werewolf, +3 Lycanthropy.
For weapons look for a high damaging weapon with a descent attack speed, in my case I use crafted and socketed maul that has 11 attributes, it’s a safety crafted item, a maul, jewel (anykind), perfect emerald and an ort rune and transmute with horadric cube, it gives u a maul with enhanced damage, damage and magic damage reduced by 3-4, plus with poison damage, and I let larzuk socketed it and I socketed it with a 2 jewels that adds 10 maximum damage and adds 8-10 to fire and another with +42% enhanced damage and +110 attack rating and a perfect skull so it‘s high damaging, life and mana sucking with poison attack.
-When Attacking use feral rage and when the charge is full switch to fury.
-When fighting with the bosses (Diablo, Mephisto, Baal) u noticed there’s no other enemy than them, so no corpse, change carrion vine to poison creeper, yes it damage low, but carrion vine don’t even damage.
-Always carry two weapons with different Attack speed and Damage, the one which is faster and damages less will be used against the mob of monster, the one which is slower and damages stronger will be used in a single and harder enemy. Change weapon clicking W key.
-So that’s all hope this works for you, and remember, always improvise.
Grendvolg (Lvl. 41 Werewolf) |
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Hi all those great druids out their. All I have to say is that elemental and summoning skills suck. I my opinion Shape-Sifting ROCKS. focus all your skills into either werewolf or werebear. The Werebear is better at first but it is slowly replaced by the werewolf. In the later levels the bear is just so slow by the time u go to strike you've been hit 3 times.
But If u do go with the werebear invest your skill points into Maul. I found this to be extreamly good. Which ever form u take get hunger, In my opinion it's the best.
Palthanon lvl 30 Driud |
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I am a level 38 druid and i am in nightmare. Though shape shifting and summoning skills are quite good, i recommend using elemental spells. I put fissure up to about level 10 and it was extremely useful throughout act 2 3 and the start of act four in normal. Then when i got to level 30 i got armaggedon and hurricane and they kicked some real ass. For items: Helm - tarnhelm (+1 to skill levels is extremely useful) Armor - Goldskin (30% resistances and high defense) Rings - 2 soj's Amulet - Eye of Elitch (+1 to skills) boots - Anything with fast run/walk speed Gloves - Frostburn (more mana) Shield - Sigons Guard(+1 to skills) and for a sword get culwins point (+1 to skills). For the druid you really should get high resistances and high defence.
Gandalf levl 38 druid |
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For those wanting to play a fighting Druid here's the first thing you should do. IGNORE THE WEREBEAR!! Yeah the increased damage and defense is nice... at first. but it's only good for so long. Instead, go solely with the werewolf.
in the begining pick up some points in the Werewolf and Lycanthropy skills. Then when you get to level 4, buy a point in Crows and Carrion vine. These two skills are nearly worthless, but they lead to something greater later on. And they at least give you a few pets to play with. As you go on, continue to buy a point (only 1 point!) skills like Feral Rage, and Rabies. Also, keep picking up a point in the other summons as they come up, like Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Oak Sage.
Now they most important skills, Werewolf, Lycanthropy, and Heart of the Wolverine. try and keep you points in wolf and lycan. about even and toss a few into the Wolverine. this combination will cause you to hit faster, more accurately, and about as strong as a werebear could. and if you can find a good weapon it'll make things even easier. I perfer axes since they deal a decent amount of damage, but are especially quick (unlike swords or pole-arms).
last but not least. STOP using new skill points at about level 20. SAVE THEM! Then when you reach level 30 Start using them to buy points in Fury, and Grizzly Bear. With all the points you should have saved you can buy a point of each for quite a while, which will make you that much more powerful. At thier maxed levels Fury will give you 5 very fast attacks all at a +423% damage, and the Grizzly can do around 950-1050 points of damage per hit. So getting these maxed out should now be your biggest priority. After that you can go back to buying points in Werewolf, Lycanthropy and Heart of the Wolverine (just in case you feel like squishing deamons that little bit extra).
Sgian Gaothan (lvl 26 Druid) |
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Hello! This is a simple easy guide to being the best druid. Druids are awesome and possess great powers. In my opinion the strongest are the Shape Shifting/Summoning Druids.
Basic Guide: 1) Only train in elemental to get to the Cyclone armor and I would put as many spare points as you can in this. It absorbs the damage for fire, cold, & lightning this is very useful when fighting diable and baal so try to get a 6 ranks in before fighting diablo.
2)Split your skill points in training in Summoning and Shape Shifting. Its nice to put your first point in Poison Creeper. That helps out a lot when your young.
3) I wouldnt waste points on ravens they hardly hit for anything and are not useful as a distraction instead use points for other things.
4) You decide which shape shifting you want.. The Bear or Wolve. I chose the Werewolf because I like how it adds to your life. Then in combination with Feral Rage (which steals life) you basically cannot die. So put major points in Feral Rage and Werewolf and then the passive spell Lycanthropy, which you really need. I would focus on those three until you are 30 when you put skills in shape shifting.
5) Summoning. As noted earlier I find it best to switch off putting one point in summoning then in shape shifting and continue switching back and forth like so. I would start off putting points in Poison Creeper until you get Oak Sage. Now you can cast a Spirit(oak sage) and a vine(poison creeper).
Spirits: I would not spend skill points in other spirits only because I prefer Oak Sage due to its life enhancer for you and your party, very useful in realm. Though I am looking into Spirit of Barbs which reflects the damage you took back to the monsters.
Wolves/Bear: I would then start putting points into the Spirit wolf get about 5 then continue into Dire wolf and keep those up until you are 32. The more points you get in Dire wolf the more life your bear will get. Then after 32 you can start putting points in bear.
Vines: after poison creeper put points into Carrion Vine, this will heal you though the most it gets to is 10 % now you decide whether you want to stick with this vine or go to the next one. Personally if you can max out Lycanthropy and Feral Rage you do not need Carrion anymore. So I would focus in Solar Creeper because it has more life and helps recover mana.
6)Now the only other thing you need to focus on is getting equipment which has resistance on it. I found you really need lots of Fire because of Diablo. He doesnt hit too often just mostly casts fire. So if your fire resist is high you can basically stand there with your spirit, wolves/bear, vine, and mercenary; and just keep attacking him and he will die pretty soon. The key I found with him and Baal is to get them cornered. Then with all your summons and mercenary and yourself attacking him they die pretty quick and I have yet to hit and run on them.
Well I hope this guide is useful to you and you are very successful. So far my druid only died 1 time in normal and that was when i got blocked in by fire lords. So Far I am on Nightmare and still kicking butt.
Shelly- level 40 druid |
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Hi, i have a level 52 druid(victo) (completely legit), who is almost done with nightmare mode.(act 5 quest 5, the ancients are impossible on nightmare!!!)
You should always spread your stat points about as evenly as you can, put a decent amount into mana!!
Until you can get tornado, usually try to be in "animal" form for as long as you can because of the bonuses. I prefer werewolf.
Tornado is a must, it sways from side to side killing enemies. My level 20 tornado does 283-293 damage costing only 10 mana. The mana amt. never changes. its very useful against the knights in hell, killing them usually with one hit, or other large groups of monsters.
Find druid helms that give you great skill bonuses, i think that the best in the early levels are the ones that add to lycanthropy and either werebear, or werewolf....they are pretty easy to find.
Molten boulder is the number 1 skill to use against andariel, for she takes 50 percent more fire damage. It is the number 1 offensive elemental skill until tornado in my opinion.
Try to use mace class weapons a lot because druids are especially versatile with them, with added attack speed compared to others. Another good idea is to put atleast 5 skill points into grizzly bear because they are damn good, i have a level 7 one. I think it does about 80 to 150 damage, and has 326 life. the life never changes. Make sure that your druid stays in between the mage and the fighter, becuz if you ever run out of mana, fight w/ your weapon.
well that is all of the advice i can give you, tornado is a must, i am going to try to max out hurricane, I think i will need it!!
T.T.T or Victor lvl 52 druid |
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All I have to say to make a good druid is don't listen to anyone who says that werebear is better then werewolf. When you first start out, put your points into werewolf and that lycnthropy thing. Put 1 point into raven so you will be able to get good summons later. When you get to level 6, put 1 point into feral rage. Use that as your main attack untill you get to level 30. Every so often put a point or 2 into werewolf and lycnthropy and summons. when you get to level 30, put every other point into grizzly bear and fury. fury is like zeal for paladins but in increases your damage too.
maxed out with a bonesnap i do over 1000 damage per hit for 5 hits. grizzly bear is a good distraction and it can do some ok damage if its level is high enough. always have a spirit of barbs, carrion vine, and grizzly with you as you fight and you will live long and happy =)
-Champion GoEatCat, level 49 Druid |
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I have an elemental druid that I raised to level 45 in 4 days. I made some mistakes, but overrall my strategy was correct, and by level 35 I was destroying baal alone in 8 player games.
The few things I did wrong were invest skill points into Summoning Wolves, Dire and regular. Since you can only have one summon type around at once, wait till the bear at level 30. Don't invest more than 1 point into any other summoning spell until after level 35 or 40. Some of the other summoning spells are extremely affective, but you need to save up as many skill points as possible beforehand so when you hit level 24 and 30 you can start pumping the real killers like crazy. Nuff said for now.
Shapeshifting spells are useless if you are going to be an elemental druid. Forget the chain completely.
Last but definitely not least, the Elemental skills. Believe it or not, as an Elemental druid, there are only three spells I use. All the rest are at level 1 (plus +whatever skill for any items you have). This may sound different from what most other druids do...but it's the best way. It gives you the skill points to invest into the spells you need quickly up to level 20. These Spells are: Cyclone Armor, Tornado, And Armaggeddon. Contrary to what everyone says, Hurricane is pretty horrible. Look at it this way: Hurricane takes 30 mana and lasts for 10 seconds. Armaggeddon takes 35 mana and lasts for 10 seconds. Now, Hurricane does 20-50 dmg at level 1, and gains 7 dmg each level. Armaggeddon does 25-75 dmg each level, and gains 20 Dmg per level. A level 20 Armaggeddon does 400-450 dmg !!! A level 20 Hurricane you ask? Only 200 dmg :( Now you've probably heard about the pause after you cast an armaggeddon in which you can't cast anymore. Not a problem. While an armaggeddon is raining down around you and killing most things near you, Cast Tornado's as fast as possible at the remaining enemies. After 5 or so Tornado's, switch back to Armaggeddon and cast another. Switch back to Tornado's and the cycle continues. I found this strategy extremely effective since you are casting really 2 Heavy dmg spells at enemies at once. Tornado will go through any enemies in it's path, and mine is only at level 13 and it does about 170 dmg, so it's very effective. Also they only take 10 mana and you can cast them as fast as you want.
Once you're at level 40 or so and you're armaggeddon and tornado are at level 10, you can start putting some points into Oak Sage, which is very helpful increasing your life, and Solar Vine. You should still use them as soon as possible, but keep them only at level 1 until about level 40. Solar vine will give you plenty of mana regeneration, and Oak Sage will give you additional life, always helpful.
One good thing about having an elemental druid is that you don't have to worry about strength or dexterity. Just get enough so that you can wear what you want, them pump all into energy or vitality, depending on what you need. The funny thing Is, I only have about 450 mana at level 35 And I NEVER I mean NEVER run out of mana. So once that happens you can start pumping vit like crazy...
I find with an elemental druid it's best to have a 3 socketed shield with 3 P diamonds in it...that way your resistances are way high so that the elemental spells hitting you will do diddly squat, even if they do get past your cyclone armor.
BrotherNature Level 45 Druid |
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I have a level 38 druid who is really awesome.(mage and fighter) In the first three acts you should mostly be summoning and shapeshifting because the really good skills come when you are most likely in hell. Spread out your skills in summoning, shapeshifting and elemental skills!!!! Its worth it!!
When you reach level 24, put lots of skills into tornado!! its very worth it. It, like the necrmancer's bone spear is very useful against large groups of monsters, but better because it sways from side to side while going forward, killing even more than the bonespear. This becomes very useful in Chaos Sanctuary against oblivion knights who travel in huge packs, and large packs of monsters in act 5.
YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BALANCE ALL OF YOUR STATS, make your druid a fighter mage, when magic fails use weapons, and vice versa...druids recover mana very fast so you dont have much more than 200 mana, definately always have a mercenary( a cold sorcerer works best in my opinion, he freezes all targets making them easier to kill)
when you are fighting baal, just charge him and stand right next to him, and hit him with tornado |
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THE ONLY WAY TO USE A DRUID yes i know the best way to use a druid and it is as follows:
although the druid is a good mage character ALL his elemental skills are weak and hard to hit with. so become a shapeshifter and summoner character
1.stats: for your druid use this formulaefor getting your stats up till you are around level 40 then do what ever stats you feel you need
str. 2
dex. 2
and alternate between 1 to vit and 1 to energy
if you decide to use a Werewolf and i STRONGLY suggest you do becuase it is the better of the 2 make sure you master the werewolf skill. get lycanthropy to level 15 becuase sometime that extra 30 seconds in werewolf form can save your life. also get feral rage to level 10 becuase it is the strongest werewolf spell also get fireclaws to level 5 becuase you will need the extra damage. also when you are a werewolf be sure to get items that increase your attack speed and get a weapon that has average damage something like 50 to 80 and make sure that its speed class is very fast attack speed becuase the werewolfs main strength is in speed
WereWolf summoning
when you are a werewolf dire wolves are your best friend now grizzly is a strong summon too but 3 dire wolves arent only strong at high levels but the provide 3 targets for the enemys. so if the wolves are being attacker YOU ARENT!
3. WereBear
Wear Bear druids are for the all out attacker types becuase a were bear ups your defense, life, and strength by a HUGE amount however these hulking beasts are slow as hell and require LOTS of dexterity strength and patience. dont be suprised if your werebear is somewhat weak at the start of the game by the end of nightmare difficulty you will have a Big Strong Killing machine. ok obviously master the werebear skill and get lycanthropy to level 15. after that i suggest getting maul to level 10 beacuase it is a fast and easy way to kick Diablo ass. also shockwave is a good technique to take to level 5 becuase if you are ever cornered or surrounded this is a fast way to stun and weaken the oponents around you! if you wish to get fire claws i dont suggest getting it to higher than level 2 because most enemys in nightmare and hell difficulty are imune or strong against fire.
werebear summoning
ok so you have 1 strong Tanks walking around why not have 2? I suggest mastering the summon grizzly skill these boons are killers!!! when mine was level 9 he killed diablo on normal difficulty NO CONTEST! and i didnt interfere! the werebear needs 2 other summoning spells and that is Heart of Wolverine and ravens. This spirit ups your health by a ton! so this skill is a MUST have. get this skill to level 10 and your werebear will have such high life no 1 will be able to touch you! this skill is good to have at level 5 becuase these helpers will lead you to more kills!!!!
/w *=zooyork= |
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The Druid is a great addition to LOD. He seems to be the best character at soloing in a multiperson game, and can still kick ass in single player. Not only can he summon pets like the Necro, but he can also fight himself, something that Necros find very hard. Another great advantage is the massive amounts of life he can get: if you place your skill points properly and use the right equipment, you can get over 400 hit points by level 15 (I did.) Add to that a high level Werebear attack and a Grizzly or Dire Wolves, and you have a force to be reckoned with.
Of the 2 main classes of Druid (shape-shifting and elemental) I find shapeshifting to be a lot more fun. If you want to go with elemental, that's fine, but it ends up being like a weaker Sorceress. Shape-shifters have to make another decision: Werewolf or Werebear. To figure that one out, try asking yourself who you like better, the Barbarian or the Assassin. If Barbarian, go with the Bear, if Assassin choose Wolf. The Wolf has an extra skill to get, but since the Bear gets a damage bonus just by shifting, then another bonus by using an attack skill, you can usually do way more damage with the Bear. Another thing that makes the Druid better than the Necro is that his summoning skills don't become obsolete. My necro only put one point into Skeleton as a pre-requisite and never touched it again since Skeletons are totally useless after the first 2 acts. With the Spirit Wolf, it's actually good to pump an early skill because it helps you out later on by improving your Dire Wolves and Grizzly. For weapons, if you're a Werebear you should probably consider using a two-handed weapon like a pike/lance or Great Sword/Executioner's Sword for 2 reasons: the defense bonus you get partially makes up for the loss of a shield (but you can't block attacks now); and the damage increase is a percent basis, not a fixed amount, so the more damage you do to start with, the more of a bonus you'll get.
-Lethrin |
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well, my tips are: PLAY AS A DRUID! Duriel, Mephisto, both the smiths, the council, the claw viper boss, Izual, all were easy as hell.
If you have three dire wolfs and a hireling eating away at Duriel, you can take a swipe at him once in a while but mostly hack at him with fissure and arctic blast. I had a little trouble with Andariel, but i didn't have any real trouble before going into Diablos lair. The mages there killed my wolfs, my hirelings ande either killed me or just missed it. So i decided to kill monsters and save skillpoints until i got to lvl: 30. Then i got grizzly, hurricane and armageddon, and though it was still hard, i opened the five seals and started on Diablo. I bothered him with hurricane and a repeating crossbow while my hireling ( the one i hired in actII) and my grizzly pounded on him. He usually killed them and came after me. When i was damaged enough, i went through a town portal and ressurected my hireling, restocked myself, went down, summoned a grizzly etc etc. So the Druid is the easyest character iv'e played, at least when i consentrated on summoning and elemental (mosty elemental) and didn't bother much with
Sparhawk: lvl 24 paladin Beorn: lv 31 druid. |
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ok...first off i would like to say that this strategy is not one that makes use of the werebear/wolf forms...AT ALL! this strategy is based on using summoning spells and elements to make a kick butt druid. first...at your first level up put one into firestorm, and only ONE! its a good spell. but its not great by any means, secondly use your skill from akara to put into raven...DO NOT USE IT ON POISON CREEPER...the vines are useless. after that concentrate on saving your skill points until lvl 6 and then get the following...1 on spirit sage 1 on spirit wolves 1 on the molten bolder OR ice breath (both are good) after this increase either of your elemental spells. save the summonings until you can get DIRE WOLVES. coninue this and get the heart of the wolverine put that up to about lvl 5 then concentrate on the Grizzleys and get about 3-4 dire wolves...on the elemental side. save up for armegedon and hurricane...TIGHT SPELLS!!!!! dont put two many on twister...its really not worth it. but tornado and volcano are fair.
for the attributes and what not i would say to put and equal amount of skill points into each...for this character needs them...try to get a fair amount of energy so you can continually use magical spells. |
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There are two basic ways to fight as a Druid: 1.) the fighting Druid and 2.) the mage Druid.
Go with the fighting and follow these tips:
1.) Choose from the beginning whether you want to fight as the Werewolf or Werebear. Werewolf adds to your attack speed, your attack rating, and your stamina, so you attack faster, hit more often, and can run farther. Werebear adds to your damage and your defense, so you hit harder and you can take more hits. Please don't waste points in skills you can't use while in one form which brings me to my next point.
2.) TOTALLY IGNORE THE ELEMENTAL TREE! You can't use it while in beast form so don't waste your time.
3.) Whether in Werewolf or bear Lycanthropy is your best friend. Extra time and life while in fighting mode can you ask for more?
4.) Put points into the summoning tree few and far between. Yes it is nice to have a couple strong minions running around but then your character is not as strong a warrior.
5.) Keep a strong mercinary with you at all times, preferably a rogue or a sorcerer who shoots death from afar. I kept my original rogue up until Act III, then I got a sorcerer.
6.) Whatever form you choose to fight in stick with an attack skill. If wolf form I suggest Feral Rage; the more you attack the faster you can move and the more life you get back. If bear form use Maul; it stuns your enemies while you start doing more and more damage.
7.) Most important: kill lots of stuff.
Adam -- Level 27 Druid |
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Well,I've noticed that most people said you gotta stick with a few skills,I think this is VERY TRUE!I'm not the expert (I actually suck big time),but as there isn't much advises for the players who use Druid,I would like to say a few words about this cool-n'-awesome character.
1.Yes,once again,just as the other guys said,DON'T SPREAD SKILLS!!If you wanna be a summon Druid,or an elemental Druid,or transformer-Druid,go and stick with yourstyle. If you wanna be more well-rounded,combine 2 styles I've mentioned,but not 3,ok?
2.If you are ele-Druid,you need more mana,if you are transformer-Druid,life is really imoprtant,and strength too.
3.In my opinion,summon skills are MUST for Druids,'cause you don't even need corpses to raise them like Necros (of course there is no summon creature can compare to Fire Golem!)And make sure you don't just put all the skill points into 1 summon animal,'cause wolf-dire wolf-bear,these 3 animals has passive bonus to each other, so u better put at least a few points on each of them, even you'd just use 1 kind.
4.Yes,I knew that someone will says tranforming(or shape shifting) is a must for the Druids,'cause it makes you look so unique and cool when you play online.I didn't say it's not.I personally think it's a must,especially for the early levels.But you'll find it's more n' more difficult,to play cool,or even to keep yourself alive, just by transforming skills itself.ONE BIG THING to mention is you CAN'T do elemental spells when you are in werewolf or werebear form,and this is an important thing to think about.
5.On Summoning Skills,Spirit Wolf,Dire Wolf,Grizzly are MUST,for the passive bonus I've mentioned,even you'll find Spirit Wolf is almost useless itself after you have Dire Wolf.Grizzly is so powerful,and it could stuns your enemies.Oak Sage is defensively useful, but if you want your enemies to learn their lessons, Spirit Of Barbs is the skill you want.The Carrion Vine saves a lot of health potions for you,and the others skills are pretty crappy.
6.Shape shifting Skills now.No matter what you do,put points into Lycanthropy.Werewolf=speed+accuracy, Werebear=denfense+power,you better mastered both of
them.Maul is fine,Rabies is good when you face bunch of weak enemies,Fire Claws is Powerful and does fire damage to your foes,Shock Wave is cool but you need to put some points on it,and Fury RULES!Extremely powerful skill,and a MUST-MUST for Transformer-Druids. Feral Rage is totally crap,just put 1 point for prereq. Hunger will do the job,if you want massive life-mana stealing.
7.Finally,Elemental Skills.Molten Boulder works so well on your early levels,and it works great in narrow hall- ways.Fissure is so good to have,but I'm sure you'll like Volcano more 'cause of its visual effect and attack range.Armageddon is a very good and powerful skill,but I like Hurricane better.Arctic Blast is unexpectedly powerful,but it drains your mana real quick,twister is good at first,but the stunning time is so short and the damage is like nothing,so save skill points for tornado.I have no doubt about it,Hurricane is the best elemental skill you'll get for a Druid,cause it slows down all the enemies around you,and do real damage to them at the same time.It does an ideal job no matter you want to attack or defense yourself.
8.ONE LAST THING,if you wanna kill Diablo,Hurricane or Grizzly or Fury is the skills(yes,you gotta be lvl30 for them),Volcano or Dire Wolves or Maul will help you if you are under lvl30.If you wanna destroy the very evil Baal,try to max out the same skills I've just mentioned,and don't forget to get ready for town portals and rejuvenation potions in your hand!
Max Cheng,AKA ShinmaiMaya,AKA JackOfAllTrade |
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Druid is a very versatile character which is able to use elemental magics, summoning, and shape-shifting. Druid can be raised as either elemental & summoning or shape-shifting.
Shape-Shifting Druid
If you are interested in raising a shape-shifting druid, you should not invest any skill points into elemental or shape-shifting. However, you may develope Cyclone Armor of the elemental skill tree. Also, you may use grizzly as your decoy, but do not max it out. Most importantly, you need to develope Oak Sage which increases your hit points. It becomes a very important skill as you get to hell difficulty. Your point is to make your druid as a transformer. If you raise your druid as a ssd (shape-shifting druid), I suggest you use a nice maul. Mauls have high damages and if druids use them, it becomes "Fast Attack Rate." An unique or rare items such as Bonesnap (damg 93-123 with other magical attributes) would be good. Here is a recommended skill points spread.
lvl 50 druid obtains 55 skill points and 255 stat points to allocate.
Skill Points Spread
+15-20 Lycanthropy
+15-20 Werebear
+10 skills of your choice (Cyclone Armor, Oak Sage and other mandatories)
+10 to Maul and Hunger
Stat Points Spread
+95-100 to strength
+75-80 to dexterity
+70-75 to vitality
+0 to energy
I would be very frugal with my points in Energy. Using Maul and Werebear takes your mana and you will need some mana unless if you use the skill Hunger. Hunger takes mana cost of 2 and steals over 75 % of your opponent's health and mana. You will NOT have to (or it'll be IMPOSSIBLE to go back to town during a fight) go back to town to heal your character. However, there is a big trade-off in the skill Hunger. It modifies your damage into -75 %. Thus Hunger CANNOT be your standard attack skill. Put Hunger AND Maul as your hot key skills and alternate them as you fight through the enemies. (Use Hunger when you health gets low and change it into Maul again.) You will find yourself killing most of the ememies in one hit. By the time you get to lvl 50, you will be able to have health that is over 1200 !!! As you max out skills like Wearbear and Lycanthropy, and have a LOT of hit points, you may want to invest in Spirit of Barbs which does the effect of Thorn aura of paladin. If you have lots of hit points, you will not die quiet fast and your health can work as your armor while the Spirit of Barbs lets the enemies kill themselves by taking large amount of hits.
Paul |
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