Name |
Image |
Purpose |
Alkor |
Sells potions, and will gamble with you for unidentified items. |
Asheara |
Leader of the Iron Wolves. She sells armor, bolts, arrows, and weapons, and you can hire Iron Wolf mercenaries from her. |
Cain |
Can't seem to get away from this guy; at least he's still identifying things. |
Hratli |
A sorcerer, who repairs weapons and armor, and sells armor, weapons, bolts, arrows, and keys. |
Meshif |
The Sailing Captain who will take you back to Lut Gholein, should you need to go. |
Natalya |
An assassin. |
Ormus |
The mad poet, who sells armor, staves, wands, scepters, tomes, healing potions, and scrolls. |

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