Name |
Image |
Purpose |
Anya |
Sells armor, weapons, keys, bolts, arrows, keys, and throwing potions, and will gamble with you for unidentified items after Nihlathak leaves town. |
Cain |
Back again, Cain will identify items, and give you tidbits of information about your quests. |
Larzuk |
A blacksmith, who repairs weapons and armor, and sells armor, weapons, bolts, and arrows. |
Malah |
She will heal you, refilling your Life, Mana and Stamina for free. She will also sell you armor, staves, wands, scepters, tomes, potions, keys, and scrolls. |
Nihlathak |
You can gamble with him. |
Qual-Kehk |
Hire Barbarians and resurrect mercenaries. |

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