Battle Mage Build
Fire Sorceress Guide
PvP Hydra Sorceress
Boltress Guide
Ideal Items for a Lightning Sorceress
Fran's Beginning Sorceress Strategy Guide
Sorceress Strategy
Building a Sorceress Guide
Sorceress Types Guide
General Strategies
Amazon Strategies
Assassin Strategies
Barbarian Strategies
Druid Strategies
Necromancer Strategies
Paladin Strategies
Sorceress Strategies
Sorceress Strategies
Fora bone-shattering Ice Sorceress, use these.
Warmth:1-5 (Id use about 2)
Blizzard:Get this baby MAXED! I've seen sorceress' do over 30k with it taking out most opponents in a single move.
IceBolt: Max it, you'll need the power added to Blizzard.
IceBlast: Use same way as Ice Bolt.
IceMastery: Max if can, Not sure if enough skill points.
FrozenOrb: NONE AT ALL. It gives no power to Blizzard, so what's the point?
For a Fireball that would make Diablo himself proud, follow this.
Warmth:Ah, nice choice. 1-5 (I recommend 3 or so,)
Firebolt:Max this fiery spell. Adds to Fireball as you guessed.
Fireball:Max it.
FireMastery: Max if can.
Ckmulderx |
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For a PvP Blizzard Sorceress: The Ideal Build
Skills: when you first start the game, put all points into Ice Bolt until you are level 7. at level 7, learn Ice Blast, and build that skill until level 18, where you put one point into glacial spike, and then one point into frost nova. from levels 19-23, put more points into ice bolt (this, for the meantime will be your primary attack). At level 24, learn Blizzard, and max Blizzard. Once Blizzard is maxed, max the other skills in this order: ice blast, Glacial spike, and Ice bolt. in between this process you will need one point in teleport and one point in warmth.
For stats: just enough strength to wear gear- around 100. No dexterity whatsoever. You need 1.5k Life, and mana should be enough to "spam" blizzard and Ice blast.
Equipment: Shako w/cold facet (+2 skills and adds life and mana)or Nightwing's, Veil(+2 skills and +%cold damage), Lidless Grim shield w/cold facet (+1 to skills, fcr), Death's Fathom(+3 to skills, +%cold dmg) or Occulus (+3 to skills, mf), Frostburn gauntlets (+40% max mana), Chains of honor(+2 to skills, 65 resist all) or Blizzard Ormus (+3 to
blizzard, +%cold skill dmg), +3 to cold skills amulet or Tal Rasha's (+2 to skills), Snowclash belt(+2 to blizzard, and other good mods.), 2 sojs(+1 to skills each, increase mana 25%), Boots: anything that increases mana or gives Magic find. (I use war travelers)
Inventory: try to keep 10 chilling grand charms (+1 to cold skills[sorceress only]) and +20 life scs
lvl 85 blizz sorc Stiflersaunt, lvl 74 ele druid Stiflersfather |
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ok heres my strategy for any sorc. ok the idea is fun, not to be god. STR. as everyone else says, just enough to wear your items. DEX. same as STR, just enough for items. ENERGY. heres the part most people say is stupid but its true, put in up to 50 pts. thats enough. VIT. the rest. i dont care what everyone else says. if your wearing frosties, sojs, and other stuff like that your gettin all the mana you need. youll need the life to survive in hell and in duels. the rest is up to you i dont care what kinda sorc you make theyre all fun to use, but hey im personally a necromancer. those stats should be used like that on every character though. dont listen to the idiots saying, "omg your a sorc you need energy" well i say screw that your wearing enough things to get your mana into the thousands as it is dang it. |
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ok well heres a lil easy strategy for a dueling cold orb sorce, u max ice bolt,frozen orb and cold mastery of course but a good way to keep your mana all the way up is 2 put your strength to about 35-40 get a fletch and sspurs and u will be able to use most of the good wepons if not u might need a little more strength and put your vitalty to about 100 or so and dont put any on dex put the rest on your energy and w/e skills u have left just put them on teleknesis trust me it helps a lot after u get hit with mana shield it wont hardly take any mana |
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MAX: fireball/firebolt/meteor/fire mastery
1POINT:energy shield/frozen armor/warmth/teleport/hydra
EQUIPMENT:shako/fireball ormus/echutas fire/spirit shield/ +3 fire skills ammy/sojs/spider/magefist/tearhaunch
STRATEGY: plant hydra, like 3 of them, and tele harshly and shoot fireball, the fireball will scare them into ur hydra which will do about 1/4 of there life. and then theywill hit ur fireball and die. |
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MAX:icebolt/orb/Cold mastery/lightning mastery, 1 point: tele/warmth/lightingstorm
equipment:this is only for cheap guys(if u rich u know what to use) OCCY/SHAKO/+2coldskillammy/lidless/quehegans/snowclash/2-10%castrings/magefist/anyboots
STRAT: you should do about 400-450 frozen orb, and all u do is tele around and shoot frozenorb a bunch a times and repeat. Your litestrom should do extra damage like 2000-3000k damage. so tele someone close to enemy and shoot frozen orb. |
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-For an mf bliz sorc u need max out bliz and all its synergies(bonuses) andthen cold mastery. Ur equip should be tals armor ammy and belt, p war travs, 2 p nagels/ splendor shield( has 5 less mf than rhyme but gives +1 all skills and mana regen also) p chancies, and isted occy , and p topaz shako. Stats are 95 str, 100 energy( u get a ton of mana regen so that’s all u need) and rest into vit. - mercenaries equip will be an act2 defensive with infinity( yes I know pricey but for -85 all resist to enemies its worth it, fort, and kiras helm. also u shud get gheeds, anni and many 7smfcs
- for a pvp sorc u need to max out ur skill in this order- bliz- glacial spike- ice blast, then ice bolt. For pvp u do not need ice mastery.all the rest of ur skills shud go into mana shield. Ur equip shud be p fathom wit cold facet, p nightwing wit cold facet, bliz ormus with again a cold facet, hmm shield shud be either spirit or 4os shield wit cold facets, gloves shud be magefist, 2( I know it adds fire skill but u need the fcr and and mana regen), belt is arach, and boots shud be either waterwalk or eth treks, 2 sojs, and maras. Stats should be- str- jus enuf to wear ur stuff, energy around 70- 80, if u want u can have sum into vex for blocking, no more than 75 tho, and rest into vit. - mercs equip shud be botd pike fort and vamp gaze - charms shud be 10x cold gcs wit life if u can, anni, and rest shud be +20 life scs. |
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While reading the strategies posted on this page, I noticed something missing: The Melee Enchantress. I won't pretend she's the best build out there, but it's just so much fun watching the look on a barb's face as you go in and hit Baal with Azurewrath. Anyway, the build:
SKILLS: FIRE Fire Bolt: 1, Warmth: 20, Fireball: 1, Enchant: 20, Fire Mastery: 20. COLD Frozen Armor: 20. LIGHTNING Charged Bolt: 1, Lightning: 1, Telekinesis: 1, Chain Lightning: 1, Teleport: 5, Energy Shield: 5, Static Field: Whatever's left. Fire skills are, of course, of paramount importance to the build, so work on maxing those as soon as possible. Don't worry about putting more than one point into Teleport or Static Field until much later, as they don't benefit much from additional skill points.
STATS: Strength: At least 200, Dexterity: At least 150, Vitality: At least 100, Energy: No more than 50
ITEMS: Your item list is going to look more like that of a barb than that of a sorc, so don't be surprised. My ideal final equipment list includes Azurewrath, Leviathan, a shield with Spirit, the String of Ears, the Rising Sun, two of Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, Gore Rider, the Steel Shade, and Steelrend; that should give you a decent idea of what to use along the way. It's especially important in Hell difficulty to use a weapon with elemental damage other than fire for those
pesky immunes.
NOTES: Remember, you're going to act more like a barb than a sorc. Don't worry; it's supposed to be that way. At the beginning (before level 18), you're going to suck. Just keep chugging, staying alive with Frozen Armor, killing stuff with Lightning, until you're tough enough to get in there and start slicing. Also, if you're looking for the ultimate in power,
look elsewhere, because that's not what the Melee Enchantress is about. I designed this build as a fun alternative to the endless monotony of Hydra Sorc, Orb Sorc, Orbstorm Sorc, Fireball Sorc, etc. And it's worth any amount of suckage just to watch your friends' faces as you go toe-to-toe with Diablo's minions in heated melee combat (no pun intended). She's not the best, but she's lots of fun, and, if you're looking for a less conventional sorc build, look no further, because the Melee Enchantress is nothing if not unconventional. |
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Alright, you all claim to be able to make the ultimate sorceress dada dada da, but yeah, sure, whatever. I'm not going to make that claim cause I know I'm not invincible or anything like that but I do rather nicely. If you really think about how the new patch has set things up with the synergies thing. I have a level 58 sorceress now and I don't even have a need for mana potions. The best thing to do is to max out Inferno, Warmth and Fire Mastery quick as you can. If at all possible try to obtain a staff, doesn't matter what kind, that has two sockets in it and already has +3 to Inferno and make it into a Leaf runeword to really boost up your skill levels. At current, my Inferno does near 4000 damage worth and is at level 31 because of the items I have to increase skill levels. It is quite nice to be able to burn most anything with a level 6 spell. A Level 6 spell people doing this much damage. For stats; Strength: just put enough to wear stuff and if need be add more later as more strength required items show up. Dexterity, well, its nice to be able to dodge stuff at times so put some points into this just to increase your defense a lil bit. Vitality: Work on this real nice to increase your life so if you do get hit you don't come to close to dieing. Energy: No more than 100. Once you've maxed out Warmth there won't be a need for mana potions as your mana recovery rate will of gottan so high that it goes up at the speed it would after drinking a mana potion.
I haven't really completed my Sorceress yet but yeah, I'm doing really nicely and will soon be working on maxing out Metor and possibly Hydra as well, not to sure yet but I will be thinking of it. If you like my stratagy then thats nice and if you don't like it well thats just to bad now isn't it?
~Thunder Ejjim |
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Blizz Sorc... This is the best way to make a pvp//pvm Blizzard sorc
SKILLS: Warmth(1) Cold mastery(Max) Ice Bolt (15) Ice blast (15) Glacial spike(max) Blizzard (max)
Teleport(1) Static field(1)
STATS: strength (enough to use stuff) Dex (none) Vitality (100) Rest into energy
If you get tal set your skills will automaticly be at 8 even if you only put 1 point into it . for MF get Tal set ....chancies....Mf sheild//lidless... travs .. mf rings (nagels) and you will have atleast 400mf and thats all you need for your mf. |
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This is my strategy for sorceresses, it may sound like a waste of skill pts but believe me: MAX TELEKENISIS. seriously, it will make the mana loss from Energy Shield almost nothing. Obviously you want to max it towords the later part of your lvls and concentrate on offense early on. lightning mastery/chain lightning/lightning (for lightning sorcs), and ice orb/cold mastery/ice bolt (for cold sorcs). all sorcs need 1 pt shiver armour/teleport/energy shild too btw. For items you really want to look for hit recovery, casting rate, skills and magic find.
Mercenary you want is normal/hell defensive merc, with 1st priority to deal damage and steal life. As far as a preference for what type of sorc goes (i dont like fire) if you are new and you are poor then use Frozen orb sorc and try get some magic find items and some skill boosting items. if you are rich (for example u have the tal set) then lightning is the way to go i think. far more usefull in hell because less enemys have light immuneity than cold (countess for example is fire/cold immune and shes the best place to go for runes). |
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Fire Ball Sorceress Strategy:
Skills- Max Fire Ball, Max Metior, Max Fire Bot, Max Fire Mastery, One into Energy Shield, The rest of your points go into Chilling Armor
Stats- Strength- No more then 80, Dexterity- Enough for atleast 60% chance to block, Vitality- All left over stat points, Energy- No more then 75
Gear- Chains of Honor, 20 Fire Skill Damage Eschuta (Put 5/5 fire facet in if possible), Shako (Um'd), Stormshield (Perfect Diamand or 5/5 fire faceted), Ethreal Sandstorm Treks, Arachnid Mesh, Magefists, Maras, Stone of Jordan and Bul-Kathos
To duel- Keep away from melee characters, some could kill you one hit (unless you used my strategy guide). Don't stay in one place for too long - just tele, shoot 2 or 3 at the opponent, tele again and repeat. For dueling other sorceress's make sure you tele very often and shoot randomly, you don't have much time to stay in one place for a while (same goes for PNB necro's and Ele druids). |
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I've read all of the tips around here, and many of them say to wear that armor, that weapon, those gloves... forget about it, the idea is to get fun, with wharever items you find along, so just play with your instincts. I have a level 62 sorcerer, and although she was my first character, i've managed to pass diablo II so far. I'm in hell diff, in act 3, and i'm ok against the odds. I have a goldskin and i've got the ward, and thanks to the other rare items I have, my resistances are at 75 all, with defence over 1K. I know i could get better items, but it's not that necessary. But I'm writting for the new ones with a sorc... for those, i advise to explore all three skill categories, they're all fun and profitable in the future. the skills that I advise to max are frozen orb and chilling armor for cold, thunder storm, nova and energy shield for lightning, hydra and meteor for fire... warmth, teleport and the masteries are important too, although teleport only needs one due to +1 skills items.these are the skills that I prefer, but if you want to do some changes, just feel free! The only thing that you must HAVE is a strategy AND stick to it. Don't copy, inovate. you should realise that it is impossible to master everything, so plan from the beggining, and in doubt, save the skill points for another time!!! And again, forget about wearing THAT item to be THAT good! I've defeated diablo in nightmare with NO uniques, just rare and magic items, so don't worry about that. thanks |
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hey ppl i got the ULTIMATE guide to lite sorc, mainly indefeatable, at least 4 me well 4 str put in all u need to wear ur stuff lik coh etc and about 50 to energy even thou most ppl say don put anythn in energy but hey its a sorc, put LOTS in life cause hammerdins' hammers r a pain.
equipment shako/griffon/or lite sorc circlet wif 5/5 die lite facet it them (die facet 4 duelers) armor coh 4 resitance enigma really wierd but if u want deffense, or valor wif 5/5 ltie facet also shield lidless wif 5/5 lite facet as usual belt spider rings soj gloves frostburn or 3 to lite skills glove ammy mara or 3 to lite skills ammy boots doesn't matter charms anni (perf if posible) 10 lite gcs
skills max out lite bolt chain charge bolt nova ts lite mastrey (if u can't max out ts then don bother)
duelin tricks tele lik crazy let ur ts hit (if maxed or very strong lik 3-4k) tele lik crazy avoidin their attacks let ts hit then go in 4 the kill just tele and tele and hit wif lite bolt of use telekisis to knock back or stun(ish) then ya ur mainly indeafable maybe better than me hehe~!! |
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Fire Wall/ Blizzard Sorceress
I was a little bored so i decided to write this strategy guide. First off this sorceress focuses on 2 skills, Fire Wall and Blizzard. She is also going to be focusing on a partial MFer. My sorceress is not done yet but she does massive damage.
First of all is skills- lvl 2- fire bolt, lvl 3- ice bolt, lvl 4- charged bolt, lvl 5- warmth, lvl 6- inferno, lvl 7- frost nova, lvl 8- telekinesis, lvl 9 to 11- ice blast, lvl 12- blaze, lvl 13- lightning, lvl 14- 17 ice blast, lvl 18- glacil spike, lvl 19- teleport, lvl 20 to 23- ice blast , lvl 24 to 44- blizzard, lvl 45 to 65- Fire Wall, lvl 66- cold mastery, lvl 67 to 87- fire mastery, lvl 88 to 91- ice blast, lvl 92 to 99- glacial spike
With the rest of your skill points from quests put it into glacial spike. When you are done your skills should look something like this without your equipment on. fire bolt- 1, , warmth- 1, inferno - 1, blaze- 1, fire wall- 20, fire mastery- 20, ice bolt - 1, frost nova- 1, ice blast- 15, glacial spike- 20, blizzard- 20, cold mastery- 1, charged bolt -1 , telekinesis- 1, lightning- 1, teleport- 1
This is the Equipment i wear. It adds to skills and gives me around a decent 300% MF. i will show you the skills these items add to and the Mf it adds to. Actual MF may vary as in some of the items it is ranged. For Example War Traveler boots can add 30-50. This is just my equipment and how much MF it has. Helm- Harlequin Crest w/ perfect topaz (+2 to all skills)(74 to MF). Armor- Skullder's Ire w/ perfect topaz (+1 to all skills)(24 to MF + 1.25 MF based on clvl.). Weapon- Oculus (+3 to all sorceress skills)(50 to MF). Sheild- Lidless Wall w/ Um rune (+1 to all skills). Belt- Goldwrap(40 to MF). Gloves- Chance Guards (40 to MF). Boots- War Traveler(50 to MF). Amulet- Tal Rasha's Adjudication. Ring- Nagelring(30 to MF). Ring- Stone Of Jordan
lvl 92 sorceress XhellsX_XfrostX account: jeff_and_hunter |
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If you want to make a kick ass MF sorc you should follow these following steps:
1. Stats -- Str - enough to wear your items, Dex - what do u need to hit? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, Vit - 100 - 120 , your energy shield will help compensate for your lower life, Energy - everything else
2. Skills -- Static Field - lvl 20 this will let you drop monsters life to half even if they are off of the screen and you cant see them, Firewall - lvl 20 this will be the quickest and best way to kill Mephisto, and if u have a MF sorc you will be killing Meph a whole lot, Blizzard - lvl 20 this cold spell allows you to damage things when doing hell baal runs, you could use frozen orb instead of blizzard if u felt like it, Fire Mastery - lvl 20 this will increase your max fir dam helping you kill Mephisto much more quickly
3. Items to look for -- Armor: Skulders Ire or Enigma, Gloves: Magefist or Frostburn, Boots: War Travelers, Rings: 2 x SOJ, Ammy: whatever u like, I have a Highlords ammy on, Weapon: Occulus , Shield: Lidless Wall, Helm: Shako
these items will give you sufficient MF to find many new and cool items. It is never a bad idea to use your socket quests to add IST runes to your items, these will increase your overall MF. Have fun with this stategy and Good luck
Lord Dazedpain |
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o.k. fire sorc's. This class of the sorceress is not for killing other people b/c if your against a cold sorc, she will own u. for a fire sorc, start of puttin a few point into inferno(no more than 5), warmth (around 5), fire burst(or whatever its called, just to get to others. i have maybe 9 into firewall(good for group baal runs. put points into meteor till lvl 30, then all into fire mastery, then meteor, then fireball, and firewall, and fire bolt. Use leaf staff(tirral) for +6 to some skills. |
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The ultimate scorc
The hardest part of any scorce is the beginning, try putting points ion to ice blast of fire ball when ur at lvl 12. they help a lot later ,next when u are at like 24 or so start to pour points into blizzard and meteor( when u duel u will own any1 who dares mess with u). next put all the points u can into the ice and flame mastery.
My lvl 84 scorce dose 2.3k blizzard dmg and 2.8 dmg with the might meteor .put a point into energy shield and teleport they will save time when u need to run( there is no shame in running when u play the scorce) melee fighting is for big Hairy barbarians and paladins with nothing better to do. With out a doubt u will be un-touchable .u will own a hell cow king in seconds. In my scorce the points are as follows: Strength-190, Dexterity-40, Vitality-100, Energy-320
I suggest the wizard spike for a weapon and gore rider boots with skullders amour. A rare shield(mine has none) and a shako and try to socket it with a rainbow faucet. |
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Strategy for a well rounded Sorc - Perfect for MF
Skills: Str -enough to wear all your items, Dex - 0 (dont put any into dex), Vit - 100, Energy - All the rest of your points
Once you level all the way up, you will be able to max out 4 different skills. Static Field (20) this will allow you to stand across the room and drop any enemies life to half quickly. Blizzard and Firewall (20). These are both powerful damage spells that will take care of most enemies. The last skill I maxed out was Fire Mastery (20) to max out my firewall damage. This will give you a powerful sorc that can do MF runs all day long without any trouble.
Dazedpain |
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Name: GG-BurntToAshes
Lvl 80 Fire Ball Sorceress ( Godly Pker )
My gear:: Fire faceted shako, Eschutas ( Fire faceted ) - ( 25% / -5% ) = Perfect, 28 maras, Lidless ( Fire faceted ) - ( 5% / -5% ), 844 def archon coh, Spider, 2x sojs, Imp Shanks , MageFists, 3 bo cta
Damage:: FireBall = 23k, Meteor = 48k
Theassasingirl4 |
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Fire Sorceress Diablo 2 LoD Ladder
I read some of the scorc strategy comments, and i dont know if they relate to the newest pach as of 2/2005. I have the best stratagy possable that i can see at the preasent time, thanks to all my friends for the info. The skills i used are as fallows: max Fire Bolt, max Meteor, max Fire Ball, and soon max fire mastery. in cold and light i have as fallowing: COLD, 1 in each of 3 Cold Armors skills, 1 in Ice Bolt, and Ice Blast (have to put 1 in each of the ice damage skills to get to all 3 cold armor spells). LIGHT, 1 in each -Telekenises, Teleport, and Energy Shield. 1 in each, chargedbolt, Lightning, and Chain Lightning (have to put 1 in each light damage skills to get teleport and energy shield. Optional is 1 in static field -good skill to have for bosses. At some point make sure you have at least 1 point in each fire skills, Warmth i only put 1 point in as well, but i have +10 skills with gear and soon +10 to fire skills with fire GCs. Which will give me a total of about 15k Fire Bolt, and 20-25k Meteor. Last thing you MUST do is to get a merc, i perfer the act 2 merc. the equepment i am putting on him consists of, Insight, Gaze, with a perfect Diamond, and eth uped Shafters will give me about the best results without going crazy. Thats all I got for fire scorc.
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these ppl dont know wat there talkin about.there are different types of sorcs ment 4 dueling and mf.If u wana make a mf sorc go with a blizz stratagy which is max blizz and all its synergys then put 1 in tele and 1 in warmth.for gear wear skullders,maras,gull dager,shako with ptopaz in it,wartrav,uped gold wrap,and a good splendor(runeword gives 1 to all skills and 20 mf not very good for def but ur makin a mf sorc not a dueler),2 prf nagels,and have a gheeds charm(u can get single,non ladder,and ladder). this stuff gives me 500 mf easy.for stats put strength up to 100 dex none put energy up to 160 vit the rest.for a dueler u want a fire sorc for they cause the most dmg.for skills max fire bolt,fire ball,meteor,and fire mastery. that should give u about 6k fb without any thin on.for gear us fire ormus with a 5/5 fire faccet, get a 20% fire eschuta(uniqe sorc orb)with a 5/5 fire faccet in it,a delereum,3 fire skill ammy or maras wat every u perfer, get a spirit if ladder if not get a lidless with another fire faccet,for boots i use wartrav but if u find somthin better use it,2 bul-kathos,trang gloves and belt(18 to fire ball)and thats about it. this stuff should give u about a 20k fire ball if not more. happy killing |
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Hi everyone i'm just goona tell u how to make a nice mf sorc.To be an mf sorc you will want to be cold, fire sucks for mf.for skills do blizzard, and synergies (bonuses) and put 1 into tele, 1 energy shield,and 1 into thunder storm.Then put rest of your points into lighting mastery.The reson for the thunder storm is to help against those cold immunes.For stats do around 200-250 energy, 40 dex, only enough strenth to wear gear(so like around 90-100) , and rest into vitality. Gear:wear shako,good mf ammy,nagelet rings,occulas,skulder or particial tals(armor,belt,mask)war travs,chance guards, and try to ist everything if you are rich.I have a lvl 81 sorc and she kills hell easy.
Frosty_freezy(cheese_wiggle) |
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To make a good sorc u want a cold sorc.In the beging u want to put 3-5 into warmth and max ice blast, blizzard,and ice mastrey and glacier spike.U want to wear nigma (runes, jah,ith,ber) (Armor) snow clash its good for blizz ( belt) ur boots dont really matter u want lidless or ss ( shield) u want hoto or wizspike for ur weapon (hoto runes,vex.hel,el,eld,zod,eth)u need a 6 stock good fail for hoto u need 1 soj and raven frost ( rings) . |
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Lightning Sorc
Skills" 1 to Teleport, 10 to Charged Bolt, 10 to Lightning, 20 to Chain Lightning, 20 to Lightning Master, 10 to Nova, Other skills in to Teleport, Nova or Charged Bolt.
Items: Chain Lightning Ormus, War Traveler Boots, Oculus, Lidless Shield, Shako, 2 SOJ rings, Chance Guards Gloves. Optional: Highlord Amulet, Storm Shield |
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I think that is saw enough noob strategies. just max out frozen orb cold mast and ice bolt. 1 lvl in shiver arm and 5 in energy shield. for stats: st: enough to wear all your stuff dex: not much, ener: about 100-125 vit: all the rest. for stuff: perf death fantom, lidless um shako um chains of honor, maras, 2x soj, magefist, wt, and arach, then anni and cold skillers, and if you want to max res a few 5% all res sc.thats all, and if you are a rich player put a 5/5 cold facet in your df. as 2nd skill you should use fire, just put 1 lvl in the fire chain (fire bolt, blast, meteor, mast) and let your stuff add about 13-14 lvls you can add a few skills becouse you will have enough, as 2nd weapon a +3 fire blast leaf. now only 1 point into tele and static field and your sorc is READY FOR BATTLE!! this sorc can a whole group of monsters on hell worldstone with 1 fo. SHE ROCKS
lvl 82 fo sorc |
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this is a NEW strategy for a fire sorceress, please, if you don't like my strategy, remember, I didn't make you try out his strategy, ok, first off, Levels 1-6 work on warmth, at level 6-12 work on inferno, at level 12 put 1 point into blaze, at level 12-18 work on warmth again, at level 18-23 work on inferno again, at level 23 put 1 point into fire ball, at this rate you should have a level 12 warmth, and a level 12 inferno, at level 24 put 1 point into meteor, at level 24-30 work on inferno again, at level 30-50 max out fire mastery, at level 50-70 work on meteor, after that then max out warmth and inferno, now you should be at level 75, now go to lightning skills and put 1 point into telekinesis and 1 point into teleport, now you have a VERY powerful meteor AFDPS (average fire damage per second) GOOD LUCK ON THIS SORCERESS! C YA'LL LATER
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Building a Cold Mf sorc:
Start building a cold mf sorc/ we use the skill Blizzard. As soon as the next level req skills gets open try to max the skill till the next skill gets open. Once you have reached level 24 its quit easy to level because you got such a good blizzard… When you reach level 25 you should start maxxxing skills from blizzard to all the lower synergies. Your outfit should contain for instance: Viper level 29/ Lore helm level 27/ 3 cold amu level 42/ Goldwrap/ Nagelrings/ Wartravelers much strength req. / frostburn / a rare staff (2 cold skills or something like that) XXX When you reach the level of 62 you can take your shako and topaz or ist it. Some 5/6/7 mf sc in the inventory and your mf sorc is finished… MAKE sure you take a Mercenary at act2 nightmare or hell… they kick ass. The best with the uniq Ogre Axe/skullders and crown of thieves. If you want to get nasty you give your sorc a Nightwing and a Death Fanthom. I rather take a hell act 2 mercenary defense because they have the defence aura equipped. My 85 sorc has a 5k blizzard Call to arms for life mana and skills and a hell act2 defense merc with botd cryptic axe and skullders for my defense. For skills put 3 or four skills in warmth and a few in static field. Take around 100 strengt for wt’s, no points in dext, 175 in vitality and rest in energy. |
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Build up with your +1 fire staff untill you have enough to buy a decent ice staff. Look for a +3 ice bolt AND a +3 frost nova. Equipt both youll see 'em alot as you get to lvl 5-7. Put a skill point in ice bolt, ice blast, frost nova, and warmth. Put half your stat points into energy enough into str so you can wear leather armor and the rest into vit. Use your lvl 4 ice bolt/frost nova (they will be lvl 4 because of the +3 staves) to lvl your way to 12-13 this shouldnt be that dificult. Now I recomend partying to lvl up to 18-24 at this point as it might get dificult with only a lvl 4 icebolt and a lvl 4 frost nova. Once at 19 put 2 skill points in glacial spike and set it as your rick click attack. you'll notice a huge power boost in how well you kill things. Put stat points into energy untill its around 120 at this point and put a crap load in your vit, keep about 20 extra though in case you find some good armor. Lvl up untill you reach lvl 24 and put a point in bliz. Try to find weps that have + 1-3 in bliz AND glacial spike. if you cant, get one with +1-3 for glacial, and get another with 1-3 in bliz. Use these as your primary attacks untill you get to lvl 30 then replace glacial spike with frozen orb. Now that your at lvl 30-33 put as many point as you can into frozen orb and bliz. Put about 6 points total into warmth, one into frozen armor, and get teleport. Stat points should have around +/-160 in energy, about 57 in strength, and the remainder pumped into your vit. Dexterity? Bah we don't need no stinkin dexterity! Build up Frozen orb and bliz untill they are maxed then build up ice bolt. You're going to have problems with immunes, but I didn't say that this was a perfect sorc, I said it was a good ice sorc, and it is. With the proper equipment you should be able do do just about anything, rush, MF, PvP even. Though there are betetr sorcs for Pvp I find this works very well for Mfing and game play in general. As far as equipment goes look it up you can figure out what equipment best suits your needs. After you've completed this MF/general sorc you can now move on to complete the 'Perfect" sorc. |
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ice sorceress giude. ok get warmth up to 20 then 1 in ice bolt one in ice blast 1 in glacie spike and then put youre points in to blizzard til 30. then max cold mastery and then max ice orb. go back and max the rest for synergies.good luck creating the ultomate sorc. |
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how to make a kick butt cold sorc
First, ill talk about the stats/skills. Never put more than 200 in energy no matter what! i put about 160. for str put 97 (war travs) and dex do 38. The rest goes in vit cuz sorc need lots of health. Skills r easy. max blizz and ice blast, also put 1 in shiver armor and en sheild if u want. (sum people say its a waste but i like the defence). put about 6 in warmth cuz u need the extra skills, then put the rest in ice bolt and glacial spike and cold mastery. For equipment you can do 1 of 3 good ways. Let boots always be war travs. You can choose Mf gear, full tals, partial tals, or damage. Mf is like the old gear. Skullders, shako, goldwrap, chance, 2 nagels, rhyme, and ist occy/ double ist ali baba. For full tals, all of the tals and either 2 nagels, 2 sojs, or a mix (the rest is up 2 u). Partial tals works the best. Wear the ammy, armor, and belt, then wear shako, occy, diamond lidless, chance, and either 2 nagels or 2 sojs. For the damage, you have to be very carefull cuz u sacrifice defence for high damage. You wear ormus for armor (perfect with blizz) socketed with a cfacet (cold facet). Wear shako with cfacet, lidless with cfacet, and occy with cfacet. Snowclash for belt, 2 sojs, maras ammy, glaves and boots you can wear anything u want. Also a good tip: instead of teleporting by switching skills, have a wizardspike (or spectral shard if u dun have enough dex) and a good cast rate sheild on you 2nd weapon and keep the skill as tele so u can tele real quick :D. If u dun understand allota this stuff then just kinda listen to people in rooms and try to catch on. Find out what u want your sorc to be (mf / killer / whatever) then get gear according to your sorc.
-xXBlack_AngelXx lvl 91 sorc -Better_Hammer lvl 86 hammerdin -Gothic_Raven lvl 87 bowazon |
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The realm was down so decided to do this fire sorc stratagy. 4 my fire sorc i eccepted the fact that theres always gonna be immunes so i went with just fire a good merc well kill the immunes anyway. I maxed fire bolt fire ball meteor and fire mastery the i put 1 to tele 1 teleknenisis and 1 to ststic field ( yes only 1 all skills put it up and it does 25% at lv 1 so y max it). i went with mf items and killed andy a zillion times in hell its easy with fire srocs cuz andys fire res is -50%. then i used 3 to fire ammy 1 soj 1 bk ring, shako, fire ball ormus with 5/5 fire facet, p eschutas temper with 5/5 fire facet, lidless shield w/ p diamond, mage fist, arachnids, and a good faster run/walk boots 4 speed, and 10 fire skill gcs and 1 anni charm. with that i have 20k+ fire ball and 30k+ meteor. im gonna do a guide to 800+ mf later.
Firegod_Babe lv 84. USWest Ladder |
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Ok this is my third strategy. This is the "ownage sorc." Every one on this page is a noob. There is no such thing as a sorc that owns. It just doesnt exist, but if u choose to ignore me den at least folow my owning pvp strategy. Ok MAX Charged Bolts, lightning, lightning mastery, and ts. Put 1 point in Teles and allll preresquite skils. For gear get a Hoto(wep), Coh(arm), lidless(shield), Shako(helm), maras (ammy), arach(belt), raven(ring), soj(ring), magefists(gloves), idk bout boots but i have infernostrides. Hoto is good for res, fcr, +3to skils (ko+vex+pul+thul). Coh is good for the +2toskils, and res (dol+um+ber+ist). lidless good for da +1 to skils, fcr n al dat mana crap. shako is for da +life n mana and +2toskils. maras for +2 n res. arach for fcr n +1. raven for cold absorb n da cant b frozen. soj has da mana crap n +1. mage for fcr. put um in shako n lidless.
Now for attributes distribution...enuf strength 4 gear, no dex, rest in vit, no nrg.
When dueling YOu just tele around the guy while ts hits him then start lightning. The lightning should be pretty fast from the fcr, dats pretty much it. This is the best dueling sorc cept for mayb bliz but der so overused. THis strategy wil pretty much own al sorcs...but ul have no chance agaisnt my ownage nec. |
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I have read the only a few of the Sorceress strategies and templates and I do not care for any of them, they all seem a bit "over the hill". So I thought I would give anyone who checks for strategies and update.
Fire Sorc (MF):
Attributes: Strength - 80-100 , Dexterity - none, Energy - 45-65 (whichever you are more comfortable with), Put the rest into Vitality. The strength allows you to use certain items that may not be set items but useful none the less. Energy is not a necessity because you can now buy mana potions from NPCs and they should keep your mana full.
Skills: Put your first point into Fire Bolt, and enough points for substantial damage, and then work on the following
|-level-| skill, |-1-| Fire Bolt, |-2-| Frozen Armor, |-3-| Fire Bolt, |-4-| Warmth , |-5-| Fire Bolt, |-6-| Fire Bolt, |-7-| Fire Bolt, |-8-| Fire Bolt, |-9-| Static Field, |10| Fire Bolt, |11| Telekenesis, |12| Fireball, |13| Fireball , |14| Fireball , |15| Fireball, |16| Fireball, |17| Fireball, |18| Teleport, |19| Fireball, |20| Fire Bolt, |22| Fire Bolt, |23| Fireball, |24| Meteor
(13-17 and 19-23 can alternate between Fire Ball and Fire Bolt, this saves you from raising mana cost so early for Fire Ball and gives it 16% more damage.)
From 24-30 Alternate between Meteor and Fireball, at 30 get Fire Mastery, and continue raising Meteor and Fireball, at this point if you feel your mana is too low you have the choice to trade vitality for mana (you should have 95 strength and whichever energy level you picked by 30+, leaving you to raise vitality each level). Max Out Fireball and Meteor, work on Fire Mastery, and then work on Fire Bolt. (If you have any credits left which is doubtful, but possible, spend it on Inferno to raise the average fire damage done with Meteor).
Items: There are various magic find items that will work for sorceresses, this is really up to you and your mules (or skill at finding uniques). The most important item for a Fire Sorc is the Leaf, combine a Tir + Ral (in that order) to a double socketed Staff only (no orbs). I recommend finding a Staff that has bonuses like a shield. I used a "Leaf" War Staff with +3 Chilling Armor for awhile, and it helps a lot vs monsters.
Monsters with Immunities: You will often find Monsters that are immune to fire, and you can't really use Telekensis over and over to kill them. The best solution is to get an Act II Mercenary (I prefer Combat - with Prayer for healing) and equip him with resistances and a good four socketed spear with some sort of cold damage on it. I prefer a NM Defense Mercenary from Act II, he does Holy Freeze and this helps a lot with mobs.
I hope this helped someone, or atleast opened their eyes to the "awesomeness" of Fire Sorcs......All around I believe the Fire Sorc is one of if not the best magic find template, but that is just my opinion. |
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Alright, Ive never actually gotten a sorc past level 60, (my computer broke down) but i do know what im talking about. It depends whether you want to be an all around sorc, or a simple pk sorc. Ill start with all around.. what you want to do is start by putting one into ice bolt and 5(akaras skill included) into firebolt. At level six put just one into static field(simply for helping you kill the harder bosses of the game 25% dmg is really good for a couple of hits on baal or diablo hell mode) you dont have to do this, but i did and i found it helped. For the rest of your skills up to level thirty put one on the pre-reqs for fo and then put the rest on firebolt until you reach level 12, and thats when you start maxing out fireball. At around level 22 i started saving skill points for when i hit level thirty, you dont have to do this, but i found it helped tremendously. at level thirty put one into fo, cold mastery, and fire mastery, and one into fireball. Do this for as long as you can (izzys skills help) and then start alternating. In the end you should have fo fireball, and both ice and fire masterys maxed out. This is when you start building more on the synergies (ice bolt, fire bolt which you already should have 10 or so on, and then meteor if you have enough skills) For items tals set, magefist, war travelor (for the magic find, you could also use just a good defence boots and run/walk sppeed if you wanted) and for the sheild either lidless wall, and if you cant get it use viscerataunt (not that great defense but has + to sorc skills) For Stats forget dex...put 2 vit 3 energy and as much strength as you need for the items (charms help boost this) annihilus always helps but is super rare....well thats my all around sorc strategy. P.s warmth always helps for boosting mana
For Pk sorcs, go fire, lots and lots of dmg....max out firebolt, fireball, meteor, fire mastery and warmth stats...vit and mana all the way and again only as much strenght (and dex) as you need for your items. For items go +skills!!! Arkaines valor...occy....+skills helm like sazabis....whatever boots....lidless or viscerataunt for sheilds...tals ammy (or if you can find a +3 to fire skills ammy) and last but not least the killer trangs gloves and belt combo...+18 to fireball...if you have all these items your fireball should be at level 50 exactly (or around there) you will also have 30+ synergies...all in all your fireball should deal a good amount over 10k....goodbye other chars....but watch out dont get killed yourself
SHAELMISTRA *Jarlaxle1023 level 45 sorc useast |
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8 failed sorcs led me to this kind, she does it all; rushes, in hell even; mfs; and baals.
The easiest kind of sorc to make is a Bliz, all you have to do is follow the synergies. They have high dmg and are good for mfing, Meph and Andy are no contest. Not the greatest for pk but it still works if you bliz where your oponent is going to be. Start by maxing Ice Blast till you get to Blizzard, max it. Max Ice Blast then Glacial Spike then Ice Bolt, you should be lvl 70 or so by then, put 5 in Warmth if you have mana trouble, 1 in tele and static(it helps so much) and one in each of the cold armors, chilling armor is usually the best, though shiver armor is great for pk when the oponent is a melee and doesn't have "cannot be frozen."
Ice Blast does more dmg and takes less mana than Glacial Spike so i recommend that, even though GS freezes more targets. Ice Blast on left and Bliz on right.
Your stats all depend on what you plan to wear later, Tal Rasha is a good temporary choice and good for mfing, you need the res for that, use Rhyme shield because it has mf and cannot be frozen, then you don't have to wear a Raven Frost. Nagels and Chancies and ptopazes in helm and armor. For a more dmging Bliz that's good for pk, go with Death's Fathom, Nightwing, Bliz Ormus, Snowclash, 2 Sojs, Frosties, a +3 cold skills ammy, a 3 soc Headhunter's Glory shield and cold facets in everything, oh and War Travs or Waterwalks. that gets the dmg up to 10k maybe more if you have perf everything, don't forget the cold gcs and res scs, you'll need them.
For the Tal you don't need more than 95 str, for the other you need 110. 0 dex and about 100 in mana and the rest goes to life, by lvl 85 you should have 1000-1300 life depending on your items and charms. Keep adding into life... I guess that's about it.
Don't forget to make a merc, act 2 nightmare offensive, that will give him the might aura, you don't need any more dmg and he does to kill those cold immunes. Give him eth Stone, eth Bone Hew or eth Tomb Reaver, and eth Vamp Gaze or maybe eth Delerium. If you're rich give him an eth Botd ghost spear.
Danor - 88 nonladder Bliz with all the cold items and facets - 10k dmg Laedian - 89 ladder Bliz with Tal - 5k dmg |
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Perfect fire sorc.............ok heres wuts up
For gear ur gunna need 3 skill good fire % eschutas, lidless, arach, fireball or meteor ormus, with good fire %, any boots with 40% run/walk (sanders, aldurs, nats), shako, 2 sojs, either 3 fire skill ammy or good res maras, magefists VERY IMPORTANT: u gotta fire facet everything u can (yer shako ur ormus ur eschutas and yer lidless) and also u need charms, my sorc has 10 fire gcs, all with life, and anni
Skills is incredibly simple max the main fire chain, which is firebolt fireball meteor and fire mastery, after uve done this ull be near lvl 80, then put any spare points into warmth and tele( putting 1 or 2 into tele earlier for baal is ok too)
To take care of those tough fire immunes in hell, dont worry about anything other then fire skills. All u need is a tuff merc, preferably an act 2 merc, with eth stone, gaze works well, and go for like an ariocs or bonehew
u listen to me and not the noobs below me, and ull have yerself both a pker and a rusher. good luck, have fun
*lunarus@useast |
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This is probably a very unheard of strategy but also affective...if you want to be a fire sorc then fireball is probably the way to go..and while you want to max out fireball firebolt meteor and fire mastery you also want to get these two key items....trangouls gloves and belt...while they are good on there own (regen mana and such) with two set items you get a +18 bonus to fireballand if youve maxed out fireball...and also have a couple nice +skills items you should have it at at least (the very minimum) 25...with these two items it will boost it to 43 which is a pretty high level and with maxed out synergies and fire mastery...it should do some pretty hefty dmg... thats my strategy and i hope you liked it. |
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Alright... youve decided to play as a Cold Sorceress. Good Choice.
It can be difficult for a Sorceress to be successful... its debatable that she is the hardest character in the game to play. I disagree with this.. I think the Barbarian and Paladin are harder... but thats just my opinion.
Warmth is very important here. By level 30, almost half of your skill points should be to Warmth. Level 19 should be the end of Early Game.
Level 2- Warmth, Level 3- Frozen Armor , Akaras Skill- Ice Bolt, Level 4- Warmth, Level 5- Static Field, Level 6- Ice Blast , Level 7- Static Field, Level 8- Warmth , Level 9- Warmth , Level 10- Static Field, Level 11- Static Field, Level 12- Shiver Armor, Level 13- Warmth , Level 14- Warmth, Level 15- Static Field, Level 16- Static Field, Level 17- Warmth, Level 18- Glacial Spike, Level 19- Glacial Spike
Ok by now you should have completed 3 quests in Act II.
Mid Game is for Glacial Spike... the Powerhouse of Normal Mode. You should be at Level 24-27 ( I was at 26)
Level 20- Glacial Spike, Level 21- Warmth, Level 22- Glacial Spike, Level 23- Warmth , Level 24- Static Field, Level 25- Blizzard , Level 26- Warmth, Level 27- Warmth, Level 28- Warmth, Level 29- Warmth, Level 30- Warmth You should get a couple other skills along the way. I cant remember them, but I think there is three. Use one on Chilling Armor, one on Cold Mastery, and another to either Warmth or Static Field.
DcLilShortboy |
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Ok...I usually come here when I am wondering what skills to put into what when I get confused. After looking at most of the strategies in here I figured...hell I'll join in and make one of my own. #1 rule of this game is to have fun and make whatever kind of sorc. u want to. I'm just here to give out some ideas.
For SKILLS: I maxed out FIREBALL, METEOR, and almost firebolt. My FIREBALL does about 5.5k and my METEOR does about 11.2k. When you look at my number of points I have into my maxed fireball it would normally say 20...but I have items that give me +1 or more to my skills, leaving me w/ 32 instead of 20. Here is a HUGE HUGE tip for a sorc. DON'T PUT ALL SKILLS INTO ONE ELEMENT unless you have a very high and effective merc.(act 2 hellm mode type:defense is best for a sorc.) I see alot of ppl saying thunderstorm. My friend uses ts so I figured I'll try out something new and came up w/ blizzard. I haven't put one point into blizzard yet, so if it doesn't work out then I will try frozen orb(or ice orb whatever u want to call it, lol)
For EQUIPMENT: I use shako, occy, I think its called viper of the magi armor(gives +1 to all skills), lidless wall shield, magefist gloves, 2 sojs, crappy belt, a ammy that gives +2 to fire skills(tals ammy will work just fine also), and nat. boots(only good ones I had) .
That wraps it up for me...if u have any questions I play on Non-Ladder.
Hell-Princess lvl 66 fire/cold sorc. NON-LADDER |
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all of u ppl r noobs all u hav to do is mak a friend rushu to baal and get max frzoen orb and cold masterie. for nm just get to baal and max out a nice lil skill called hydra it does massive dmg especialy with fire masterie.then put rest of ur stat pts into warmth and u never run out of mana. if u still hav extra pts put in teleport very useful to get awya from those fu**ing cows. for stats do 2 vit and 3 energy all the way to lvl 57 from then put ur pts in str until u hav enough to use tal set and then just ceep putting pts like from lvl 1 2 to vit and 3 to energy and u got a kick @$$ sorc.
mastersorc lvl 99 europe |
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When using a sorceress make sure u pick fire for your class of elemental magic. When u get your sorceress created add 1 skill to every fire skill exept enchant and hydra. There are only three sorceress skills a fire sorceress needs to work on and max out and they are fire ball, meteor, and fire mastery.After you have maxed all those skills out you should consider working on cold spells or fire synergies(skills such as fire bold that add extra damage to your better fire skills).
You must remember to get at least n1 skill poin to teleport though because that is an important skill for any sorceress, and u should try to learn it whenever you can .
When you want to increase your sorceress's atrabutes add all of them to energy until it reaches at least 70 points. Now you must work on all other atrabutes but make sure you keep your energy 30 points above all the others.
Now all u need are the armors and wepons. With a sorceress try to use basic items until lvl 19 then try to get your hands on a leaf staff wich is a runeword staff. To make a leaf staff first you'll need a comman 2 socket staff of any sort then sochet it with a Tir rune and Ral rune in that order and that will help you thru lvl 30. Now when your lvl 30 you must work on geting a hexfire shamshir a good shield sum good armor the tals ammy if you can and your set.
This stradegy should give you the perfect fire sorceress that can do up to 100000 damage with fire ball be prepared for all to bow down to you. |
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first of all to make a pk sorc u need maxed ts, maxed lightning mastery, maxed orb and maxed cold mastery after u have done this u should be about lvl 75-80 am i right? if u get to a higher lvl put the rest on something useful like tele or warmth for ur stats u can put vitality allot and str a bit and 60% on energy!
second to make a mf sorc u need to max orb and cold mastery and maybe some skills to bak it up for ur stats most of it on vitality and energy about 80 str! |
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i have played over 6 sorceress, with different combos, so i am quite avare of what im talking about. First of all, you need to choose what type of sorc to create. MF, Cowkiller or PK.
We start with the MF: Have alots of mana, like 65% of ya skillpoints should be energy, the rest, strength and vitality. In the very beginning, find socketed stuff and add topaz in them. (i did) until you find good stuff like skullder's (i use), changeguard, oculus etc.... Skillpoints; should be a few points in Coldmastery and MAX frozenorb. go mephisto hell/nightmare and if ya want pindleskin, but then you need nova maxed lightning mastery too.
PK: Well, in my opinon the sorc is the very best PK char in d2. You cant survive an TS from an lvl90+ pksorc or a nova. Use stuff like Vipermagi, oculus/wizardpike, lideless, shako, soj and +2-3 sorc skill lvls ammy. MAx out Nova/ts/shield/chilling. High level on skills like: orb, Hydra, all3 masterys. Orbing can be good to slow and kill barbs, chilarmor adds defense and freezes enemys, hydra is a perfect camper outside town. With a max Hydra-firemastery you get another type of pksorc-more reccomended to sorc-vs-meleecharacters. You need alot of mana 4 teleporting and NOVA eats mana as hell! 75%minimum mana of ya skillpoints, rest str but dont forget dex, if ya wanna be an dueller, cuz wizardspike requires 75dex!
And now, the funniest part! A description how to kill all races;
Amazon; this can be a great problem! Teleport alot to avoid guided arrows and then orb them to death, your ts will take damage. No nova this time
Barbarian; dont let them hit ya, their whirlwinds will killl ya in 1 hit! but your ts will kill them fast. Slow them down with FO, and then nova them to death!
Paladins; FOH pallys (Fist of heavens) Can be one of ya worste enemy! those fists are 100% accurate, and if he casts 1 fist at you, youre DEAD. Kill them fast, teleport alot to confuse. then ts/nova to death. zealots shouldnt be a problem. Kill them as barbs =)
Necromancers; lol! i've only duelled vs necros 3 times ! i dont need to write an strategy about them! lol
Druids; shapeshifters werewolves can be very fast! kill them as you kill barbs/pallys.
Assassins; trap assassins is dangerous! their lightning/fire kills you. Avoid the traps and kill the assassin. Dont care about the shadow warrior! as you shouldnt care about valkyries.
SORCERESSES; orb, orb. The sorceresses hasnt high hitpoints. But that means that the sorceresses TS will kill ya too very fast! but an orb will slow the sorc and kill it with a bit of luck. Nova can be deadly too, and let us hope that ya ts is faster than the sorceresses ts Duel, kill cows! oh i forgot! the cow strategy, Max FW and mastery! very simple. Duel, kill cows and Have Fun!
Dark_undead lvl 74 mf sorc (orb lvl26, mastery lvl22), lvl 76 maul barb (1400-2100 damage), lvl 75 bowazon (600-1800 damage), lvl 71 zealadin (800-1200 damage) |
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Click here to read previously posted Sorceress strategies |

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