Key to Resistances |
C - Cold |
D - Damage |
F - Fire |
L - Lightning |
M - Magic |
P - Poison |

Uber Diablo |
MonsterLevel | 110 |
Experience | 5539200 |
Hit Points | 642700 |
Melee Attack 1 | 130-247 |
Attack Rating 1 | 14043 |
Melee Attack 2 | 143-299 |
Attack Rating 2 | 13064 |
Defense | 2940 |
% to Block | 50 |
Damage Resistance | 50% |
Magic Resistance | 50% |
Fire Resistance | 95% |
Cold Resistance | 95% |
Lightning Resistance | 95% |
Poison Resistance | 95% |
Uber Diablo is much stronger than Diablo. He only appears in Hell Difficulty games on the battle.net realms, after a certain number of Stones of Jordan have been sold to the merchants in town. He can appear in any act or location in the game, and just before he appears, your screen will shake and you will see the words "Diablo walks the earth" appear on your screen.
Players who have encountered him recommend that you have full Lightning and Fire Resistance, Physical Damage Reduction, and Fire or Lightning Absorption.
Diablo may cast Bone Prison around you or your hirelings or your Town Portals. His Red Lightning Attack results in half physical, half lightning damage. He has much higher Life, Resistances, and more powerful attacks than the Diablo you will find in Act IV. He also
has the ability to cast his own version of Armageddon.
Uber Diablo uses these attacks: Fire Nova, Chaos Lightning, Cold Touch, Fire Wall, Firestorm, Bone Prison, Charge, Taunt, Armageddon.
Uber Diablo is the only monster that can drop the Annihilus Charm. |

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